Alfredo José Mero Basurto
Eloy Alfaro University of Manabí Ecuador
Gabriel José Bazurto Alcívar
Eloy Alfaro University of Manabí Ecuador
Lic. Ulbio Gonzalo Farfán Corrales
Eloy Alfaro University of Manabí Ecuador
Lic. Esperanza Monserrate Heredia Mendoza
State University of Quevedo
Lic. Nilo Orlando Mero Pin
Eloy Alfaro University of Manabí Ecuador
pág. 1409
Use of worksheet on the development of the writing skill in English
language learning
Alfredo José Mero Basurto
Eloy Alfaro University of Manabí - Ecuador
Gabriel José Bazurto Alcívar
Eloy Alfaro University of Manabí - Ecuador
Lic. Ulbio Gonzalo Farfán Corrales
Eloy Alfaro University of Manabí Ecuador
Lic. Esperanza Monserrate Heredia Mendoza
State University of Quevedo
Lic. Nilo Orlando Mero Pin
Eloy Alfaro University of Manabí Ecuador
The worksheet is an invaluable tool for developing English writing skill, encompassing grammar,
vocabulary, reading comprehension and creative writing exercises, which can be adapted to different
skill levels. The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact about the use of the worksheet on ninth and
tenth grade students; focusing on the development of writing skill. Methodology: it is a qualitative-
quantitative research using the inductive deductive analytical and synthetic methods, techniques
were used such as the interview of 8 English teachers and a structured survey to 54 students of ninth and
tenth grade of upper basic education in a rural school of Jama, the analysis of the qualitative data
provided by the interview technique were transcribed verbatim and the responses of the surveys were
tabulated and analyzed quantitatively using descriptive techniques, such as frequencies and percentages.
The results revealed that the worksheet has had a positive impact on English learning, there is
improvement in writing skill, the worksheet allowed them to learn vocabulary, connectors and the
effective construction of sentences and paragraphs. In conclusion, this study demonstrates the
importance of the worksheet in the classroom, as it promotes thinking and application of acquired
knowledge, thus avoiding reliance on translation and allowing students to think, understand, and speak
in the target language more effectively.
Keywords: approach, methods, learning, teaching, second language
Autor Principal
pág. 1410
Uso de hoja de trabajo sobre el desarrollo de la habilidad de escritura en el
aprendizaje del idioma inglés
La hoja de trabajo es una herramienta invaluable para el desarrollo de habilidades de escritura en inglés,
esta abarca ejercicios de gramática, vocabulario, comprensión de lectura y escritura creativa, los cuales
pueden adaptarse a diferentes niveles de habilidad. El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar el impacto del
uso de la hoja de trabajo en estudiantes de noveno y décimo grado; enfocado en el desarrollo de la
habilidad de escribir. Metodología: es una investigación de carácter cuali-cuantitativo utilizando los
todos inductivo deductivo analítico y sintético, se emplearon técnicas como la entrevista a 8
docentes de imparten la asignatura de Inglés y una encuesta estructurada a 54 estudiantes de noveno y
décimo de educación básica superior en una escuela rural de Jama, el análisis de los datos cualitativos
proporcionado por la técnica de entrevista fueron transcritas verbatim y las respuestas de las encuestas
fueron tabulados y analizados cuantitativamente utilizando cnicas descriptivas, como frecuencias y
porcentajes. Los resultados revelaron que la hoja de trabajo ha tenido un impacto positivo en el
aprendizaje del inglés, hay mejora en la habilidad de escritura, la hoja de trabajo les permitió aprender
vocabulario, conectores y la construcción efectiva de oraciones y párrafos. En conclusión, este estudio
demuestra la importancia de la hoja de trabajo en el aula, ya que promueven el pensamiento y la
aplicación del conocimiento adquirido, evitando así la dependencia de la traducción y permitiendo a los
estudiantes pensar, comprender y hablar en el idioma meta de manera más efectiva.
Palabras claves: enfoque, métodos, aprendizaje, enseñanza, segunda lengua
Artículo recibido 10 junio 2024
Aceptado para publicación: 20 julio 2024
pág. 1411
Through the years, the interest of the cognitive linguist in finding the ideal method to make the teaching
and learning of the English language fast and effective has been highlighted, which has resulted in the
implementation of different methodological proposals as a result of advances in didactics, linguistics,
psychology and other disciplines (Gooding de Palacios, 2020). English is an increasingly valued skill in
the globalized world in which we live (Ministerio de Educación, 2016).
