Total Physical Response Method To Enhance Vocabulary For 4th Graders At Escuela De Educación Basica Ing. Sixto Chang
MSc Italo Carabajo Romero
Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena
Alex Rogel Vega
Escuela de Educación Básica Sixto Chang Cansing
Edmundo Quinto Ochoa
Universidad Agraria del Ecuador
Artículo recibido: 15 julio 2022. Aceptado para publicación: 15 agosto 2022.
Conflictos de Interés: Ninguna que declarar
Todo el contenido de Ciencia Latina Revista Científica Multidisciplinar, publicados en este sitio están disponibles bajo Licencia Creative Commons .
Como citar: Carabajo Romero, M. I., Vega, A. R., & Quinto Ochoa, E. (2022). This research was conducted in the educational context of Sixto Chang Cansing School to help improve the English language teaching and learning process. The fourth graders had a low vocabulary level due to inadequate teaching methods. According to the dat. Ciencia Latina Revista Científica Multidisciplinar, 6(4), 4286-4302.
This research was conducted in the educational context of Sixto Chang Cansing School to help improve the English language teaching and learning process. The fourth graders had a low vocabulary level due to inadequate teaching methods. According to the data obtained through the quantitative research instrument, teachers preferred to use traditional teaching methods such as translation or direct methods, which are not suitable for teaching children.
In order to change this situation from the professional point of view, a didactic guide was elaborated based on a method that considers the age and needs of the students as the most appropriate solution. The method chosen to work on this problem was the total physical response method. It combines physical movements and sounds to facilitate vocabulary memorisation in long-term memory.
During its application, dynamics and games can be used to learn in a fun and stress-free environment. Furthermore, this approach makes children intrinsically interested, which accelerates the learning process.
Keywords: Total physical response, method, long term memory.
Método de respuesta física total para mejorar el vocabulario de los alumnos de cuarto grado de la Escuela de Educación Básica Ing. Sixto Chang Cansado
Esta investigación se realizó en el contexto educativo de la escuela Sixto Chang Cansing para ayudar a mejorar el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje del idioma inglés. Los alumnos de cuarto grado tenían un bajo nivel de vocabulario debido al uso de métodos de enseñanza inadecuados. Según los datos obtenidos a través del instrumento de investigación cuantitativa, los profesores preferían utilizar métodos de enseñanza tradicionales como el método de traslación o el método directo. Los cuales no son adecuados para enseñar a los niños.
Para cambiar esta situación desde el punto de vista profesional, se elaboró una guía didáctica basada en un método que considera la edad y las necesidades de los alumnos como la solución más adecuada. El método elegido para trabajar este problema fue el de respuesta física total. Éste combina movimientos físicos y sonidos para facilitar la memorización del vocabulario en la memoria a largo plazo. Durante su aplicación, se pueden utilizar dinámicas y juegos para que los alumnos aprendan en un ambiente divertido y sin estrés. Este método hace que los niños tengan un interés intrínseco, lo que acelera el proceso de aprendizaje.
Palabras clave: Respuesta física total, método, memoria a largo plazo
According to Noam Chomsky (1986), language is the characteristic that makes us different from other forms of life. Starting with sounds and gestures to send messages, we gradually improved our communication system until we created what we know today as languages. Languages today are complex communication systems with different elements such as grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, etc.
Among this vast set of languages, some have been dispersed more than others. According to Nordquist (2019), the English language is the case of the English language, which today is spoken in more than one hundred countries by approximately 340 million people worldwide. Due to its popularity and relative "ease" of learning, many countries have embraced it as the preferred foreign language to be taught in their educational institutions.
Ecuador is one of the countries that has incorporated the teaching of English as an integral part of its education program; however, students have an inferior command of the language. Different factors are the ones that cause this failure in learning. One of the most serious is the lack of an adequate teaching method. In Ecuador, it is pretty common for teachers to use traditional methods that are ineffective and detrimental to learning. Applying a teaching method helps students assimilate knowledge less quickly and with better results. Among these teaching methods, one stands out for its active application and successful background. This is the total physical response method that facilitates students to obtain knowledge of the foreign language through activities that mimic the learning of the mother tongue through physical response.
