Ángela María Kaicer Pinargote
Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí
Henry Xavier Mendoza Ponce
Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí Extension Chone
Silvia Nancy Bazurto Alcívar
Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí
María Cristina Intriago Cobeña
Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí
Luis Alfredo Chavarría Mendoza
Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí Extensión Chone
pág. 1617
The use of technology and its impact on the strengthening of english
Ángela María Kaicer Pinargote
Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí
Henry Xavier Mendoza Ponce
Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí
Extension Chone
Silvia Nancy Bazurto Alcívar
Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí
María Cristina Intriago Cobeña
Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí
Luis Alfredo Chavarría Mendoza
Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí
Extensión Chone
Through interactive digital tools and educational apps, students have the opportunity to practice and
expand their vocabulary in a more dynamic and motivating way, providing access to a wide variety of
resources, such as online dictionaries, interactive exercises, and adaptive learning apps, which are
tailored to the individual needs of each student. encouraging active participation and autonomous
learning, which contributes to greater mastery of English vocabulary. This study aims to analyze the
impact that the use of technology has on the process of improving the vocabulary of the English language
in high school students of the Educational Unit of the Chone, this research was developed under the
qualitative and quantitative methods to collect information on the two variables. The use of technology
has a positive impact on strengthening the English vocabulary of high school students in a rural school
in Chone. However, it is important to consider the individual needs and preferences of students and
provide a balance between the use of ICT and other teaching methods to ensure comprehensive and
effective learning, concluding that most students feel more motivated to use technology to learn English,
generating greater interest and enthusiasm in students. which is critical for effective learning.
Keywords: information and communication technologies, english teaching, analytical programs,
technological resources
Autor Principal
pág. 1618
El uso de la tecnología y su impacto en el fortalecimiento del vocabulario en
A través de herramientas digitales interactivas y aplicaciones educativas, los estudiantes tienen la
oportunidad de practicar y ampliar su vocabulario de una manera más dinámica y motivadora,
brindándoles acceso a una amplia variedad de recursos, como diccionarios en línea, ejercicios
interactivos y aplicaciones de aprendizaje adaptativo, que son adaptado a las necesidades individuales
de cada estudiante. fomentando la participación activa y el aprendizaje autónomo, lo que contribuye a
un mayor dominio del vocabulario inglés. Este estudio tiene como objetivo analizar el impacto que tiene
el uso de la tecnología en el proceso de mejora del vocabulario del idioma inglés en estudiantes de
secundaria de la Unidad Educativa del Chone, esta investigación se desarrolló bajo los métodos
cualitativos y cuantitativos para recolectar información sobre las dos variables. El uso de la tecnología
impacta positivamente en el fortalecimiento del vocabulario en inglés de estudiantes de secundaria de
una escuela rural de Chone. Sin embargo, es importante considerar las necesidades y preferencias
individuales de los estudiantes y brindar un equilibrio entre el uso de las TIC y otros métodos de
enseñanza para garantizar un aprendizaje integral y efectivo, concluyendo que la mayoría de los
estudiantes se sienten más motivados al utilizar la tecnología para aprender inglés, generando mayor
Interés y entusiasmo en los estudiantes. lo cual es fundamental para un aprendizaje efectivo.
Palabras clave: tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, enseñanza del inglés, programas
analíticos, recursos tecnológicos
Artículo recibido 10 junio 2024
Aceptado para publicación: 15 julio 2024
pág. 1619
Education is a topic of great interest to society as a whole, and Information and Communication
Technologies (ICT) play a fundamental role in student learning (Martínez Moreno, Vergara Camacho,
& Kim Galvez, 2019). However, it is still unclear what the impact of technology is on learning,
especially for younger generations, so research on the impact of technology on improving English
vocabulary in high school students is crucial in the context of the changing educational landscape. The
objective of this research is to analyze the effect of the use of technology on vocabulary improvement,
which addresses a pressing need for evidence-based knowledge about the effectiveness of technological
interventions in language learning.
