pág. 1371
keywords (in Spanish, English, and Latin): coccidia, coccidiosis, oocyst, oocysts, oocisto, oocistos,
Eimeria, Isospora, ave, aves, pájaro, pájaros, bird, birds, passerine, Passeriformes, Mexico, in the
most popular databases (e.g. Web of Knowledge, PubMed, Searchable Ornithological Research
Archive, Scopus, SciELO, Redalyc). Some studies were found on the presence of coccidia in
passerines in the State of Mexico, which was useful to strengthen the present study. A publication on
coccidia in wild passerines from the Americas was also found but did not show records for Mexico
(Pereira and Lopes 2013). Therefore, our study appears to provide the first evidence of the presence of
coccidia in passerine birds in the west of the country.
The resistance of the coccidia oocyst in the environment and the immune conditions of the hosts make
them susceptible to suffering from coccidia. Let us remember that it was only in a limited area, with
the possibility that the negative processed samples could be false negatives.
We acknowledge the Comite of Protected Areas in Michoacan for the facilities provided to carry out
this study, to the parasitology area of the FMVZ-UMSNH for immediate sample processing, to the
Benito Juárez de Michoacan zoological park for their support in the field work, to CIESA-FMVZ-
UAEM project 5000/2020CIB and Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT), we also
acknowledge the iBird International.
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