Educators and linguists have constantly searched for effective strategies and tools to facilitate the
teaching-learning process of the English language (Gooding de Palacios, 2020). In this regard, a widely
used tool that has been shown to have a significant impact on the development of writing skill is the
worksheet, this is a pedagogical resource that provides an organized structure for students to practice
and develop specific skills in the context of writing in English, worksheets can vary in format and
content, but they usually include exercises ranging from grammar and vocabulary to writing complete
Authors such as Bezares et al. (2020) state that, by understanding the impact of the worksheet on the
development of writing skill in the teaching-learning process of the English language, educators will be
able to make informed decisions and design pedagogical strategies that promote more effective and
meaningful learning. Valencia (2017) in his research he states that the worksheet itself seeks to
encourage reflection and discussion in the community, enhancing English language teaching and
learning, especially in the context of writing skills. Similarly, Bilbao (2017); however, Crespo (2019)
states that the acquisition of a second language is indispensable in this new century, starting with the
teaching of a second language in rural schools.
In addition, this article also seeks to encourage reflection and debate in the educational community on
the importance of using appropriate tools and resources to improve the teaching and learning of English
language, especially in the context of writing skill. Starting from the fact that human beings, in their
natural development, acquire the ability and skill to master at least one language; however, the
acquisition of a second language is indispensable in this new century, starting its teaching in rural
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One of the main characteristics of rural schools is the grouping of students into multigrade classrooms,
either for structural reasons or by choice (Fargas Malet & Bagley, 2021) (Fawzia, 2018). This
configuration requires a response adjusted to the diversity of classrooms and the rural context to take
advantage of this context and the differences between students, thus enriching joint learning, by
considering different aspects of multigrade didactics, such as the didactic resources that support the
methodology used (Villamizar & Jaimes, 2021). The objective of this research will be to evaluate the
impact of the use of the worksheet in tenth grade students focused on the development of writing skills
during the teaching-learning process of English.
Furthermore, to assess the impact provides valuable insights into how personalized resources, such as
worksheets which can be strategically employed to improve learning outcomes. This information is
particularly relevant in the context of a rural public school, where resources may be limited and finding
effective teaching strategies is imperative to providing quality education and “the lack of specific and
adequate teaching resources to address teaching and learning in multigrade classrooms” (Carrete Marín
& Domingo Peñafiel, 2022). It is intended to improve the overall educational experience and outcomes
of tenth grade in a rural school at Jama, equipping them with enhanced writing skills that can benefit
them academically and in the future endeavors.
In the context of ninth and tenth grade students in a rural public school in Jama, there is a perceived
challenge in terms of the development of writing skills within the teaching-learning process of the
English language, despite the dedicated efforts of educators, there is a need to explore and implement
effective strategies that can comprehensively improve the writing proficiency of these students, the field
of action encompasses the teaching-learning process. Despite efforts to implement standard teaching
methodologies, students continue to face difficulties in achieving mastery of written expression. This
problematic situation arises from a combination of factors, including limited access to supplemental
resources and potential gaps in instructional strategies tailored to the specific needs of rural students.
Research questions
1. How do students perceive the effectiveness of the use of worksheets in English language classes?
2. How does the incorporation of the worksheets impact on the writing skill proficiency?
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3. What are the barriers faced by teachers in implementing worksheets for writing skill development in
English language classes?
Literature Review
The present research seeks the breakdown of the study variables, exploring the use of the worksheet by
teachers and the impact on the development of writing skill in the teaching-learning process of English
language in the ninth and tenth grade students.
Human beings, in their natural development, acquire the ability and skill to master at least one language;
however, in the acquisition of a second language, when they are adults Krashen (2013), establishes
hypothetically, this acquisition occurs in two forms, unequal and autonomous in order to develop second
language competence. It expresses language attainment explicitly and implicitly. In the first, second
language learning is a process similar to that which children develop when learning their mother tongue.
In the other, learning is informal and natural. Krashen (2013) focuses on the second language theory
where children acquire the second language while adults learn it. In the successive stages of teaching
and learning, it is emphasized that, for English language teaching, the starting point is the learner, who
is considered the object of education.
In this context, educators approach different teaching methods, contextualizing the approaches that
guide the nature and learning of language. These approaches are the point of view from which is derived
a systematic process of linguistic knowledge for English language teaching (Avellaneda Gonzales,
2023). The approaches can be grouped into five: traditional, natural, structural, communicative and
humanistic, as presented in the diagram entitled “Methods Approaches to the teaching of English
Language” (López Montañez, 2019).