Authors such as Prato and Mendoza (2016), They state in their study that the use of technology in the
educational framework has not generated the expected results in the promotion of competence in English
vocabulary in high school students due to the fact that students cannot make use of technological
resources due to the unstable connection to access the Internet or the interruption of electricity that is
perennial in the community. Students persistently struggle to effectively comprehend and retain the
vocabulary they receive in their class hours, which represents a substantial obstacle to their language
Boude & Barrero (2018), They recognize that the design of learning strategies through digital tools, in
mixed learning environments, supports the development of their teaching practices, and promotes the
participation of their students, as well as some aspects that hinder and facilitate the development of this
type of training processes, such as the instability of connection networks. Likewise, Amado and
Gonzalez (2020) They showed in their work that the improvement of the English vocabulary in the
students with the implementation of the activities through digital tools is notorious.
According to Duque and Romero (2018) In their research work, the importance of the use of an OVA as
a resource for the acquisition of vocabulary in English is evidenced, in which it was possible to deepen
and value the work that is done in the classroom using technological tools, these authors affirm that it
was identified that thanks to technological tools it is possible for the student to be motivated and
interested in the learning of the English language and therefore this You can acquire vocabulary more
easily. Manrique (2022) affirms that Information and Communication Technologies are directly related
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to the learning of English, the more the student knows more about them, is digitally literate, the better
their performance will be in their training in English, the greater the understanding of the educational
material, multimedia content, implementation of tools in class and knowledge of ICTs, Learning English
will be more meaningful.
However, for learning the English language, there are various digital tools and modalities, such as
blended learning or augmented reality, which are used, for example, to create a favorable virtual
environment or to facilitate channels to help children learn (Bezares Molina, Toledo Toledo, Aguilar
Acevedo, & Martínez Mendoza, 2020) (Alvarez Castillo, Tarango, & González Quiñones, 2022).
Subsequently, they became a real alternative for social mobility for those children and adolescents living
in the periphery or rural areas.
This situation poses a critical dilemma as to the efficacy of technological interventions to improve
language skills within the confines of resource-constrained educational settings (Deleg Guazha, 2017).
This research aims to investigate the precise impact of various educational technological interventions
on the strengthening of English vocabulary in high school students of the educational institution. By
examining the role of interactive language learning platforms and digital applications within the English
curriculum, the study aims to offer insights into how these tools can effectively help students overcome
language challenges. It is hoped that the findings of this research will provide valuable empirical
evidence that can guide educational practices and policies, especially in rural educational settings with
limited access to resources.
Research Questions
1. How does the use of technological equipment influence the learning and expansion of English
vocabulary in high school students in rural Chone?
2. What are the benefits and challenges of using technology, such as mobile apps or virtual assistants,
for English vocabulary strengthening?
3. Is there any change in their motivation or academic performance in the high school students at
Chone Rural School?
Literature Review
There is a great contrast between the education of the past and the present, great differences such as
pág. 1621
infrastructure, forms of teaching, and above all the globalized world that offers constant and drastic
changes which we can observe or feel daily. If you analyze some of these factors quickly and accurately,
the changes are very noticeable. And that is why economic growth is increasingly based on technological
skills, faced with the requirement of a workforce capable of acquiring new qualifications, it is said that
education and training systems must adapt to the new demands (Mayberry & Klunder, 2017).
For many years, the field of English teaching has used different means to optimize and facilitate learning,
this use of Technologies has not only been constituted as a pedagogical aid but as a leading element of
any modern methodology (Mantero Suarez, 2018). In the past, a computer was not part of the essential
materials in a classroom, however, today they are part of the key infrastructure, making the content more
enjoyable thanks to the animations and color contrast that can be found in this virtual library.
Information and communication technologies with their acronym ICT are gradually becoming an
increasingly indispensable tool in educational centers (Luka, Pliatsikas, & Rossi, 2021). Likewise, these
resources open up new possibilities for teaching, such as immediate access to new sources of information
and resources such as the famous search engines. One of the fundamental contributions of the use of
ICTs to training processes is the elimination of the spatial barriers to face-to-face and distance learning
(Maza Martínez, 2022). It is more practical to be able to access any type of document or person without
having to waste time, waiting for a response since the speed of the network is faster and faster.
