Fabiano de Abreu Agrela Rodrigues
Pós-Phd em Neurociências - Califórnia University FCE
Hitty-Ko Kamimura
Bacharel em Farmácia pela Centro Universitário Central Paulista (UNICEP)
Flávio Henrique dos Santos Nascimento
Bacharel em medicina pela UFCG, com residência médica em psiquiatria pela UFPI
Elodia Avila
Formada em medicina pela USP Especialista em Cirurgia Plástica
Luiza Oliveira Zappalá
Estudante na Faculdade Mineira de Direito da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas
Gerais (FMD - PUC Minas)
pág. 455
Pleiotropy and Phenotypic Plasticity: Exploring the Correlation between
Cognitive Traits and Craniofacial Morphology Throughout Human
Fabiano de Abreu Agrela Rodrigues1
Pós-Phd em Neurociências - Califórnia University
Aveiro Portugal
Hitty-Ko Kamimura
Bacharel em Farmácia pela Centro Universitário
Central Paulista (UNICEP)
Flávio Henrique dos Santos Nascimento
Bacharel em medicina pela UFCG, com residência
médica em psiquiatria pela UFPI
Piauí Brasil
Elodia Avila
Formada em medicina pela USP Especialista em
Cirurgia Plástica
São Paulo - Brasil
Luiza Oliveira Zappa
Estudante na Faculdade Mineira de Direito da
Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais
(FMD - PUC Minas)
Minas Gerais- Brasil
This study investigates the hypothesis that individuals with a high intelligence quotient (IQ) experience more
significant phenotypic changes throughout their lives compared to the general population. Using a sample of
40 high-IQ individuals from the Gifted Debate group, this study analyzed self-reports of physical changes from
childhood to adulthood. The majority of participants (90%) reported substantial alterations, while the
remaining 10%, diagnosed with twice-exceptionality, may not have distinct perceptions of their phenotypic
changes. The analysis focused on the correlation between high IQ and phenotypic plasticity, exploring
potential genetic bases for these changes.
Keywords: high iq, phenotypic changes, behavioral genetics, neurodevelopment, phenotypic plasticity
Autor Principal
pág. 456
Pleiotropia e plasticidade fenotípica: explorando a correlação entre
características cognitivas e morfologia craniofacial ao longo do desenvolvimento
Este estudo investiga a hipótese de que indivíduos com alto quociente de inteligência (QI) experimentam
mudanças fenotípicas mais significativas ao longo da vida em comparação com a população em geral. Usando
uma amostra de 40 indivíduos com alto QI do grupo Gifted Debate, este estudo analisou autorrelatos de
mudanças físicas desde a infância até a idade adulta. A maioria dos participantes (90%) relatou alterações
substanciais, enquanto os 10% restantes, diagnosticados com dupla excepcionalidade, podem não ter
percepções distintas de suas alterações fenotípicas. A análise centrou-se na correlação entre QI elevado e
plasticidade fenotípica, explorando potenciais bases genéticas para estas alterações.
Palavras-chave: QI elevado, alterações fenotípicas, genética comportamental, neurodesenvolvimento,
plasticidade fenotípica
Artículo recibido 03 junio 2024
Aceptado para publicación: 05 julio 2024
pág. 457
In a meticulous examination of craniofacial morphology throughout human development, it is imperative to
consider the complex dynamics between genetics and subsequent phenotypic expression. The face, a structure
composed of a confluence of distinct morphological components from nasal prominence to mandibular
features varies substantially among individuals and often throughout life. Elements such as the nasal root,
dorsum, and tip, in addition to the nostrils and nasal alae, constitute only a fraction of facial characteristics that
exhibit observable phenotypic variability. Additionally, ocular structures like the conjunctiva, sclera, iris, and
pupil, along with the lens and retina, are influenced by genetic components that also regulate visual acuity and
other biological traits.
The human head presents in various forms, including brachycephalic, dolichocephalic, and mesocephalic
types, each with direct implications for cranial aesthetics and perception. Furthermore, components such as
the chin, formed by the fusion of the mandible with the maxilla, and the ears, which include the helix, lobe,
concha, external auditory canal, and ossicles, contribute to individual acoustic identity.