The worksheets, according to Martínez, Faba, and Guirado (2023) “They are a representation of the
individual educational reality carried by a medium, with educational intentionality”; as well as, “is a
necessary didactic resource, with a structuring function of the contents, they have a marked operational
character, their use establishes interdisciplinary relationships and develops skills” (Escobar Sánchez,
2017), in this case, in the planning of teaching activities, where they use didactic procedures for the
teaching of English. The above criterion is assumed because the designed worksheets reveal, in essence,
the established elaboration and evaluation criteria.
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Today's world is a globalized era, and it is necessary to consider the development of skills that help us
to function effectively in it (Nofuentes Guerrero, 2019). Authors such as: Dirgayasa, Lubis, and Sari
(2023) state that within these skills, the knowledge and mastery of languages and specifically English
can be considered one of the most important, the new society demands students capable of functioning
in a multicultural and multilingual context, hallmarks of the present and future society in which they
will live. Also, in order to Quintero, Bustillos and Amaguaya (2023) today's schools must take on these
demands and respond to them by training students to live in an environment characterized by mobility.
Cuenca (2021) states that the choice of the best method in language teaching is extremely difficult for
the teacher, since we cannot talk about a single effective method as it is not possible to refer to a certain
type of student for which it is indicated and motivating, but it is necessary to focus on the positive impact
of the use of worksheets on writing skills that will extend beyond the classroom, positively influencing
students' performance on assessments and writing assignments (Suárez Abrahante & Espinosa Freire,
2019). The worksheets offer structured and specific exercises that allow students to practice specific
writing skills, positioning themselves as a practice focused on reinforcing the concepts taught in class,
helping students consolidate their learning, regularly participating in the worksheets provides students
with repetitive exposure to writing tasks.
According to (Estrada García, 2018) (Jacometo Durante & Rossato Yanagu, 2017), state the approaches
to methods for English language teaching it could consider that there are some approaches such as:
traditional and it has relationship with grammar translation; secondly, natural approach could be direct
or berliz. There is a structuralist approach and it has key factor as: audio-oral, situational and
audiovisual. Finally, there are the communicative and humanistic approach which seek in the learners a
total physical response silence, sugestopedia, neuro-linguistic programming and multiple intelligences.
This model helps greatly to make learning English more enjoyable for students, thus that teachers are
responsible, at least at the beginning of the phases and for guiding students through them, they are
something like a moderator. It is necessary for the teacher to establish equality and trust in the
environment, this can be achieved by accepting all suggestions and avoiding making value judgments.
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Types of Skills
Every student interested in learning a language is assuming that they will acquire certain skills that will
allow them to express themselves correctly, therefore, there are many skills, each student gives priority
to those that they consider will serve them best according to their context (Garcia Gúzman, 2019). In
this sense, some of the most common skills are set out and they are acquired or should be acquired when
studying a new language.
Oral and written skills. There are four ways that language can be used, and they go on the function
that each person plays in the communication processthat is, on whether the message is intended to be
received orally or in writing. These ways are speaking, listening, reading and writing, the student who
wishes to learn a second language effectively must learn to know and master them, in such a way that
the differences between oral and written skills have triggered controversial studies and debates, since
some authors give priority to what were once called, erroneously, active skills, which were speaking
and writing, because they were considered externally observable.
Receptive and productive skills: The communication process is dynamic and constant; something is
always being communicated and therefore roles are exchanged between the receiver and the sender
(Zabalza Beraza, 2022). For this reason, it would be quite illogical to think that these four skills
described should be studied in isolation, since they interact all the time and mix to achieve an endless
number of combinations.
Productive oral skills: The belief in basic education is that in traditional school, students are taught to
read and write and it is assumed that they can already speak. Therefore, the ability of oral production or
expression has been somewhat forgotten, the only way in which speaking correctly is valued and
remembered that it is an essential and basic skill in the training of students, is when one of them has a
very marked deficiency.
Writing competence
The development of writing competence within the classroom context, teachers are using worksheets
more and more as a teaching tool to scaffold students' writing skill. The effectiveness of explicit writing
instruction, which entails segmenting the writing process into doable phases and offering students
worksheets or other structured practice tasks to help them reinforce writing concepts and practices.
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Moreover, the significance of offering students opportunities for guided practice and feedback, with a
focus on the function of worksheets in supporting the consolidation and mastery of skills.
Teachers may accommodate the unique needs and learning styles of their students by utilizing a range
of worksheet forms, including visual organizers, writing prompts, and peer review sheets. This allows
them to provide scaffolding and assistance to their students as they advance their writing skills. For
different learning styles and needs, modify the activities and resources. Language can only be carried
out in four different ways, depending on the role that the individual has in the communication process,
that is, according to whether he acts as sender or receiver and whether the message will be oral or written
(Hernández Gómez, 2020).