Technology helps to support learning activities, particularly based on motivation towards the student, it
must be taken into account that learning related to what comprises the branch of multimedia allows a
natural context to improve the collaborative relationship. In recent years, there has been an explosion of
interest in the use of technology in the teaching-learning process of foreign languages in the world
(Fawzia , 2018). Therefore, in order to achieve mastery of the foreign language, it is necessary to
intensify the teaching process, that is, the use of the benefits provided by texts, plus other types of
support materials.
Language teaching has been a pioneer in the use of technologies for language learning. The Internet
makes it possible for us to learn languages on multiple pages, facilitating a pleasant and attractive
practice, a playful and interactive way of teaching or learning. In several academic books (Ministerio de
Educación, 2016), It is required to comply with the development of activities using CDS, CDROOMS,
pág. 1622
or English laboratories to carry out the online exercises, which is common to observe that teachers omit
this part when teaching due to the lack of physical or technological infrastructure or simply due to other
types of limitations such as in rural areas where there is no electricity or internet connection.
This work will be based on three approaches: In the social aspect, it will be analyzed how the use of
technology as a support material within a classroom can improve the quality of life linked to the
development of students. In education, it will be shown that nowadays there is a wide variety of
resources that are usually unknown by teachers who can contribute significantly to the educational
branch. And in the research, through results and tables, a contrast will be made taking into account the
teachers who make or do not use technology as a work resource for the English language. Therefore, it
is evident that when there are new students on campus there is a great variation in skills, in some cases
they have a better retention capacity and others do not.
Information and communication technologies
With the passage of time and the emergence of the information and knowledge society in all sectors, the
need for permanent updating in education becomes eminent (Roa Soler, 2021). The emergence of new
virtual teaching environments based on technology overcomes the barriers of space and time. All these
technological changes require modifying the roles of teachers, students and other parts of the curriculum.
Students are no longer just passive recipients but agents of change capable of creating and carrying out
projects. Teachers go from simple transmitters of knowledge to guides and facilitators.
All this situation makes it necessary to incorporate technology as part of the training curriculum at all
levels. A flexible curriculum is needed and the realization of projects that seek to solve problems to the
new challenges we face. Según Mikre (2011), Information and communication technologies refer to
various technological tools and resources used to communicate, create, store, and manage information.
Its concept involves all the instruments used technologically in the process of sharing and
communicating knowledge.
Both teachers and students should use ICT in educational spaces to generate new ideas. New
technologies must be incorporated into the classroom at higher levels. This requires not only the use of
software and equipment, but also adequate training so that it can be carried out successfully. Information
and communication technologies are resources that provide great opportunities for use in education.
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However, its development will depend on the prospective vision and how it is used in the different
educational fields.
Integrating ICT into the curriculum
Information and communication technologies are producing transformations in the curriculum, in other
words, the rapid advancement of science and technology has forced changes that are producing
improvements in the teaching-learning process. Among the changes, we can mention that it goes from
rigidity to flexibility that allows students to make the most of it. With the incorporation of ICTs,
environments are being created that facilitate teaching. Individual progress and personalized information
are being carried out thanks to communication tools, achieving success in the training of professionals.
Many times, we talk about the curriculum without having a clear conception of its meaning, so we have
chosen to look for a concrete explanation of what it means. According to (Zabalza Beraza, 2022), The
curriculum has to do with the training that is intended to be carried out in an institution, in this case the
The use of ICT in the teaching of English
Information and communication technologies have played a huge role in teaching English throughout
the ages. Its application has contributed to improving students' skills. Teachers should take advantage of
this fabulous resource to improve the way they teach (Ortiz Rodriguez & Tejeda Díaz, 2023). In this
globalized world, the use of the English language is constantly changing. Therefore, the approach to this
reality should be taken into account in teaching. Students, according to Gómez, et al (2019) They lack
exposure to an authentic learning environment.