Studies indicate that facial phenotypic plasticity, while influenced by genetic factors, can experience marked
variations due to environmental and endocrine influences throughout life. A longitudinal observation of
individuals who are part of daily interactions revealed observable changes in their appearances, ranging from
variations in skin pigmentation to significant morphological alterations, reflected in both personal analyses
and third-party reports. Such observations are corroborated by genetic sequencing data, revealing an equitable
presence of alleles associated with both physical traits and cognitive abilities.
The emerging hypothesis from this phenotypic review is that genetic expression related to intelligence traits
may be intrinsically linked to observable physical characteristics, proposing a pleiotropic correlation that
transcends the traditional division between cognitive ability and physical expression. The mobilization of the
Gifted Debate group, a collective of high-IQ individuals, facilitated the development of a preliminary
investigation based on visual data collection and anecdotal reports, aiming to quantify phenotypic variability
and establish a robust empirical correlate for more in-depth genetic analyses. This investigation promises to
reveal nuances previously unexplored at the intersection of genetics, environment, and human morphological
pág. 458
Genetics, Intelligence, and Physical Traits
Based on the literature review, it is possible to identify genes that are correlated with both physical traits and
intelligence. Here are some relevant findings:
1. Gene Neurogenesis and Myelination: A study conducted by Hill et al. (2018) identified that
neurogenesis and myelination are involved in differences in intelligence. This study also implicated genes
expressed at the synapse and those involved in the regulation of the nervous system, suggesting a link
between neuronal development and intelligence (Hill et al. 2018).
The influence of specific neurobiological processes on cognition has been extensively documented in
contemporary scientific literature. Notably, neurogenesis and myelination emerge as critical components at
this interface, serving as substrates for the manifestation of human intelligence. The seminal study by Hill et
al. (2018) revealed that genetic variants influencing neurogenesis and myelination contribute significantly to
interindividual variations in cognitive abilities. This finding is not isolated, as other genes identified in the
study are predominantly expressed in synaptic regions and involved in the regulation of the central nervous
system, providing a plausible biological basis for the correlation between neuronal development and cognitive
The hypothesis that genes associated with intelligence might simultaneously influence physical traits is
grounded in the principle of pleiotropy, where a single gene exerts multiple effects on different phenotypes.
This pleiotropic connection between cognitive and physical characteristics suggests a spectrum of genetic
influence that transcends traditional phenotypic categories, challenging conventional boundaries between
behavioral and somatic genetics.
2. Genomic Analysis: Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have been instrumental in identifying
genetic loci that contribute to both intelligence and correlated physical traits. Savage et al. (2018) conducted
a large-scale GWAS meta-analysis involving 269,867 individuals, identifying 205 loci linked to
intelligence and implicating 1,016 genes through eQTL mapping and chromatin interaction analysis.
Many of these genes are strongly expressed in the brain, and variations in the expression of certain genes can
directly or indirectly influence the development and maintenance of cognitive traits, highlighting the
connection between physical traits of the brain and cognitive functions. It suggests that neurodevelopmental
pathways, neurogenesis, and synaptic regulation are fundamental to both cognitive abilities and general
neurological development, possibly affecting physical traits such as brain morphology.
pág. 459
The investigation of the genetic bases underlying both intelligence and physical traits has revealed a complex
network of pleiotropy, where individual genes influence multiple phenotypes. These findings suggest a
functional intersection between neurobiology and observable physical traits. This association highlights the
need for further investigation into how these genetic expressions contribute to individual differences in
cognitive abilities and how they may be interconnected with observable brain physical characteristics.
Subsequently, Hill et al. (2018) expanded on these findings through a combined study exploring genetically
correlated traits, finding 187 loci that influence intelligence. This study emphasized the role of myelination
and neurogenesis, not only in relation to cognitive function but also implicating these processes in the physical
development of the brain.
Ongoing investigation in this area is critical to unravel the extent to which and in what manner genes affecting
intelligence also influence physical characteristics, and vice versa. The challenge remains in discerning the
extent of genetic and functional overlap, and how these insights can be applied to better understand the etiology
of human variations in both mental capacities and physical traits.
3. Brain Structure and Intelligence: Toga and Thompson (2005) discuss how brain structure is
influenced by genetic factors and how this is related to intelligence, establishing a link between the physical
aspects of the brain and cognitive abilities (Toga & Thompson, 2005).