This method created by Professor and psychologist James Asher focuses on the combination of speech and movements.
During its application, teachers guide their students through voice commands and then perform actions that represent the mentioned command, and their students imitate these movements, thus assimilating the words in their physical memory. The TPR method is highly recommended for teaching vocabulary, one of the fundamental pillars of any language and its mastery allows better performance in English.
In our world there are several languages that share the common goal of communicating with individuals from all over the world even if they do not belong to the same nation. Some languages are more popular than others, among them we find English, which has become very widespread due to its "ease" of learning.
Learning a new language such as English involves the acquisition of different elements such as grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary and others. Teaching is a delicate process that requires the use of appropriate methods and techniques otherwise the learning process will be a failure that will cost time and resources.
Due to the characteristics of the English language, many nations have chosen it as their second language of choice. Ecuador is one of those nations which according to (Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja [UTPL] 2020) since 1992 made the teaching of English mandatory in public and private institutions. Because of this in recent years the government has created and included new regulations and curricula to improve the teaching of English, in fact in 2016 the Ecuadorian Ministry of Education opted to implement the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages with the goal that high school students graduate with a B1 level.
The government's efforts to improve English language learning have been remarkable, however, they are not achieving the desired results, according to a publication made by the newspaper El Comercio (2021), Ecuador obtained a result of 440/1000 according to the EF EPI [English Proficiency Index] report, which places it as one of the two countries with the worst level of English language proficiency.
There are certain problems to teach English correctly in our country, one of the main ones is the lack of teachers specialized in teaching this foreign language. In many institutions the teachers who teach English are not specialized in this subject, therefore they apply erroneous methods, which in the long run will make the students feel frustrated and confused.
In our country, teachers tend to use traditional methods of teaching such as memorization of grammatical structures and oral and written repetition of vocabulary. This type of teaching is usually applied even with the youngest students when this is not advisable, creating boring classes that far from helping demotivate students to learn.
This situation is experienced in the Escuela de Educación Basica Sixto Chang Cansing where 4th grade students lack the vocabulary necessary for their level due to the use of inefficient methods for teaching English. Children need to learn through activities that awaken their interest in the language that help improve their creativity, confidence and develop their interaction skills. It is detrimental to the students and to the Sixto Chang Cansig institution to continue using these obsolete methods that waste time, resources, energy and only highlight the poor teaching of the English language.
The present research project will focus on the practical application of the theoretical knowledge of the Total Physical Response method to help fourth grade students at Escuela de Educacion Basica ing Sixto Chang Cansing to improve their vocabulary acquisition which is usually a fundamental pillar for the mastery of a foreign language and the development of fluency.
Students at this institution do not master the basic and necessary vocabulary that they should at their level and this can be counterproductive when they reach higher levels. The authorities do not seem to want to change this situation, so the best thing to do is to find a solution as quickly as possible. The most effective solution from a professional point of view is to employ a teaching method that helps the students to acquire the necessary knowledge for their level.
Nowadays there are effective methods such as TPR that facilitate students to obtain knowledge of the foreign language through activities that mimic the learning of the mother tongue through physical response. However, these are often ignored due to lack of awareness of their effectiveness by teachers and relevant authorities.
This project will allow students to master a greater number of words through interactive, fun activities that motivate the student to learn, totally different from traditional methods in which teachers only limit the student to dictate words and repeat them.
Sometimes students tend to consider English as an unimportant or overly complicated subject due to bad learning experiences in the lower grades.
This project aims to change this perception by showing that learning can be fun and that it is not necessary to invest too many resources to achieve it. All this will be consolidated through the implementation of a didactic guide of total physical response activities.
This guide will have several vocabulary-related activities that meet the educational needs of the students. The benefit for students will be excellent as they will be able to learn in a fun, less stressful, more practical and effective way.