One of the ways to expose students to these changes is through the Internet. According to linguists, this
technological tool reinforces a wide variety of teaching environments. The use of the Internet is one of
the effective ways to facilitate the understanding of the English language. For example, they can watch
videos, learn vocabulary with real images, converse with native English speakers through video
conferences, among other activities that are very beneficial. According to Domínguez et al (2019) This
tool allows students to interact through gestures, eye contact, and facial expressions to understand the
meaning, as it produces positive effects on the brain's process of acquiring language.
pág. 1624
This work subscribes to the post-modern paradigm and uses a mixed methodology that combines
quantitative and qualitative methods, with a descriptive cross-sectional design, using the inductive-
deductive-analytical and synthetic methods, to obtain a complete understanding of the impact of
technology on students' vocabulary. To collect quantitative data, we applied an experimental and control
group of 34 students, 26 of whom were male and 8 were female, and a survey of high school students at
Chone Rural School. These questionnaires were designed to assess students' vocabulary levels before
and after the implementation of educational technology. Additionally, to add a qualitative dimension to
our research, we conducted an in-depth interview with an English teacher from the same institution.
This interview focused on exploring the teacher's perception and experience regarding the integration
of technology into her pedagogical practices and its perceived impact on the development of her
students' vocabulary. The selection of this teacher as the sole interview participant was based on her
direct and relevant experience with the use of educational technology in the classroom, which provided
a valuable qualitative perspective on the pedagogical dynamics and specific challenges of fostering
vocabulary learning through technology in a rural environment. In the same way, there was an informed
consent for the teacher and an informed consent for the parents of the students, since they were all
minors, in addition to guaranteeing the confidentiality and anonymity of the data through the assignment
of numerical identifiers.
This combination of quantitative and qualitative methods not only facilitated the objective assessment
of the improvement in students' vocabulary through the results of the survey but also allowed for a
deeper understanding of teachers' qualitative perceptions and experiences regarding the implementation
of educational technologies. Thus, this mixed-methods approach enabled us to analyze both the
quantitative improvement in students' vocabulary and the qualitative perceptions of teachers, offering a
holistic and complete view of the impact of technology on vocabulary learning in a rural educational
pág. 1625
Interview Analysis
The interview was conducted with 1 teacher of first and second year of high school in the area of English
in a rural school in the canton of Chone. The interview initially consisted of seven questions, which
sought to recognize how high school students perceive the use of ICT for learning English. However,
given the nature of the interview was semi-structured, other additional questions that arose in the
interaction with the interviewee were taken into consideration, since it is she, as a teacher, who has
greater knowledge about the recurrent attitudes and behaviors of students when using ICT to learn
English. The categories of analysis that emerged from this instrument were as follows:
Table 1. Categories of analysis
ICT-mediated learning environments
Class Participation
Learning English with ICT
Disadvantages of ICT in learning
Source: Authors' own creation
In 1ICT-mediated learning environmentthis regard, the teacher points out that:
"The use of technologies in the English class makes it possible to teach much more knowledge since
they allow the contents to be shown in different formats such as videos, images, audios, among others,
in addition, the use of ICT allows to consolidate learning since through web pages, digital platforms or
applications students can review the content seen in class, this makes it possible for students to learn
English anytime and anywhere, favoring autonomy."
The teacher has her own page that she cannot implement with the students of that institution, due to
factors such as the deficiency of electricity, little or almost no internet signal and lack of technological
The motivation category refers to the elements that teachers identify that increase students' interest in
learning English through the use of ICTs. In this sense, the teacher points out that one of the fundamental
reasons why she longs to be able to use ICT in the English class is because they promote the motivation
pág. 1626
of students to learn through games, songs, online activities, among other things, which enhance the
development of skills and competencies in a second language.
"The fundamental purpose with which I use ICT is to motivate students, offer them a different type of
teaching from the one I received, where the classes were rather boring and not very didactic, facilitate
their learning and allow them to integrate their technological tools into the classroom as long as it is for
training purposes"
According to the teacher, motivation is an essential factor in the acquisition of knowledge since it favors
the disposition and attitude to acquire new knowledge.
Participation in classes category analyzes how the use of ICT in English learning processes affects
student participation in the classroom. In this regard, it was found that students show greater
participation in class when the teacher uses technological tools, not only because they arouse interest
and motivation in students but also because students feel more familiar with the use of this type of tools.