In their comprehensive analysis, Toga and Thompson (2005) delineated the intrinsic connection between
genetic variations and the configuration of brain structure, and how these variations can directly affect
intellectual capacities.
This study highlights that the expression of specific genes, which regulate processes such as myelination and
neurogenesis, plays a significant role in forming the neural networks fundamental to reasoning and memory.
Furthermore, the research suggests that the density and integrity of white matter, which are highly heritable,
are correlated with general intelligence measures, indicating a biological substrate for variations in cognitive
performance among individuals.
The convergence of genomic studies and brain imaging has allowed for a more integrated approach to
understanding how genes affecting brain structure may also be involved in complex cognitive traits. This field
of study continues to expand with advanced genotyping and neuroimaging technologies, providing a more
detailed view of the role of genes in both brain architecture and cognitive functionality.
pág. 460
4. Study of Facial Features and Heritability: A study by Cole et al. (2016) explored the heritability of
facial features using three-dimensional imaging technology and quantitative genetic analysis. This study
not only estimated the narrow-sense heritability of specific facial traits but also explored genetic
correlations between these traits and other phenotypes, such as intelligence, indicating substantial genetic
overlap between facial morphology and cognitive traits.
The interdisciplinary research exploring genetic correlations between intelligence and physical facial
characteristics represents an intriguing and expanding area of behavioral genetics and morphology. The study
elucidated that various dimensions of the human face not only exhibit significant heritability but also share
genetic substrates with intelligence, suggesting a complex pleiotropic interaction between these phenotypes.
The study identified that characteristics such as facial symmetry, interpupillary distance, and nose shape are
not only influenced by environmental factors but are also strongly rooted in our genetic constitution. The
analysis revealed considerable genetic overlap, indicating that genes affecting facial morphology may also
play roles in cognitive development and other traits related to intelligence.
Additional studies have expanded this perspective, investigating specific genetic loci that influence both
physical and cognitive traits. For example, genes such as OXTR and COMT, known for their roles in
neurobiological pathways, have been associated with both behavioral traits and subtle physical characteristics
like facial structures, reinforcing the notion that genetic expression can have multiple phenotypic impacts that
transcend traditional categories of physical and mental traits.
5. Genetics of Facial Symmetry and Health: Research by Jones et al. (2001) highlighted facial
symmetry as a potential indicator of genetic quality and developmental stability, correlating with both
health and intelligence. This study suggests that facial symmetry, often perceived as attractive, may serve
as a visual marker of good genetics, reflecting optimized genetics and a lower incidence of deleterious
mutations. These aspects are theoretically linked to neurological development and superior cognitive
abilities, indicating an indirect connection between facial symmetry and intelligence.
The underlying reasoning for this association is based on the hypothesis that facial symmetry, being a result
of undisturbed embryonic and postnatal development, suggests a less compromised genetic load and, therefore,
better overall biological functioning. Thus, individuals with higher facial symmetry could theoretically exhibit
better cognitive performance due to the influence of genes that affect both facial morphology and neuronal
pág. 461
The data analysis revealed that characteristics such as symmetry are more than aesthetic components; they
integrate complex genetic networks that can influence both physical and mental health. Although this area of
research continues to evolve, the findings so far reinforce the idea that facial beauty and intelligence may share
common genetic bases, offering new perspectives on how seemingly superficial traits can have profound
implications for biological and evolutionary understanding.
These studies suggest a complex genetic basis linking physical characteristics, including facial features, with
cognitive traits such as intelligence. Future advances in genetics and neuroscience are likely to expand our
understanding of these intriguing connections.
Pleiotropic Genes at the Interface of Ocular Development and Cognition: Exploring Genetic
Connections between Vision and Intelligence
The analysis of genetic intersections between specific physical traits and cognitive functions reveals a notable
complexity, where particular genes demonstrate extensive pleiotropic influences. Among these, the PAX6 gene
stands out as a central point in ocular development while simultaneously impacting aspects of cognition.
Genomic studies have consistently identified PAX6 as a key regulator not only in ocular morphogenesis but
also in the modulation of neural circuits that are fundamental for cognitive processing (Mitchell et al., 2012).