This guide will benefit not only the students in their learning process but also the teachers in the teaching process who often do not know the different methods that can be used to teach a language, now they will have a support material that will allow them to be guided and get out of the monotony of traditional classes. This will greatly improve the quality of teaching.
The enthusiasm and focus of the students towards the English class increased with the application of the total physical response method. Their comprehension and retention of vocabulary improved dramatically. Students were able to remember the words and movements taught in class verbatim. During the classes the students were participative and lively, the atmosphere of communication between students and teacher was pleasant for them, and the understanding of the material presented by the teacher was easier. The application of this method was undoubtedly a success for two reasons: on the one hand, the teaching and learning environment improved a lot and students now participate actively without feeling pressured; on the other hand, students' vocabulary and comprehension was better than before the application of the method (Nuraeni, C. 2019).
According to the study conducted by Yujing Duan, the TPR method allows learners to acquire the vocabulary of a foreign language more quickly than conventional methods and this knowledge is not superficial but remains in long-term memory. Moreover, it allows them to learn in a condition of minimal stress where they will be able to move around happily under the supervision of their teacher. Developing the students' interest in the language should be a priority when teaching it, however many teachers ignore this and only focus on the content. Having a group of children who are not interested in learning will not get us anywhere. For this reason, it is important to choose intelligently the teaching method according to the profile of the students and that helps to awaken their interest (Duan, Y. 2021)
Vocabulary is one of the main components of the English language and of any existing language, its importance is paramount for the development of understanding and mastery of the language and therefore its teaching at the early levels is vital. Despite the fact that knowing vocabulary is indispensable, grammar is still prioritized over vocabulary, a fatal error that sometimes leads to cognitive stagnation of students.
The importance that vocabulary has over grammar can be reflected in the process of language acquisition of children, they do not learn to communicate through grammatical rules but learn independent words to signal what they want. Children begin to learn about grammar when they arrive at school and by that time they already have a broad knowledge of words that will enable them to communicate.
Some authors recognize the relevance of vocabulary over grammar in language learning, such is the case of David A. Wilkins who stated that, “without grammar, very little can be conveyed; without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed” Wilkins (1972). Through this phrase we can understand that vocabulary is what allows us to convey a message, even without knowing the grammar of a language. A non-native speaker who knows several words of a foreign language could communicate with someone who masters that language, this does not happen if the non-native speaker knows the grammatical structures and does not have a diverse vocabulary.
Vocabulary is invaluable in language learning and teaching because it enables learners to understand other individuals and express their ideas or opinions. It is clear that grammar allows us to communicate properly, but it is vocabulary that will allow us to convey and understand all the information and eventually develop the necessary fluency. It is often believed that vocabulary refers explicitly to individual words. This idea is erroneous because vocabulary includes phrases, expressions and lexical combinations of more than two words.
Vocabulary is the foundation of any language and, therefore, the learner should focus on learning it from the beginning of the process. According to Hounhanou (2020), vocabulary is the part of the language that can determine whether non-native speakers will be able to express themselves fluently in the target language. A person may possess a great knowledge of grammatical rules and pronunciation similar to that of a native speaker, but if he or she does not have the vocabulary necessary to speak about various topics, those skills will be useless.
In the mastery of a language such as English or any other foreign language, the acquisition of vocabulary is crucial; even if a person knows all the grammatical rules and exceptions that the language has, it would be impossible to convey a message without knowing a significant number of words.
A fact that is sometimes ignored is that vocabulary is not limited to word knowledge but also determines learners' performance in all language skills. A broad vocabulary facilitates the development of four English competences (Nation, 2015). This statement coincides with that given by Kusmartini, S. E. (2020), who says that all English skills, without exception, depend on vocabulary, both receptive skills, such as listening and reading, and productive skills, such as speaking and writing.