"In general, when learning English, students feel shy and insecure when it comes to participating in
class, but when ICT is used to carry out activities in class, everyone wants to participate and play."
Indeed, ICTs contribute to students' learning of English, while encouraging them to be more spontaneous
and active in the acquisition of new knowledge.
Likewise, when the teacher was asked how she evidences that the use of ICT favors or disfavors the
development of communicative skills in the learning of English, she highlights that through participation
in class.
"You can see it when you actively participate in classes, because everyone wants to participate and there
are some who always want to participate, but you have to give everyone the opportunity, but in the
performance, the behavior in the classes and in the participation, you realize the benefits and the
acceptance of ICT that there are by them"
Therefore, when the use of ICT is accompanied by an attractive didactic proposal for students, the
possibilities of promoting the learning of English are greater given the increase in student participation
in class hours.
The category of learning English with ICT addresses an analysis of the possibilities that ICTs allow to
enhance the acquisition of knowledge in the area of English. In this regard, the teacher points out that
pág. 1627
the use of technological tools in class makes the idea of designing more meaningful learning experiences
plausible, as they allow the student not only to be actively involved in the task that is being developed,
but also given the wide diversity of resources, formats and channels that ICT makes possible, it allows
them to face the different learning and teaching styles.
"There are a lot of exercises and activities in English that favor you, such as work, and it favors them,
such as learning, which is not the same as listening to a native speaker doing an activity or explaining
something than someone who is not a native, so that favors learning a lot, the activities there are a lot of
video exercises, of things that you can use in class and that they love."
Thus, the use of ICT for the learning of English promotes autonomy and self-discipline in students since
the spatio-temporal limitations have been overcome thanks to these tools, although given that learning
to be meaningful must have the active participation of the student, it is of vital importance that the
activities that are developed not only make sense for the student, but also for the student. but also an
engaging experience in which they enjoy, have fun and learn.
Finally, in this last category, those aspects that teachers point out that ICTs disadvantage in the learning
of English are analyzed. First of all, it is important to mention the distracting behaviors that the use of
ICTs can generate, so it is necessary that the implementation of these tools in the classroom has a clear
learning purpose.
"With some students, it happens that you don't see progress because they are young people who talk
constantly in class or are on another planet, so they don't fit in with what we are doing."
Therefore, there needs to be adequate guidance from the teacher so that students who are more
susceptible to distraction can concentrate well on the activity proposed by the teacher.
On the other hand, an issue that, although not closely related to the use of ICTs, is that parents also have
an impact on student learning, while the lack of accompaniment of students at home represents low
academic performance.
"These young people spend most of their time alone, because their parents work both days in the morning
and afternoon, so the only time they see their parents is when they are almost asleep."
Consequently, both teachers and parents must be constantly accompanying and guiding young people
so that they can make appropriate use of ICTs in order to promote their learning processes, in this case,
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English. However, it also brings with it great challenges associated with the proper use of these tools,
the design of experiences according to the ages, needs, styles and interests of the students and the correct
integration of the same to the classroom. In short, there are many possibilities that ICT allows for
learning English, but there are also many disadvantages that they can generate if there is no good
guidance on their use in academic contexts
Survey Analysis
Figure 1. Do you have technological equipment such as: cell phone, tablet, computer?
Before the insertion of ICT in students in the first year of high school, there was a significant increase
in the possession of cell phones, going from 47% to 60%, this could be attributed to several factors, such
as greater accessibility, compared to computers or tablets, these devices allow them to satisfy basic needs
of communication, access to information and entertainment of students. Although there is a decrease in
the ownership of computers, going from 47% to 32%, attributing infrastructure limitations in a rural
area without access to electricity, since computers usually require a reliable source of energy and a
greater economic investment, which can make it difficult to acquire and use them in this context. It is
notable that the "None" category, went from 47% to 32%, still do not have access to any type of
technological device, this may be due to economic limitations, lack of access to electrical infrastructure
or personal preferences.