Another gene of significant relevance is OXTR, known for its primary role in mediating social behaviors
through the modulation of oxytocin pathways. Recent research indicates that variants in this gene not only
influence social processing capabilities but are also associated with visual perception, suggesting a broader
role than previously understood, possibly affecting visual cognition and the interpretation of complex social
stimuli (Ferguson et al., 2018).
These examples underscore the importance of considering the multifaceted nature of genes in neurogenetic
and developmental studies. The pleiotropy of genes like PAX6 and OXTR illustrates the interconnectivity of
biological systems that regulate both physical development and aspects of human intelligence. Understanding
these connections could eventually lead to more precise interventions in treating neurodevelopmental and
visual disorders.
Observations about the visual characteristics in individuals with high IQ offer a fascinating opportunity to
explore how genetic variations can influence both cognition and ocular morphology. Studies suggest that
people with high IQ often exhibit a gaze that reflects not only an acute analytical capacity but also a vivacity
that can be partially attributed to pupil dynamics and their adaptation in complex cognitive situations.
pág. 462
Ocular Characteristics Associated with High IQ
This study involved observations made by two individuals with a high IQ. Both are active members and hold
positions in societies geared towards high IQ individuals, including administrative roles such as director and
coordinator of the Gifted Debate, a group composed of more than 40 gifted individuals who regularly meet to
discuss, build, and debate research.
1. Analytical and Vibrant Gaze: Individuals with high IQ often possess a gaze described as penetrating
and analytical, which may reflect intense activation of brain areas involved in information processing and
problem-solving. The vibrancy of this gaze could be associated with higher neural activity, as indicated by
studies linking elevated cognitive abilities with greater connectivity and efficiency in brain networks (Jung &
Haier, 2007).
2. Pupil Shape and Size: Research has shown that pupil dilation is greater in individuals performing
tasks requiring high cognitive effort, suggesting that variations in pupil size can be an indicator of cognitive
capacity (Beatty & Lucero-Wagoner, 2000). The variation in pupil size in response to intellectual stimuli may
reflect mental workload and the intensity of cognitive processing.
3. Relative Ocular Proportions: The size of the eye relative to other facial features may also be
influenced by genetic factors that affect both physical structure and brain functionality. Genes such as PAX6,
which have known roles in ocular development and brain functions, may contribute to these peculiar
proportions observed in individuals with high IQ.
The correlation between gaze and intelligence suggests that visual characteristics can serve as secondary
phenotypes in identifying complex cognitive traits. Future studies could delve deeper into how these visual
traits are genetically linked to intelligence, utilizing brain imaging and behavioral genetics techniques to map
interactions between genes, brain structure, and cognitive functions.
Investigating the correlations between ocular anatomical characteristics and cognitive capacity remains an
expanding field of study that addresses complex interactions between neurology and genetics. While pupil
dilation and eye movements have been associated with cognitive processes, applying these indicators to assess
intelligence requires rigorous analysis.
Pupil Dynamics and Cognition
The correlation between pupil dilation and cognitive load is supported by evidence suggesting an increase in
pupil dilation in response to engagement in tasks requiring high cognitive processing (Beatty & Lucero-
pág. 463
Wagoner, 2000). Pupil dilation can reflect central nervous system activity, particularly the activation of the
locus coeruleus, which is involved in the regulation of attention and arousal.
Eye Movements as Cognitive Indicators
Eye movements, especially saccades, are indicators of visual processing and attention. Studies using eye-
tracking techniques have demonstrated that the frequency and accuracy of saccades can be related to efficiency
in visual and cognitive information processing (Rayner, 1998).
Ocular Proportions and Genetics
Although characteristics such as interpupillary distance and eye shape may have significant genetic
components, the direct relationship of these measures to intelligence remains speculative and under
investigation. The expression of genes like PAX6 influences both ocular development and neurocognitive
aspects (Mitchell et al., 2012).
Ethical and Methodological Considerations
Using ocular characteristics to infer cognitive capacities raises profound ethical issues, including concerns
about privacy and the potential for discrimination.