In addition, the utilization of worksheets can be employed as a strategy to foster student independence
and self-control. Teachers can enable students to take charge of their writing process and make well-
informed writing judgments by giving them well-structured writing assignments and guidelines. With
the help of worksheets, teachers can help students develop strategic thinking and metacognitive
awareness by having them consider their writing objectives, track their progress, and make necessary
The development of reading comprehension abilities, such as grammar, vocabulary, spelling, and
punctuation, is a crucial component of writing proficiency in the classroom. Teachers help students
grasp and use language rules in their writing by giving them clear teaching in these areas.
The capacity to produce and arrange ideas in a cohesive and logical manner is another aspect of writing
competency. Teachers help students with this process by teaching them different pre-writing techniques,
like mind mapping, outlining, and brainstorming, which enable them to develop and arrange ideas before
Additionally, writing competence is the ability to modify tone and style for various audiences and goals.
In order to assist students in properly adapting their writing to various settings, teachers provide
guidance on writing context, which includes audience expectations, genre conventions, and the text's
intended purpose.
Revision and feedback are essential to helping students become proficient writers in the classroom.
Instructors give students timely, helpful feedback on their writing, pointing out their strengths and areas
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for development while also offering advice on how to improve their writing's clarity, coherence, and
effectiveness through revision and editing. Writing cooperatively is another essential component of
developing writing proficiency. In order to foster collaborative learning and peer assistance during the
writing process, educators support student collaboration by offering chances for peer review, group
discussions, and collaborative writing assignments.
The skills gained through worksheet activities can be applied to a variety of writing tasks, both inside
and outside the classroom, this transferability is essential for students to become proficient and confident
writers in various contexts according to Campoverde et al. (2019). Research has shown that regular use
of worksheets can improve students' academic performance, especially on written assignments and
assessments. Well-designed worksheets can also motivate and engage students, adding to the enjoyment
of the learning process.
This research has a qualitative-quantitative approach, with a descriptive cross-sectional design, using
inductive deductive analytical and synthetic methods. For data collection it will apply survey to
students and interview to English teachers, these professionals had different ages and years of experience
with diverse perspectives; furthermore, all the participants had lived and have been involved in the rural
Techniques such as the interview was used with a sample of 8 English teachers who were chosen: 4
women and 4 men from public educational institutions in rural areas in the province of Manabí, Ecuador;
these professionals had diverse experiences and have gone through the teaching process and know the
reality inside the classroom in the rural education; and also, it was used a structured survey to 54 ninth
and tenth grade high school students in a rural school in Jama; for this questionnaire, responses was give
and accepted from 54 students, 25 (46,30%) female and 29 (53,70%) male, aged between 12 and 16
years old. The qualitative data analysis was transcribed verbatim and the survey responses were
tabulated and analyzed quantitatively using descriptive techniques, such as frequencies and percentages.
After it has all request approved, it was possible to carry out the techniques (interview and survey) taking
into in consideration and applying the instruments to the participants and collect the necessary
information in this research. The content of the participants' informed consent was socialized and
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reported and the confidentiality and anonymity of the data was guaranteed by assigning alphanumeric
identifiers (Names are replaced with letters and numbers based on code for teachers (T): for example,
T1 meant teacher number one).
The evaluation on the use of the worksheet and its impact on the development of writing skill in the
teaching-learning process of the English language, showed that this tool can be beneficial for students
by providing them with structure and practice in writing. However, it is essential for teachers to use
worksheets in a variety and complementary way to other strategies that encourage creative writing and
self-expression. In this way, the most relevant results obtained in this research are shown.
Table 1.
Categories of analysis about the interview
Supporting material provided by the Institution
Ability to write after reading
Teaching model
Motivation Strategies
Time dedicated to language learning
In the context of English language teaching, the supporting materials provided by the institution play a
fundamental role in the educational process (Deleg Guazha, 2017). According to Gómez, Ramírez,
Martínez et al. (2019) state that these materials can vary from physical dictionaries to websites,
worksheets and videos, however, there is also the possibility that the institution does not provide any
specific material, to which the teachers indicated:
(T1) As a rural school, we do not have access to the internet or constant electricity, therefore I
supplement teaching with physical dictionaries to support the teaching of English and I also use the
worksheet. (T2) We are not provided with specific material, however, as teachers, we have created our
own material (worksheets, vocabulary flashcards and practical activities on paper and we also use
textbooks and physical dictionaries). (T3) As we don't have access to the internet or constant electricity,
I choose physical dictionaries and grammar books in English. (T4) I use the printed worksheet and
create practical activities for the students. (T5) I have chosen to rely on physical dictionaries, textbooks
and printed worksheets which I adapt according to the needs of the students. (T6) We create our own
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worksheets and activities for students. (T7) It is difficult to teach English in a school where there is no
access to technology and other resources, but I have had good results with the worksheet and textbooks.