Telephone Tablet Computer None
47% 6% 47%
60% 6% 32%
pág. 1629
Figure 2. ¿ What electronic device do you use for your English academic activities?
There has been a drastic increase in the use of cell phones for academic English activities, from 13% to
27%, and several reasons such as their easy portability, versatility and accessibility may have led to a
significant increase in their use for academic English activities. The use of tablets for academic English
activities, went from 0% to 6%, these are also portable and offer a wide range of educational
applications, it is possible that students consider cell phones to be more practical and easier to use for
academic English activities. In the 21st century, in rural areas, computers do not exist as academic tools.
However, it is important to consider individual limitations and needs when selecting the right device for
academic English activities.
Figure 3. ¿ What is your connection type?
There is an increase in the use of Wifi as a type of connection, going from 13% to 27%, this access
improves the learning of the English language, more so in rural areas such as this one. It is also observed
that 87% do not have access to any connection before and 73% after, due to economic limitations, lack
of access to telecommunications infrastructure or personal preferences. Lack of internet connection can
Wifi Data None
13% 87%
27% 73%
Título del gráfico
pág. 1630
be a significant barrier to access to information, English language learning opportunities, considering
that lack of internet connection can have a negative impact on access to education and professional
development. Therefore, it is essential that governments and organizations work to close the digital
divide and ensure equitable and affordable access to the internet and therefore meet the 2030 Sustainable
Development Goals.
Figure 4. ¿ How many hours a week do you have technological devices for learning English?
There is an increase in the use of technological devices for learning English, previously 13% of
respondents claimed to have 1 hour a week, while later this figure increased to 20%. This may indicate
a greater recognition of the importance of technological devices in the English learning process as they
offer a wide variety of resources and applications that can aid in language practice, such as vocabulary
learning apps, interactive grammar programs, and access to online resources. Despite the increase in the
use of technological devices, there is still a significant percentage of respondents, 80% of students, do
not dedicate any specific amount of time to learning English through these devices, due to various
reasons, such as lack of motivation, economic resources, poor accessibility to adequate resources.
Figure 5. ¿ What activities do you carry out to learn English with the use of ICT?
1 hour 2 to 3 hours 4 to 5 hours None
13% 87%
20% 80%
in online
in courses
videos or
Read Do
20% 33% 7% 20% 20%
13% 20% 13% 20% 7% 20% 7%
pág. 1631
The response relationship between different English learning options reveals that group work is an
excellent way to learn, allowing interaction and oral practice, although only 13% considered online
platforms, which offer resources such as interactive lessons, exercises and discussion forums; Watching
videos or movies is a popular option that improves listening comprehension and familiarity with
English-speaking culture. Likewise, consulting dictionaries and looking for information are also
activities valued at 20% before and 13% after, since they provide detailed definitions and examples.
Reading is an effective tool for improving vocabulary and comprehension, with 33% before and 20%
after. Doing translations and completing worksheets are less popular, but useful for practicing translation
skills and consolidating grammatical knowledge. However, it is important to remember that learning
English is not limited to these activities.
Figure 6. ¿ Perceptions of the use of ICT to learn English?
Based on the percentages provided, it can be inferred that most of the people surveyed have a positive
perception about the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to learn English.
Around 30% of respondents indicated that they feel more motivated to use ICT to learn English. This
suggests that digital tools and online resources can generate greater interest and enthusiasm in the
learning process. In addition, 18% of respondents indicated that they learn more easily and quickly with
the use of ICTs. 22% of respondents expressed that they feel more interested in participating in class
when they use ICT to learn English, this can be attributed to the interactive and participatory nature of
digital tools, which encourage collaboration, communication and teamwork. On the other hand, only
3% said they felt lazy when using ICTs to learn English, which could mean that they could be
I feel more
I learn easier
and faster
I feel more
interested in
in class
I'm lazy I feel
30% 18% 22% 3% 27%
27% 40% 33%
pág. 1632
experiencing resistance or lack of motivation when using these technologies in their learning process.
However, 27% of respondents indicated that they feel uncomfortable using ICT to learn English.
