Yerlin Salgado Solano
Universidad Hispanoamericana
María José Herrera Araya
Universidad Hispanoamericana
M.Ed. Julio César Castro Miranda
Universidad Hispanoamericana
pág. 3894
The Impact of the Implementation of Storytelling as a Communicative
Language Strategy in Developing the Oral Skills in Students from Nine
Grade at Colegio Nacional Marco Tulio Salazar Sede Liceo de Poás during
the Second Quarter of 2023
Yerlin Salgado Solano1
Universidad Hispanoamericana
María José Herrera Araya
Universidad Hispanoamericana
M.Ed. Julio César Castro Miranda
Universidad Hispanoamericana
This research focuses on all the adults who have returned to their studies after years and want to progress
to have a better future. In addition, this research wants to achieve that adults who are studying at night
can develop their oral skills in the English language in the best and most creative way. It is intended to
put into practice strategies that can help adults to speak the English language with confidence and
fluency. The purpose of this research is to present storytelling as a teaching tool that will help to improve
the oral skills of ninth-year students at the Marco Tulio Salazar School, Liceo de Poás Headquarters,
located in Poás de Alajuela. This didactic tool is a form of dynamic teaching that will be implemented
to motivate adults to continue their studies. Its objective is to capture the attention of students, to make
everyone feel included during class, and to help them learn dynamically and effectively. Specifically,
storytelling will be used to strengthen students' oral skills, because they will be practicing the English
language throughout the class.
Keywords: storytelling, oral skills, inclusive learning, motivation, andragogy
Autor Principal
pág. 3895
El impacto de la implementación del Storytelling como una estrategia de
lenguaje comunicativo para desarrollar la habilidad oral en los estudiantes
de noveno año del Colegio Nacional Marco Tulio Salazar Sede Liceo de
Poás durante el segundo cuatrimestre del 2023
El propósito de esta investigación es presentar storytelling como una herramienta didáctica que ayudará
a mejorar la habilidad del habla de los estudiantes de noveno año del Colegio Marco Tulio Salazar, Sede
Liceo de Poás, ubicado en Poás de Alajuela. Esta herramienta didáctica, es una forma de enseñanza
dinámica que será implementada para motivar a los adultos a que continúen con sus estudios. Tiene
como objetivo captar la atención de los estudiantes, que todos se sientan incluidos durante la clase, y
que logren aprender de una forma dinámica y eficaz. Específicamente, se usará el storyetlling para
fortalecer la habilidad del habla de los estudiantes, ya que, gracias a esta herramienta, los estudiantes
estarán practicando el idioma inglés toda la clase.
Palabras clave: narración de historia, habilidades orales, aprendizaje inclusivo, motivación, andragogía
Artículo recibido 20 abril 2024
Aceptado para publicación: 28 mayo 2024
pág. 3896
The Liceo de Poás in Alajuela, Costa Rica was founded in 1969 as a prevailing need since every day
more students had to travel long distances to be able to opt for Secondary Education. In another hand,
English is one of the most important and spoken languages all over the world. Not only to communicate
with people from other countries but also to get a brilliant future. In addition, “being able to speak a
foreign language helps to make a real connection with people and to know more about diverse cultures,
places, and lifestyles. The more proficient you are, the better you can express yourself” (ETS Global,
2020) (p. 1).
The implementation of storytelling in an English class can bring a lot of benefits during the class,
because the students are going to put into practice their knowledge and improve their oral skills just by
telling a story. Storytelling is a way to practice the oral skills of the students in a creative, different, and
attractive way. This means that the students are going to feel motivated to continue with their studies
because this teaching tool is going to enhance their proficiency in the language.
Additionally, it is very important that students try to speak in English in the entire English class, so that,
they can practice the language with the teacher and their classmates. Speaking English, with the whole
class or doing oral activities in English classes will help students to develop oral skills and feel
comfortable when they are going to speak in front of the class and with other people. The open
University (2023) mentioned that everyday classroom activities can provide meaningful authentic
opportunities for the students to regularly speak English. Using English in the classroom is beneficial
for the students because they get to hear more English and they hear how the language is used in real-
life communication. It also gives them a purpose for speaking English (p. 6). One tool that teachers can
use to develop oral skills is Storytelling. This tool can help students to interact with others telling their
personal experiences, they can use their imagination to tell a story.
The sample for this research paper is the 9th grade 11 adult students (7 females, 4 male) from Colegio
Nacional Marco Tulio Salazar Sede Liceo de Poás in Costa Rica. The propose of the study is to analyze
impact of the implementation of storytelling as a communicative language strategy in developing oral
pág. 3897
skills in students from nine grade at Colegio Nacional Marco Tulio Salazar Sede Liceo de Poás during
the second quarter of 2023.