(T8) I use different support tools in class, including the worksheets.
Teachers agree that they use physical dictionaries, English grammar books and printed worksheets to
complement English teaching, as the school does not provide them. Despite the limitations of
technological resources, teachers have obtained good results using the worksheet as a support tool in
In regards to the question: After reading, is the student able to write down what he or she understood?
So, it is the teachers' responsibility to provide them with the tools, support and opportunities to develop
this fundamental skill (Aldaz Castro, 2020). Furthermore, Javaloyes (2016) states that constant practice,
constructive feedback and fostering a safe and creative environment are key elements in helping students
improve their ability to write about what they have read and understood. The teachers answered:
(T1) In my opinion, students' ability to write about what they have understood after reading can vary
considerably, because some students demonstrate a great ability to express their ideas clearly and
coherently, while others may face difficulties in translating their thoughts onto paper. (T2) Some
students may be able to write easily and succeed in expressing their thoughts clearly, while others may
need additional support to improve their writing skills. (T3) In my own experience as a teacher, I have
observed that some students face particular challenges when trying to write about what they have
understood in each English class, as it involves the ability to translate abstract ideas into words and
explain reasoning clearly and logically. (T8) As a language teacher, I consider writing to be an essential
part of the learning process, after reading, students should be able to express their ideas, opinions and
understanding of English, although it can be challenging, but with time and practice, students manage
to do it. (T5) Some students may have a natural inclination towards writing, can capture and convey
their ideas with ease, while others always need support. (T6) Feedback should be given one after the
other, thus that students can organize their ideas and use precise language about what they have
understood. (T7) Some students have difficulties in structuring their ideas and arguments coherently
and in using sources and evidence effectively in their writing. (T8) This is a very common problem in
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the classroom, but it is still important that students can express their experiences and reflections on the
texts read in class.
Based on the analysis of responses, teachers recognize that some students face specific challenges in
writing about what they have learned, although it can be challenging, writing is essential in learning
process and students can improve with practice and time. Some students may find it difficult to structure
ideas in a coherent way, but teachers strive to explore their knowledge and provide the necessary
When asked about: Does the Institution follow any specific model for teaching English to the students?
English language teaching is of vital importance in today's globalized world, and educational institutions
are expected to provide their students with the necessary tools to acquire English language skills (Prez
Rayos, 2019). (Noel Farfán, 2021) state that the models set out a clear guide for teachers and provide a
solid and proven methodological framework, helping teachers to plan their lessons more effectively,
ensuring a logical and progressive sequence of content and skills. In the specific case of the Institution,
the question arises as to whether it follows any specific model for teaching English to the ninth and tenth
grade students, to which the teachers responded:
(T1) At our institution, we follow the communicative approach in teaching English to upper elementary
students, focusing on developing oral and written communication skills, to encourage students' active
participation and to promote the practical use of the language in real-life situations. (T2) As a teacher,
I have adopted the CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) model for teaching English at
the upper elementary level, which integrates language learning with academic content. (T3) We follow
the structural method in teaching English to ninth and tenth grade students, focusing on teaching
grammatical rules and language structures in a systematic way, providing practical exercises and
practice activities. (T4) I believe that different teachers use different approaches, as there is no
institution-wide approach, and I use a task-based approach to teaching English. (T5) We focus on the
integral development of the students, taking into account their emotional and social needs, using
interactive activities, games and group dynamics to encourage motivation and confidence in the use of
the language. (T6) We focus on repetition and intensive practice of structures and vocabulary through
listening exercises and oral repetition. (T7) I try to combine elements of different models and
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approaches, adapting to the needs and characteristics of our students. (T8) We do not have a specific
Based on the responses, it is clear that the institution does not have a specific model, but teachers use
different approaches to teaching English, such as communicative, CLIL and structural, task-based
approaches, with interactive activities and group dynamics. Teachers adapt the approaches to the needs
of the students and combine elements of different models.
Regarding the question on: What strategies do you use to motivate students when learning English?
