Technology in the classroom, Utopia?
Julieta Trillo Baca
Investigador Independiente - México
pág. 9211
Technology in the classroom, Utopia?
Julieta Trillo Baca
Investigador Independiente
Country- México
Nowadays, to be competitive in the work environment, a person must know how to work and
master digital technologies to perform their job well.
Undoubtedly, the classroom could not be excluded from the technological advances that have
impacted our society, since digital technology offers versatile platforms to streamline classroom
teaching, almost completely replacing textbooks.
While technology opens up endless opportunities for innovation, both teaching and learning in
the classroom cannot be without disadvantages.
What could be the disadvantages in the use of digital technologies?
The new technology is magnificent, since you have all the information with a single click.
Teachers can guide students through reliable sources of information and where students can
quickly research any assigned topic or topic of interest.
But we cannot leave aside drawbacks in the use of technology for student learning:
Although the student's learning of a topic can be achieved in a more agile time, it can also be
forgotten just as quickly, since students may overlook depth in the material, lack of interest in it,
or only achieve fulfill the requirement that the teacher asked of them.
Without overlooking that adequate and coherent cognitive thinking requires time to assimilate. It
is for this reason that experts suggest that the student write by hand, since this simple fact has
slowing and stimulating effects on the brain, being more challenging, complex and slow,
achieving greater learning and memorization by connecting intertwined thoughts.
Another of the most striking drawbacks when using technology, such as cell phones, laptops or
tablets, is that they are a source of distraction for students, since, instead of using the devices in
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education to achieve the objectives, learning objectives, students are “distractedby using their
social networks or playing some entertainment program.
Social interaction is less direct, it is another issue where technology directly affects teaching,
since students feel less need to interact with both the teacher and their classmates, a clear example
of this is online classes, almost entirely excluding face to face.
And, last but not least, is that, currently, in countries considered “third world”, technology is not
available to everyone, it is for this reason that teachers must take into account that when require
that the student have a personal computer and internet to carry out their tasks, research, connect
to support platforms, etc. Not all students have a computer.