This research focuses on all the adults who have returned to their studies after years and want to progress
to have a better future.
In addition, this research wants to achieve that adults who are studying at night can develop their oral
skills in the English language in the best and most creative way. It is intended to put into practice
strategies that can help adults to speak the English language with confidence and fluency.
Additionally, the main objective is to encourage adults to continue studying the English language and
improve their oral skills, so that they have a better professional future since the English language is one
of the most important languages in the world. ELC (2013), explained that knowing English increases
your chances of getting a good job in a multinational company within your home country or for finding
work abroad. It’s also the language of international communication, the media and the internet, so
learning English is important for socializing and entertainment as well as work (ELC, 2014, p. 1).
To achieve knowledge for adults' students, a type of study that this research paper considered is
Constructivism. It is an important learning theory that teachers use to help their students learn. As
Western Governors University (2020) explained,
Constructivism is based on the idea that people actively construct or make their knowledge, and that
reality is determined by your experiences as a learner. Learners use their previous knowledge as a
foundation and build on it with new things that they learn. (p.1)
Constructivism is a fundamental part to implement the tool chosen for this study because students will
be able to tell their own stories and at the same time, they will reinforce the oral part.
The decision to implement a story telling as a strategy is bases on the potential to make classes dynamic,
capture attention, and increase confidence in speaking English. The strategy is expected to help students
share personal experiences, improve vocabulary, and enhance fluency. Generally, the research aims to
improve an unconventional and engaging approach to language learning for adults’ professional growth.
pág. 3898
Problem statement
Struggling adult students are presenting during the development of oral skills while they are learning
English due to the lack of implementation of educational tools such as storytelling.
Research Question
What is the impact of the implementation of storytelling as a communicative language strategy in
developing oral skills in students from nine grade at Colegio Nacional Marco Tulio Salazar Sede Liceo
de Poás during the second quarter of 2023?
General Objective
To analyze impact of the implementation of storytelling as a communicative language strategy in
developing oral skills in students from nine grade at Colegio Nacional Marco Tulio Salazar Sede Liceo
de Poás during the second quarter of 2023.
Specific Objectives
1. To determine the characteristics of the implementation of storytelling in the development
acquisition of oral skills in students from nine grade at Colegio Nacional Marco Tulio Salazar Sede
Liceo de Poás during the second quarter of 2023.
2. To identify the importance of the storytelling as pedagogical adult’s tool in the communicative
language strategy to improve speaking English in the Colegio Nacional Marco Tulio Salazar Sede Liceo
de Poás.
3. To evaluate storytelling as an oral strategy to improve speaking skills using real life situations
and personal experiences in students from nine grade at Colegio Nacional Marco Tulio Salazar Sede
Liceo de Poás during the second quarter of 2023.
4. To design a proposal of storytelling as a communicative language strategy in developing the
oral skills in students from nine grade at Colegio Nacional Marco Tulio Salazar Sede Liceo de Poás
during the second quarter of 2023
Storytelling was considered for this research as a teaching strategy because it is going to enhance the
oral skills of the students.
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Storytelling is a technique that helps students to interact with others. They are going to tell their own
stories in front of the class and share their own experiences. Zuhriyah (2017) explained that storytelling
is retelling the story having read or heard by using the storytellers’ own words based on their
understanding of the story. It is an activity that involves the interaction between the storyteller and the
audience and between an individual and the listener at a certain level (Zuhriyah, 2017. pg. 5).
Storytelling is a technique that allows students to interact more with each other, they are going to
introduce themselves in front of the class just by telling a story.
As mentioned before Storytelling is a teaching strategy that allow students to express their feelings and
own experiences with their classmates. “Storytelling is one of the oldest ways of human communication,
and still today it has been successfully used as an effective pedagogical tool in the development of
language skills in the native and the foreign language”. (Koropec, 2021, pg. 105).
Characteristics of Storytelling
Storytelling is used as a communicative language strategy because the students practice their oral skills
in English class, and it also encourages the motivation and participation of the students in the classroom.
Padrón (2018) explained that storytelling is a powerful method of communication. It offers people the
opportunity to connect to, relate to, or see the world from someone else’s perspective. Stories provoke
our emotions. They can make us laugh, cry, feel afraid, get angry, think, and dream. (p.1). Students will
be motivated as each one can tell their own story in the way they want to tell it. Taking students into
account and making them feel included in the class will make them feel motivated when it comes to
Importance of storytelling
Storytelling is a tool that is going to help not only students but also teachers. As Ram (2018) explained:
Storytelling guides teachers to tell personalized stories to the learners in their foreign language in this
case, a cooperative storytelling strategy has been implemented by language teachers all over the world,
especially in the field of teaching English as a foreign language. This powerful foreign language teaching
method empowers teachers to improve Students' Speaking proficiency. (Ram, 2018, pg. 98).