Motivation is a fundamental factor in the learning process of any subject, and English is no exception
(Martinez Sarmiento, 2022). The question about the strategies used to motivate students to learn English
is of great relevance, as motivation directly influences the level of participation, engagement and success
of the pupils. The teachers responded:
(T1) One of the strategies I use to motivate my students to learn English is to set clear and achievable
goals. I explain the long-term benefits of mastering the language and help them set short-term goals
that they can achieve. This gives them a sense of achievement and motivates them to keep learning. (T2)
In my experience, gamification is an effective strategy to motivate students, using games and interactive
activities that allow them to practice English in a fun and competitive way. (T3) To motivate to each one
of my students to learn English, I provide them with opportunities for choice and autonomy, with topics
of personal interest and to participate in projects that allow them to explore their own passions. (T4)
Connecting to the real world is a strategy I use to motivate my students, showing them how English is
applied in everyday situations and providing them with opportunities to practice communication skills
in real contexts. (T5) I use positive reinforcement as a motivational strategy, this creates a positive
environment and boosts their self-esteem, which in turn fuels their motivation to keep learning and
improving. (T6) I use didactic games combined with the worksheets, as it allows for effective feedback
on what has been learned. (T7) I establish relationships of trust and empathy with them, I try to ensure
that the material to be used in each class is complemented in a way that increases their motivation to
learn and actively participate in the classroom. (T8) I encourage a collaborative learning environment
with the worksheet, where students support each other, promoting activities that allow them to practice
English together.
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Teachers share various motivational strategies for their students, such as setting clear and achievable
goals, using gamification, providing choice and autonomy, connecting learning to the real world, using
positive reinforcement and combining learning games with printed worksheets, building trusting and
empathetic relationships.
To conclude, and keeping in mind that the total should be 100%, teachers were asked to indicate please
indicate the percentage of time students spend on the English language in each of the following skills
(listening, speaking, reading & writing) using worksheets.
Time spent on each English language skill using a worksheet is crucial to the overall development of
students (Forero Rey & García Díaz, 2019). According to Miranda Cuervo (2019) reading, writing,
listening and speaking are all essential skills that must be cultivated in a balanced way. By devoting
adequate time to each of these skills, students can improve their language proficiency and develop
effective communication in English. Further, Martínez (2022) state that it is important to adapt the time
devoted to each skill according to the individual needs of the students, thus providing a comprehensive
and effective English language education. The teachers answered:
(T1) It can be said that the percentage of time spent reading rather than writing could be around 30%
to 40%, as reading is essential to develop vocabulary and text comprehension. (T2) My students spend
more time on reading and writing comprehension, as it is essential for vocabulary development and
comprehension. (T3) In fact, I encourage writing in my students in such a way that them can write and
read in turn, for writing practice and expression, as for listening, it is encouraged by reading to all
students. (T4) I would think that about 30% of the time would be spent on reading, as it is essential for
vocabulary development, writing 25%, listening another 25% of the time to develop listening
comprehension. And finally, I would devote the rest of the time to speaking, as it is essential for oral
communication. (T5) I try to vary the teaching techniques every hour of class, thus that they can put into
practice and develop the skills that the subject demands. (T6) They spend 30% of their time reading,
20% of their time writing, 25% of their time listening and 25% of their time speaking. As a teacher, I
believe that engaging students in these skills fosters the habit of learning and practicing constantly. (T7)
My students spend more time reading, listening and writing, as their homes do not devote time to the
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subject, however, I try to encourage and develop vocabulary and comprehension. (T8) They dedicate
30% to reading, 50% to writing, to practice and improve their written expression.
Teachers’ opinions on the time dedicated to reading, writing and other skills vary. They agree that
between 30% and 40% of the time should be dedicated to reading, considering it fundamental for the
development of vocabulary and text comprehension. Some emphasize reading comprehension and
promote writing as a complement. An approximate distribution of time is proposed: 30% for reading,
25% for writing and 25% for listening to develop listening comprehension.
Analysis of the survey
1. How many hours of English class do you receive per week?
To answer this question, a survey was applied to students to collect information regarding in number of
hours of English classes received per week and thus could analyze each perspective of fifty four
participants, the results of the analysis are shown below:
Figure 1. Hours of English classes received per week
First of all, it is encouraging to see that the most common option selected by students is 1 hour per week,
with 91%, suggesting that most students are receiving at least a minimum of instruction in English,
which is critical to their academic development, however, it is also concerning that 7% of students have
selected the option of 45 minutes of class per week, this is a noticeably lower amount of time compared
to an hour, and it raises questions about whether it is enough to achieve meaningful learning, it is likely
that with just 45 minutes in a week, students will have limited exposure to the language and find it
difficult to delve into the fundamentals of English, such as grammar, vocabulary and oral fluency.