Based on the literature review and the results obtained in the empirical part of this work, the actors
express agreement with the aforementioned where they affirm that, nowadays, access to the Internet has
become a fundamental need in our daily lives as expressed by Karatairi and Miller (2017), so that I
identify that there are different types of connection in their place of study. the most common being the
wired connection and the wireless connection. The results obtained in this study are contrasted, since
87% of students do not have any type of access to the Internet, which interferes with the teaching-
learning process of the English language. Likewise, Garzón, Monsalve and Valencia (2023) found in
their results a medium impact on learning gains and a very large impact on the motivation to learn
through the use of ICTs.
In addition, the authors ratify Santos (2021) position technological equipment has proven to be valuable
tools to increase the development of reading and writing skills, so that having this equipment such as
cell phones, tablets and computers gives us access to a wide variety of information and allows us to be
connected to the world at all times. This criterion is in line with the results obtained in this study, since
60% of students have a cell phone as a complementary tool for learning the English language.
Learning English is a complex process that requires a variety of approaches and activities. The results
obtained indicate that group work is an excellent way to learn, as it allows interaction and oral practice.
Active participation in discussions and debates with other students provides an opportunity to apply the
knowledge learned and improve communication skills. According to recent studies, collaborative
learning promotes motivation, the exchange of ideas, and the joint construction of knowledge (Revelo
Sánchez, Collazos Ordóñez, & Jiménez Toledo, 2018). Cabero and Palaces (2021) states that each
student has different preferences and learning styles, so it is necessary to adopt a comprehensive
approach that combines various strategies and resources. In addition, constant practice and exposure to
the language in real-world contexts are essential to achieve effective English acquisition.
According to a study conducted by Cuetos, Grijalbo, Argüeso et, al (2020), the use of ICT in the
classroom increases students' intrinsic motivation by providing them with interactive and engaging
pág. 1633
activities, as ICT offers a variety of tools, such as educational games, mobile apps, and online platforms,
that can pique students' interest and make English learning more engaging and relevant for them. This
study agrees with those obtained where teachers affirm that the use of technologies in the English class
makes it possible to teach much more knowledge since, they allow content to be shown in different
formats such as videos, images, audios, among others, in addition, the use of ICT allows learning to be
Cala, Diaz, Espinoza et al (2018) argue that tools such as interactive whiteboards, student response
systems, and online forums allow students to interact and collaborate with their peers and teachers in
more dynamic ways. In his study, Rodriguez argues that these collaborative learning environments
encourage student participation, give them the opportunity to express their opinions and build
knowledge together. (2019)
Our results are in agreement with those studies, in which students when learning English are shy and
insecure when it comes to participating in class, but when ICT is used to carry out activities in class,
everyone wants to participate and play.
In addition, the actual impact of technology on strengthening English vocabulary may require long-term
monitoring, as the immediate effects do not reflect the true extent of the impact, as vocabulary learning
is a gradual and continuous process, so long-term follow-up is recommended for high school students
in the rural school of Chone canton.
Based on the literature review and the results obtained in the empirical part, the authors declare that 90%
of the objectives set for this research process have been met. However, for learning English, it is seen
as an opportunity for students to build learning in an autonomous and meaningful way.
Thus, the literature review shows that the implementation of the use of ICT in the processes of
acquisition of a second language favors issues such as motivation, participation and interest in the
classroom, which allows students to take the initiative not only to learn by themselves but also to do so
pág. 1634
Finally, it is insisted that the wide range of possibilities allowed by technological tools makes plausible
the idea that the student is the protagonist of his or her own learning, while he or she has a wide variety
of interactive resources that attract his or her attention and interest in the contents.
In addition, among the weak points of this study to measure the real impact, is that, being a rural school,
it does not have quality connectivity, and not all of them have technological resources that allow
evaluating the impact of technology on strengthening English vocabulary, which is challenging. While
it is possible to measure vocabulary knowledge through tests and quizzes.
The actual impact of technology on strengthening English vocabulary may require long-term
monitoring, as the immediate effects do not reflect the true extent of the impact, as vocabulary learning
is a gradual and continuous process, so long-term follow-up is recommended for high school students
in rural school Chone Canton.
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