Storytelling is very important because it is also going to help students to feel confident while they are
speaking in front of others. In addition, if storytelling is used as a communicative language teaching
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approach it is going to help students to improve their oral skills. Nazir (2012) explained that storytelling
enhanced the integration of language, developed language abilities, built vocabulary, developed oral
language skills, enriched students’ learning experience, encouraged students to express their ideas and
thoughts, and improved social interactions and language outcomes (Nazir, 2012. pg. 2). Each student is
free to choose how to tell their story, which will make each of them feel motivated to create their story
and present it in front of the class. Being in constant practice of the language will make students lose
their fear of speaking in front of others.
Storytelling in the classroom
It is fundamental to identify the role that storytelling has in the classroom for both teachers and students,
besides analyzing their perceptions and implications within a lesson. Zaloznik (2019) explained that
storytelling enables educators to build a community and connect students with each other. This is why
stories are also great tools for building trust and enabling us to give a voice to our students. With the use
of storytelling, we can encourage curiosity, imagination, and visualization. (p.5). The teacher’s role is
important to guide the students through the assignment.
The teachers must explain the instructions to the students, they have to tell students what they have to
do, they have to provide feedback to the students, have due dates for the presentation of the story, and
also, they have to show the students the rubric or the way that they are going to use to evaluate the
storytelling technique. It is important to mention that the teachers are also going to go to participate in
the class, telling a personal story to the class as an example of what the students must do. Teachers must
do an oral evaluation before and after using the technique to see the oral level of the students before
using the technique and see the oral level of the students after using the technique.
It is very important that teachers make students feel comfortable and motivated before, during, and after
class. Starting the class with a motivational video or an icebreaker activity such as "telefono choco”,
hangman, the hot potato, will help the teachers to capture the attention of the students and help them
relax before starting the class.
The student’s role is also fundamental, they have to pay attention to the instructions that the teacher is
going to explain, they are going to prepare and think about a story, and they have to bring photos or
pictures to illustrate the story that they are going to tell, the can also prepare a power point presentation
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or they can draw a picture that can illustrates the story that they are going to present in front of the class.
When the student is telling the story, the rest of the class should pay attention to the story and write the
e words that they do not know to learn new vocabulary.
Adults learning (Andragogy).
To teach an adult, it must be considered that the same study plans that are used with children cannot be
used for adult students because they have different ways of learning. O´neill (2023) explained that Adult
Learning Theory is the concept or study of how adults learn and how it differs from children. It aims to
show how adult learning is distinct and identify the learning styles which suit them best. (p. 4). It is
essential to implement the correct tool that helps students learn and make them feel comfortable while
they are learning.
Adults need to be motivated to continue with their studies. According to Bouchrika (2023):
Adult learners have a self-concept. This means that they are autonomous, independent, and self-directed.
Adults learn from their previous experiences. Adult learners have the need to know the value of what
they are learning and know the why’s behind the need to learn them. (p. 12).
Adults have different learning styles. Some people learn better if the material is reinforced with visual
aids, and some learn better through hands-on activities. Learning works better when information is
presented in different ways. Use a variety of teaching activities, including brainstorming, discussion,
visual aids, role plays, games, and case studies. Change the pace and the method frequently, especially
when covering difficult and abstract topics. (WOSH, 2013, p. 7)
Communicative Language teaching approach
The purpose of using storytelling as a communicative language teaching approach is to improve
student’s oral skills. Communicative competence comprises not only the knowledge of grammatical
rules but, more importantly, the knowledge to use this linguistic competence appropriately”.
(Mohammed, 2020. p.2). Using the correct tool to help and tech students to communicate correctly is
going to help them to speak in English easier, in that way, they are going to improve their oral skills.
The key for teachers to apply a communicative tool in their classes is to make the student see the
importance of learning the language. A communicative tool should give students the opportunity to
practice the language in a freeway, this will make students feel more involved in the teaching process
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and it will be more meaningful. As Lewis (2011) mentioned, communication strategies train learners in
the flexibility they need to cope with the unexpected and the unpredictable. At the same time, they help
students get used to the non-exact communication; in this way, they help to bridge the gap between the
classroom and the outside reality (p. 4). It is important that students learn grammar so that they can
speak or write correctly, but it is also important that students can practice communicating on a freeway
where they can tell a personal story or talk about the topic, they want so that they can develop their oral
skills in a natural way.
Oral Skills
Storytelling helps with oral skills. Students are going to learn to communicate ideas and interact with
others. “Students will develop their vocabulary and learn where and when to use words and phrases”
(Diamond, 2023, p. 5). When students are preparing their story, they are going to look for new
vocabulary, so they are going to learn new words to communicate easier in English:
Improving oral skills will help students to communicate easier with others. As Fitriah (2016) explained
that speaking is an oral expression of thoughts. This means that through speaking, people can try to
express what they think or feel directly. (Fitriah, 2016, pg.5). It is important that students only speak
English in class because they are going to interact with their classmates, fluently and appropriately.
