Araceli Maritza Dávila Macías
Universidad de Guayaquil, Ecuador
Diego Omar Armijos Solano
Universidad Técnica de Machala, Ecuador
Laura María Palma Perero
Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena, Ecuador
Julio Andres Roca Panimboza
Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena, Ecuador
Cristhian Joel Lucas Soledispa
Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas, ESPE, Ecuador
pág. 3826
The Potential of Artificial Intelligence to Improve Speaking Skills in a
Second Language (English) Fluently
Araceli Maritza Dávila Macías1
Universidad de Guayaquil
Diego Omar Armijos Solano
Universidad Técnica de Machala
Laura María Palma Perero
Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena
Julio Andres Roca Panimboza
Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena
Cristhian Joel Lucas Soledispa
Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas, ESPE.
This article aims to offer insight into the development of artificial intelligence (AI) and its
influence on improving second language learning, with a specific emphasis on English. Through
extensive research, several studies were examined that demonstrated the effectiveness of artificial
intelligence in improving oral fluency in language learners. The study also investigated the effects
of integrating artificial intelligence into language learning, taking into account aspects such as
technology capacity, data protection, and equity in language education opportunities. It also
examines the ethical complexities of using artificial intelligence in language teaching,
highlighting the relevance of a balanced approach that maximizes the advantages of the
technology and minimizes potential difficulties. This article provides a thorough analysis of the
influence of artificial intelligence on the development of skills to speak a second language,
providing valuable information for educators, researchers, and practitioners in the field of
language teaching.
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Oral skills, Second language, English, Fluency, Access to
Autor principal
pág. 3827
El Potencial de la Inteligencia Artificial para Mejorar las Habilidades
de Expresión Oral en una Segunda Sengua (Inglés) con Fluidez
El propósito de este artículo es ofrecer una perspectiva del desarrollo de la inteligencia artificial
(IA) y su influencia en la mejora en el aprendizaje de una segunda lengua con énfasis en el inglés.
A través de una exhaustiva investigación, se examinaron diversos estudios que han demostrado
la eficacia de la inteligencia artificial para mejorar la fluidez oral en estudiantes de idiomas.
Asimismo, el estudio examinó los efectos de la integración de la Inteligencia Artificial en el
aprendizaje de idiomas, considerando aspectos como el acceso a la tecnología, la protección de
datos y la equidad en las oportunidades de educación de idiomas. Asimismo, se examina las
complejidades éticas del empleo de la Inteligencia Artificial en la enseñanza de idiomas,
destacando la relevancia de un enfoque equilibrado que maximice las ventajas de la tecnología y
minimize posibles dificultades. Este artículo proporciona un análisis minucioso de la influencia
de la Inteligencia Artificial en el desarrollo de las habilidades para hablar fluídamente una
segunda lengua, proporcionando información valiosa para educadores, investigadores y
profesionales en el ámbito de la enseñanza de idiomas.
Palabras clave: Inteligencia Artificial, Expresión oral, Segunda lengua, Inglés, Fluidez, Acceso
a la educación
Artículo recibido 24 abril 2024
Aceptado para publicación: 27 mayo 2024
pág. 3828
Mastering communication skills in a foreign language (in this case, English) continues to be a
considerable challenge for many students. In this context, artificial intelligence (AI) today
presents a variety of tools with great potential to optimize fluency and accuracy in speech. This
paper examines the capabilities of artificial intelligence in this area and its influence on education
and second language learning.
Recent research has shown the effectiveness of artificial intelligence tools in reinforcing speaking
skills in a second language. According to a study by Smith and Johnson (2022), students who
used a speech recognition system experienced remarkable gains in their pronunciation and oral
fluency compared to those who did not. According to García et al. (2023), students who
participated in conversational activities using a chatbot increased their confidence and ability to
maintain dialogues in English fluently.
In this literature review, we will review the potential of artificial intelligence to boost second
language skills, with a particular focus on learning English. It will expose how various AI
implementations, such as intelligent tutoring systems, digital assistants, and adaptive learning
platforms, are revolutionizing the process of acquiring language skills. We will also analyze
relevant research and studies, highlighting AI's advantages, obstacles, and constraints in language
teaching and learning. As technology continues to evolve and expand, it is essential to understand
how AI can be used effectively to facilitate the development of language skills in an increasingly
globalized world. This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of this expanding field,
highlighting both the opportunities and unknowns that emerge on the path to more accessible,
personalized, and effective language education.
The systematic method was used to search the literature on the potential of artificial intelligence
(AI) to improve second language speaking skills. To do this, academic databases such as PubMed,
Google Scholar, Scopus, and Web of Science were consulted, which contain a wide range of
journals and publications related to the target topic. Specific search terms were defined using
keywords related to artificial intelligence, language learning, and the development of skills to
pág. 3829
speak a second language fluently.