Pleiotropic Genes at the Interface of Nasal Development and Cognition: Exploring Genetic Connections
between Nose and Intelligence
The investigation of the genetic bases that interconnect nasal development and cognitive capacity reveals
intriguing data on genetic pleiotropy, where single genes can influence multiple biological phenotypes. The
relationship between specific facial structures and brain functions, although less studied than other phenotypic
correlations, offers a promising field for exploring the interactions between morphology and intelligence.
Relevant Pleiotropic Genes
1. MSX1: This gene is crucial for craniofacial development and has been associated with nasal
morphology. MSX1 is also involved in neural development processes, suggesting a pleiotropic role that may
link nose formation to aspects of neurology and cognition (Liu et al., 2009).
2. PAX6: Widely known for its role in ocular development, the PAX6 gene is also implicated in nasal
morphology and various brain functions. The expression of PAX6 in the brain during development suggests
that its variations can affect both facial features and intelligence (Zhang et al., 2011).
3. GLI3: This gene regulates transcription during embryonic development and is important for nasal
morphology. Studies indicate that mutations in GLI3 can affect facial structure and are associated with
pág. 464
syndromes that include cognitive deficiencies, pointing to a pleiotropic function that could connect nasal
development with cognitive capacity (Johnson et al., 2010).
Pleiotropic Genes at the Interface of Facial Region Development and Cognition: Exploring Genetic
Connections between Face and Intelligence
Research on the interconnection between the genetics of facial development and intelligence encompasses a
fascinating area of behavioral genetics and neurological development, illustrating the complexity of pleiotropy
in human genes. Pleiotropy, which refers to the ability of a single gene to influence multiple phenotypic traits,
offers an intriguing perspective on how facial characteristics and cognition can be interrelated through common
genetic pathways.
Pleiotropic Genes and Facial Development (Examples)
1. SHH (Sonic Hedgehog) Gene: This gene plays a crucial role not only in craniofacial development but
also in cell differentiation processes in the brain. Variations in the SHH gene have been associated with
alterations in both facial morphology and cognitive deficiencies, suggesting a pleiotropic effect that may be
key to understanding the interrelation between facial structure and brain function (Roessler et al., 2008).
2. FGFR2 (Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 2) Gene: Known for its implication in conditions such
as Apert and Crouzon syndromes, which involve craniofacial malformations, FGFR2 has also been studied for
its impact on neuronal proliferation and cerebral cortex development. Studies indicate that mutations in this
gene not only alter facial morphology but can also lead to cognitive challenges, pointing to a potential
pleiotropic role in terms of neuropsychological development (Twigg & Wilkie, 2015).
Implications for Understanding Cognition
Exploring the pleiotropic genes that affect both facial development and cognition suggests that the genetic
bases of intelligence may be deeply interconnected with physical morphology. Understanding these
connections can offer new avenues for early diagnosis and interventions in developmental disorders, both
neurological and craniofacial.
Future Research
Future research should focus on determining the specific molecular mechanisms by which these pleiotropic
genes operate, using advanced technologies such as CRISPR-Cas9 for genetic editing and neuroimaging
techniques to observe the impact of genetic development on brain structure and function. Additionally,
pág. 465
longitudinal studies could elucidate how genetic variations influence the trajectory of cognitive development
throughout life.
Research on the relationship between facial morphology and intelligence continues to challenge our
understanding of the genetic bases of human cognition. As we advance, it is crucial to maintain an ethical and
conscientious approach, recognizing the complexity of human genetics and avoiding oversimplifications that
could lead to stigmatization.
The results of this study suggest a potential association between high IQ and a greater incidence of phenotypic
changes over the lifespan. These changes may reflect a complex interaction between genetic and environmental
factors that influence both intelligence and physical development. The analysis indicates that individuals with
high IQ may possess greater phenotypic plasticity, potentially due to genetic variants that confer an increased
adaptive capacity in response to cognitive and environmental challenges. However, the implications of these
findings are limited by the self-reported nature of the data and the small sample size. Future research should
include longitudinal approaches and objective assessment methods to confirm these correlations and elucidate
the underlying mechanisms. Additional studies are necessary to explore how diagnostic characteristics, such
as autism, may influence the perception and reporting of phenotypic changes in high IQ populations.
Statement of contributions: Rodrigues, F. A. A. was the idealizer, owner and creator of the concept, wrote
and revised the manuscript. Guided the team in data collection and revised the manuscript.
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