45 min 1 hour
2 to 3
7% 91% 2% 0%
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2. After reading the worksheet, are you able to write down what you understood?
To answer this question, a survey was applied to students to collect information regarding in the ability
to write down after reading the worksheet, and thus could analyze each perspective of fifty four
participants, the results of the analysis are shown below:
Figure 2. Ability to write down after reading the worksheet
69% answered affirmatively indicating that they are able to write what they understood after reading the
worksheet, which indicates the importance of this resource for students, developing in them solid reading
comprehension skills, since this is a fundamental skill in the learning process and is essential for
academic development and the acquisition of knowledge. However, it is worrying that 24% of students
have responded negatively, this raises concerns about the quality of their reading comprehension and
their ability to process and retain written information, which could also be linked to the hours of classes
received. In addition, 7% suggest that they sometimes achieve this skill, taking into account that this
may be due to various factors, such as the difficulty of the material, lack of practice in written expression
or lack of attention and concentration during the reading process.
3. Is the worksheet provided by the teacher understandable to you?
To answer this question, a survey was applied to students to collect information regarding is
understandable the worksheet to you, and thus could analyze each perspective of fifty four participants,
the results of the analysis are shown below:
Figure 3. The worksheet is understandable to you
Yes No Sometimes
83% 11% 6%
pág. 1425
83% of the students indicated that they find the worksheet provided by the teacher understandable,
indicating that they feel comfortable and able to understand the instructions and activities presented in
the worksheets, thus reflecting a satisfactory level of clarity and structure in the materials provided by
the teacher, which facilitates the learning process and the completion of the assigned tasks. In the same
way, 11% answered negatively, indicating that they do not find the worksheet comprehensible, which
shows that a significant group of students face difficulties in understanding the instructions or activities
presented in the worksheets, due to various factors, such as the complexity of the language used, the
lack of clarity in the instructions or the lack of adaptation to the individual needs and levels of the
students. In addition, 6% of students responded that comprehension of the worksheet is variable,
indicating that sometimes they find it comprehensible and other times not, a response that highlights the
importance of consistency and clarity in the delivery of instructions and activities in the worksheets.
4. Do you think the worksheet your teacher uses helps you give feedback on what you have learned
in class?
To answer this question, a survey was applied to students to collect information regarding is worksheet
useful for providing feedback on learning, and thus could analyze each perspective of fifty four
participants, the results of the analysis are shown below:
Figure 4. The worksheet is useful for providing feedback on learning
91% of the students consider that the worksheet helps them a lot in the feedback of what they have
learned in class, they perceive that this resource is a useful tool to reinforce and consolidate the
knowledge acquired in the classroom, considering that feedback is an essential component of the
learning process, since it allows students to identify their strengths and weaknesses, correct errors and
improve your understanding of the topics studied. Therefore, the fact that students positively value the
contribution of worksheets to feedback indicates that they are experiencing a significant educational
A lot Little Nothing
91% 7% 2%
pág. 1426
benefit. However, it is noteworthy that a small percentage of students 7% consider the worksheet to be
of little help to them in feedback, there can be several reasons for this, such as the quality or design of
the worksheets, the lack of clarity in the instructions, or the lack of specific feedback from teachers. So,
2% suggest that worksheets do not help them at all in feedback raises a more serious concern, it is
essential to research and address these issues to ensure that all students can benefit from worksheets as
a valuable feedback tool.
5. Are the materials your teachers use for reading and writing motivating?
To answer this question, a survey was applied to students to collect information regarding are materials
motivating for reading and writing, and thus could analyze each perspective of fifty four participants,
the results of the analysis are shown below:
Figure 5. Provided materials motivate students to read and write
94% of students selected the option “a lot” to describe the level of motivation they feel towards the
materials used by their teachers, this response reflects a mostly positive perception regarding the quality
and attractiveness of the materials used for reading and writing, having a significant impact on students'
intrinsic motivation and engagement with reading and writing activities. On the other hand, 6% of
students indicated that the materials used by their teachers are motivating to a lesser extent, selecting
the “little” option. While this percentage is low, it is important to take into account the opinions of these
students and address the possible reasons behind their lack of motivation.