One way that storytelling helps students to improve their oral skills is by becoming more fluent when it
comes to speaking. Practicing the language and speaking the language more often will make students
more fluent. Indramawan (2013) explained that the students improve their speaking skills using
storytelling. It means that it gives a lot of exposure and enables them to focus on their specific speaking
problem. By using this method, they can understand how to make sentences in a good structure and
speak fluently in concrete content. (pg. 19). Storytelling will help students feel more comfortable when
speaking in front of other people, this technique will make students speak more in English in class and
this will help them to improve their fluency.
Teachers, when implementing storytelling as a technique to improve oral skills and pronunciation, are
a fundamental part because they must correct students when they mispronounce a word. Hasanah,
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Mahmud, and Salija (2022), mentioned that storytelling is used to improve the students’ pronunciation.
The students can improve their pronunciation by listening and repeating. The storytelling teaching
approach motivates students to learn pronunciation. (pg. 53). The students in the class are going to speak
more in the language, they are going to present their story in front of the class, and they are going to
receive comments from the teacher to improve their pronunciation.
Storytelling is a pedagogical tool used to improve students' oral skills. This tool helps students improve
their vocabulary as they must use recognized words or look for new words to tell their stories. Boris
(2017) mentioned that through stories, students learn the most frequent words that are very important to
their cognitive and linguistic development. Storytelling enables the students to form a connection
between the meaning and form of the new vocabulary. (p. 9). Storytelling makes students look for new
vocabulary and understand how to use those new words. When the rest of the class is paying attention
to the student who is telling the story, they are also learning new vocabulary because they are listening
to the new words that the storyteller used to tell the story.
Content evaluation during a storytelling performance is important because it improves the quality of the
student’s content and will make them more efficient at creating content. According to Tomlinson and
Imbeau (2010), content evaluation helps teachers to determine if the student's content is high quality
and if it will serve its purpose. (p. 5). It is important that the teacher considers that the students know
and understand what they are saying.
The purpose of this research paper is to solve the struggling adult students are presenting during the
development of oral skills while they are learning English due to the lack of implementation of
educational tools such as storytelling.
It is essential to mention that the purpose of an investigation is very important. Flynn (2020) claims that
“the purpose of an investigation is to establish relevant facts to prove or disprove allegations of fraud
and corruption” (Flynn, 2020, p.1). This means that the purpose brings positive impact in the study.
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Quantitative research analyzes the population, studies the technique that used, and analyzes the
information obtained. According to Allen (2017) Quantitative research is a way to learn about a
particular group of people, known as a sample population. Using scientific inquiry, quantitative research
relies on data that are observed or measured to examine questions about the sample population. (p. 2).
This research applies descriptive characters to define the research process. Sirisilla (2023) explained
that descriptive research design is a powerful tool used by scientists and researchers to gather
information about a particular group or phenomenon. This type of research provides a detailed and
accurate picture of the characteristics and behaviors of a particular population or subject. (p.1).
In general summary, the thesis demonstrates that including storytelling as a communicative language as
a communicative language teaching strategy has multifaceted positive outcomes, including strong
engagement, motivation, improved oral skill and an inclusive and motivational supportive learning
environment. The satisfactory results according to the students present a real potential of storytelling as
an effective and enjoyable pedagogical tool.
In another hand, demonstrated that a significant positive impact on students’ oral skills showing
improvement in fluency, pronunciation, and vocabulary while they expressed enthusiasm in
participating which has a positive impact in all the learning experience in which students perceived the
story telling as usefulness resource.
As a conclusion, the research demonstrated that the strategy helps to address an English class to be more
enjoyable, overcoming perceptions of boredom and fatigue specially in adults’ students.
In this chapter, there are conclusions based on the objectives that were used in this thesis, and the results
obtained from the instruments applied in the classes during the investigation process. The objective of
this chapter is to describe the benefits obtained from this research and the population that was chosen.
Storytelling fosters active participation and community building among the students. It easy to students
to adapted to the strategy working collaborative while exchange personal stories given by the students
in a supportive and inclusive environment.
pág. 3905
The teacher role and guidance are crucial ensuring students understand the characteristics and benefits
of story telling for improving oral skill making a dynamic and inclusive experience. This approach
accommodated varied of learning styles in which you can guaranty active participation.
The evaluation of storytelling impact on oral skill in the research revealed positive improvement. The
dynamic of the storytelling motivates students to improve their fluency and vocabulary based on a social
constructivism contributed positively to the speaking skill of learners.
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pág. 3907
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