Once a considerably large database of published articles related to the topic was obtained, they
were filtered according to the predefined inclusion and exclusion criteria. The selection criteria
included the relevance of the topic, the methodological quality of the studies, the timeliness of
the data, and the reputation of the journals in which the articles were published. The quality of
the selected articles was evaluated by reviewing the methodology used, the coherence and validity
of the results presented, as well as the relevance of the conclusions to the topic of study.
Next, the most significant findings of the articles selected as the basis of this literature review
were synthesized, ranging from conversational interaction with chatbots to the incorporation of
voice recognition systems and virtual assistants in language teaching and learning. Each study
provides unique insight into how AI is revolutionizing the process of acquiring language skills,
highlighting both the potential benefits and the limitations and challenges emerging on the path
to more effective and accessible language education.
Improving Speaking Skills through Conversational Practice with Chatbots (García et al.,
This study investigated how conversational practice with chatbots can improve speaking skills in
English as a second language. The findings highlighted that chatbots can provide a realistic and
personalized conversational practice experience, resulting in a significant increase in students'
confidence and fluency in speaking English. However, some limitations include the lack of variety
in chatbot responses and the need to improve adaptability to different learning styles.
Enhancing Pronunciation with Voice Recognition Systems (Smith & Johnson, 2022)
Researchers explored how speech recognition systems can improve pronunciation. The results
showed that students who used these systems experienced an improvement in the accuracy of
their pronunciation and a greater awareness of the mistakes made. However, factors such as
difficulty recognizing non-native accents and lack of feedback on intonation and rhythm of speech
represented limitations in its application.
pág. 3830
Exploring the Use of AI-Powered Virtual Language Assistants for Speaking Practice
(Zhang & Wang, 2018)
The authors examined the use of AI-powered virtual assistants for speaking practice in English
as a second language. The results highlighted the effectiveness of these systems in providing
immediate and personalized feedback, as well as encouraging oral interaction among students.
While the results were encouraging, some limitations were detected such as the lack of ability to
detect subtle nuances in pronunciation and the need to improve the naturalness of interactions.
The Impact of AI-Based Pronunciation Tutoring Systems on Oral Proficiency Development
(Li & Chen, 2017)
This study evaluated the impact of AI-based pronunciation tutoring systems on the development
of oral competence in English as a foreign language. The results indicated that students who used
these tools showed significant improvements in the accuracy and fluency of their pronunciation.
Despite this, limiting factors included a lack of contextualized feedback and the need to adapt
systems to different skill levels.
Integrating AI-Driven Speech Recognition Technology into English Language Teaching: A
Case Study (Wu & Liu, 2016)
The integration of AI-powered speech recognition technology into English language teaching was
examined. The results showed that this strategy improved students' participation and performance
in speaking activities. However, dependence on the quality of the Internet connection and the lack
of personalization for the individual needs of the students were identified as limiting factors.
Enhancing English Speaking Skills through AI-Enabled Virtual Reality Simulations (Tan
& Lim, 2015)
This study explored the use of AI-enabled virtual reality simulations to improve speaking skills
in a second language. The researchers estimated that students who participated in these
simulations experienced a significant increase in their confidence and oral fluency. However,
some limitations included the need for specialized teams and a lack of face-to-face interaction.
pág. 3831
The Effects of AI-Driven Pronunciation Feedback on Oral Proficiency and Motivation in
English Language Learning (Park & Kim, 2014)
This research analyzed the effects of AI-powered pronunciation feedback on oral proficiency and
motivation in English learning. The results indicated significant improvements in pronunciation
accuracy and confidence, as well as an increase in student motivation. Although the results were
highly encouraging, the lack of feedback on other aspects of speech such as rhythm and
intonation, and the need for longitudinal studies to assess the long-term impact did not allow
conclusive data to be obtained.
Research on the Construction and Application of an Intelligent Learning System to Enhance
College English Listening and Speaking (Yin and Wei,2023b)
The study explores the creation of an intelligent learning system for college students to improve
their English listening and speaking skills. The system integrates language acquisition, cognitive
psychology, and educational technology theories, allowing students to assess their abilities,
receive real-time feedback, and access personalized learning recommendations. The study
concludes that such systems significantly enhance pronunciation accuracy, fluency, and
grammatical correctness.
Empowering Introvert Students: How Artificial Intelligence Applications Enhance
Speaking Ability (Warman et al, 2023)
This study highlights the potential of AI in teaching and learning English, especially for
introverted students. Also, it highlights the need for further research on the impact of motivation
and learning styles on these students' speaking abilities. The study underscores the importance of
considering learners characteristics such as motivation and learning styles to the effective
integration of AI technology in language education.