The worksheets have been essential in English language teaching classrooms and one area where
worksheets are often utilized is the improving of writing skill. They are generally used as supplementary
materials to textbooks and lectures, providing students with structured exercises to practice various
language skills; This discussion aim is comparing findings with previous studies and offering insights
A lot Little Nothing
94% 6% 0%
pág. 1427
into their effectiveness on the basis of the literature review and the results obtained of this present
According to studies by experts in second language acquisition, prolonged and frequent exposure to a
foreign language is fundamental to its learning, Santana (2013) suggests that “approximately 8-10 hours
per week of constant exposure to a second language is needed to acquire communicative skills close to
those of a native speaker”. Therefore, increasing the number of hours of English lessons per week could
accelerate the process of language acquisition and improve students' language skills. In contrast to the
results obtained, 91% of the respondents claim to receive 1 hour of lessons per week. Furthermore,
Vásquez (2018) refers to the fact that active interaction with the content, through activities such as
debate, problem solving or group discussion, is essential for a more solid understanding. The results
obtained agree with these authors, as 69% state that they do manage to write because they understand
the worksheet.
For authors such as Pochi and Craigie (2018) rather than relying just on worksheets, it is important to
combine them with other methods of real-time feedback during lectures or group discussions. Authors
such as Bejarano et al. (2019), state that attractive materials can include interesting texts, creative
activities, interactive multimedia resources and practical exercises that challenge students to apply their
reading and writing skills in a meaningful way, motivating their learning. Similarly, research conducted
by Zamudio, Noriega and Soto (2019) refer to the fact that writing after reading promotes a deeper
understanding of the text, as it forces the student to reflect on what he/she has read, to organize his/her
ideas and to express them clearly. However, the results differ from the authors mentioned above, with
91% of respondents stating that the worksheet helps them to provide feedback on what they have learnt.
Cedeño et al. (2020), states that by selecting motivating materials, teachers awaken students' curiosity,
make them feel more engaged with the content and promote a dynamic and enriching learning
environment. Tsenkush (2021) states that the reading can provide an overview of content, but deep
understanding requires the ability to analyses, synthesize and apply information in a meaningful way.
Ariza y Pons (2021) consider that worksheets can be an effective feedback tool if used strategically.
These results are consistent with those obtained in this study, where 94% of respondents consider
materials used by teachers for reading and writing to be motivating.
pág. 1428
Núñez y Delgado (2023) they found in their study that writing after reading improves the retention of
information, since by writing about what has been read, the student actively processes the information,
which facilitates its storage in long-term memory. These results coincide with the opinion of the teachers
The findings reaffirm the importance the use of worksheet in the English language teaching class for
writing skill development. However, unexpected findings may arise, such as a new alternative form of
practice or the need for ongoing adaptation of worksheet content to meet evolving educational needs; it
means to emphasize the dynamic nature of language teaching and the necessity for teachers to remain
flexible and responsive to the diverse learning styles and preferences of their students.
There were non-complex limitations to the data collection, as there were students who were afraid to
sign the informed consent form, as well as teachers who were at work and did not have enough time to
answer the interview questions.
By investigating teachers' and students' own perspectives, it was observed the need to integrate the
worksheet to enhance writing skills in the English language teaching-learning process for students in
the ninth and tenth year of Higher Basic Education in a rural school in Jama city, as it provides students
with the opportunity to practice writing in an active way, which allows them to strengthen and improve
their language skills, helping them to develop critical and analytical thinking skills, as well as to improve
their ability to express their ideas clearly and effectively.
Worksheets serve as valuable tools in the English language teaching learning process, particularly for
writing skill development; taking into consideration that their strategic integration into the curriculum,
joined with thoughtful instruction and feedback, can optimize their impact on student learning outcomes.
Based on the findings and the review of theories, the research team concludes that all the objectives set
out for this study have been fully achieved. Thus, worksheets in the pedagogical context constitute a
teaching tool and a support material for teachers that allows students to work independently or
cooperatively, to use the prior knowledge they possess more safely and accurately, to establish
interdisciplinary relationships, and develop of writing competence in the ninth and tenth grade students
in a rural school in Jama city. However, it is essential that teachers use worksheets in a variety and
pág. 1429
complementary way to other strategies that encourage creative writing and self-expression, while
maintaining a balanced approach tailored to the needs of the students. The lack of a specific worksheet
design in EFL classes is the study's weakness; this makes it difficult to understand information about
the frequency and duration of worksheet use as well as modifications made based on student feedback,
which would improve understanding of the worksheets' effectiveness as a teaching tool. Furthermore,
the line of research for future studies could be recommend the efficiency of varied worksheet designs
catered to individual learning styles in EFL classes; on how personalized worksheets address students'
needs and encourage the growth of writing skill, and for giving teachers the assistance and training they
need to cater the various needs of students through customized worksheets, and this way that it promotes
holistic development in English language learning.
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