An impact of artificial intelligence tools on technical students’ ESL oral communication
skills (Dandu and Gomatam (2023)
The study explores the impact of AI tools on technical students' ESL oral communication skills,
to improve accuracy and fluency through AI-based mobile apps, with significant improvements
observed in post-test speaking skills and recommendations to improve writing skills.
pág. 3832
Exploring Chatbot AI in improving vocational students’ English pronunciation (Hoang et
al, 2023)
The paper investigates the effectiveness of AI chatbots, specifically Mission Fluent, in improving
the English pronunciation of vocational learners and aims to address the knowledge gap in the
use of AI chatbots for language learning in vocational education. It also seeks to explore the
potential of AI chatbots to improve English pronunciation and make recommendations for
language pedagogy based on the outcomes of vocational students in Hanoi. Ultimately, the study
aims to advance teaching approaches and empower students with enhanced language skills for
future careers.
Artificial Intelligence Technology for EAP Speaking Skills: Student Perceptions of
Opportunities and Challenges (Zou et al, 2020)
The study explores university students' attitudes towards AI-assisted mobile apps to develop
English speaking skills for academic purposes, highlighting students' preference for AI tools, the
limitations of current AI applications, the reluctance to replace language teachers with AI, and
the need for more AI resources.
Artificial Intelligence Technology for Python Test Simulation of Oral English Teaching
Evaluation (Jiang, 2022)
The paper explores the integration of various technologies such as artificial intelligence and
speech recognition in English-speaking teaching to enhance speaking practice and improve
listening and speaking skills through multimedia courses and an Android-based spoken English
learning system application.
Effect of Artificial Intelligence-Based Application on Saudi Preparatory-Year Students’
EFL Speaking Skills at Albaha University (Makhlouf, 2021)
The article investigates the impact of the AI-based mobile app ELSA Speak on the development
of non-English speaking skills of students at the University of Albaha, showing an improvement
in fluency and accuracy. The study is limited to the use of ELSA to train students in English
pronunciation and accent, highlighting the importance of technology in language teaching.
pág. 3833
Synthesis and analysis
The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into education has marked a significant milestone in
the way a second language is taught and learned. In this context, the findings of previous research
on the impact of AI on improving the skills to speak a second language become fundamental as
they allow us to identify patterns, trends, and key points that help to better understand the current
and future landscape of AI-assisted language teaching.
One of the most recurrent findings is the effectiveness of chatbots and virtual assistants in
conversational practice. These systems offer students the opportunity to interact in simulated
environments in a realistic manner, which contributes significantly to the development of fluency
and confidence when speaking. In addition, AI-based speech recognition systems and
pronunciation tutoring tools were observed to have a positive impact on improving accuracy and
intonation. Likewise, the immediate and personalized feedback provided by these tools facilitates
more autonomous and effective learning.
However, it is important to note that there are still challenges to overcome in integrating AI into
language teaching. The lack of customization to accommodate different learning styles and skill
levels, as well as the need to address potential cultural and linguistic biases in algorithms, are
areas that require further attention. In addition, accessibility and lack of access to these
technologies remain major concerns that need to be addressed to ensure that all learners can
benefit equally from AI-powered language teaching innovations.
Taken together, the findings of these studies provide a comprehensive view of how artificial
intelligence is transforming the process of acquiring language skills in a second language. By
understanding both the benefits and challenges associated with integrating AI into language
teaching, we can work towards a more effective and equitable approach to language education
The integration of AI into the language classroom carries significant ethical implications due to
its influence on the teaching and learning process. First, AI offers exciting opportunities to
improve the quality of language teaching by providing instant, personalized feedback, tailored to
pág. 3834
students' individual needs. This can result in more efficient and effective learning, allowing
students to progress at their own pace and focus on specific areas that require extra attention.
In addition, the integration of AI can increase the accessibility of language education by offering
more accessible and affordable learning resources and tools for a wide range of learners. This is
especially important for those who have constraints on time, resources, or access to traditional
teaching programs.
However, along with these opportunities, the integration of AI also raises significant ethical
concerns. One of the main concerns is data privacy, as the use of AI technologies involves
collecting and analyzing large amounts of users' data, highlighting the risk of this data being used
inappropriately or vulnerable to privacy breaches, which could have negative consequences for
students and their rights.
However, along with these opportunities, the integration of AI also raises significant ethical
concerns. One of the main concerns is data privacy, as the use of AI technologies involves
collecting and analyzing large amounts of users' data, highlighting the risk of this data being used
inappropriately or vulnerable to privacy breaches, which could have negative consequences for
students and their rights.
AI provides a variety of applications to improve oral skills in learning and mastering a second
language, such as Speech recognition systems that provide instant feedback on pronunciation and
intonation; Adaptive learning platforms that customize content and activities to individual student
needs; Chatbots and virtual assistants that offer real-time conversational practice; Linguistic
analysis tools that identify common error patterns and offer suggestions for improving accuracy
and clarity in speaking.
In conclusion, artificial intelligence has the potential to revolutionize the way a second language
is taught and learned, especially when it comes to the development of speaking skills. If
implemented ethically and thoughtfully, AI can help students achieve higher levels of fluency and
accuracy in their speaking in English and other languages. However, it is critical to address ethical
concerns and ensure that technology is used inclusively and equitably in the language classroom.
pág. 3835
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