The statements made by both authors about the relationship between vocabulary and foreign language skills are understandable and hardly debatable. An individual without extensive knowledge of words will not be able to express himself adequately either orally or in writing about what he feels or thinks. In addition, this person will not participate in conversations with other individuals due to his or her lack of knowledge. On the other hand, an individual with a poor vocabulary will not be able to understand what he or she hears in the foreign language or read information that may be relevant for him or her.
Having an underdeveloped vocabulary can have consequences, especially in the field of education. Whoever does not possess a large range of words will not be able to advance in their learning process, this situation is reflected especially in the educational field where students who have not acquired the necessary vocabulary will hardly be able to solve the tasks that their teachers assign because the difficulty of the words will increase (Mariya & Musfiroh, 2019).
The teaching of vocabulary should be a special priority in the educational field, however in many occasions’ students spend hours studying grammatical rules ignoring the vocabulary and when the time comes to put their skills into practice they cannot express themselves because they do not have what they need to do so. This situation evidently creates frustration and discomfort in the students and for this reason effective methods for teaching vocabulary should be sought.
Teaching a foreign language involves learning different contents such as grammar rules and vocabulary, as well as the proper use of certain skills. Learning all of these is essential to mastering the foreign language. However, this cannot be learned if the right teaching method is not applied. During years of research and studies, different professionals have created various methods for teaching foreign languages.
Some of these methods are: The task-based method, suggestopedia, direct method, Grammar translation method, audio lingual method, and total physical response among others, all these methods have their advantages and disadvantages, however among all of them there is one that stands out for its form of application and approach the Total physical response.
This attracts the attention of education professionals for its implementation of movements and dynamics as part of the learning process, in classes that involve TPR it is mainly required orders, movements and the teacher's explanation to the students about what those movements mean. After that, the teacher can use more elements or resources found in the classroom such as a pen, a pencil, a book (in case he/she wants to apply realia). As the class continues he will use more resources but the basis is the same, the teacher's actions and gestures followed by the students' imitations (Shi, T., 2018).
The origin of this method dates back several decades to 1996., Total Physical Response is a language teaching method developed by Dr. James J. Asher professor of San Jose State University, California. This method proposes that a second language is internalized in an individual through a teaching pattern similar to that of the mother tongue. Evidently this process takes time, during which the language becomes comprehensible even if the child cannot express a verbal response yet. This method is based on theories, research and observations studied and made by James Asher.
This method has been studied for several years and has been based on different theories such as secondary language acquisition and brain side theory. The first theory is proposed by the inventor of the method, (Asher, 1987), the TPR method is based on the theory that our brains are naturally primed to appropriate any existing language through physical interaction with other individuals. Something that supports this theory is the fact that deaf people are able to learn signs language through experience and interaction. This theory is observable in parent-child interaction, during the process of first language acquisition, parents and child develop their own form of communication, adults use verbal commands and children answer in the only way they can at that age through physical responses and movements (motor system).
Another way to see how physical language develops before the oral is through the communication that young children hold; they do not speak but communicate with each other through body movements, smiling, facial expressions and babbling. In few words they build a communication system based on interaction and play (Hounhanou, A. J. V. 2020).
The second important theory that accompanies this method is the side brain theory. Neurological studies have shown that the brain is divided into the right and left hemispheres. For Asher (1996), action-based learning takes place on the right side of the brain, while the left side is for audiolingual based learning. Most language teaching methods are coupled with left-sided learning (audiolingual) while ignoring the other hemisphere. The total physical response method seeks a balance between both sides using a combination of voice commands and actions to enhance the learning experience.
The way in which this method works is simple. At the beginning of the application of TPR in the learning process, the teacher is the one who expresses himself verbally and bodily, and the students imitate the physical movements. However, students are able to express themselves verbally and respond to the teacher's orders over time. Example The teachers said jump to the left or jump to the right the students do the actions and the teachers can make them repeatedly.
This method seeks to teach the language from a fun and healthy approach that combines verbal commands given by an instructor and the actions of the trainees. This type of application facilitates the learning of the contents and reduces stress in the students.
The application of the physical response method is beneficial for teaching because of its focus on movement and word repetition. This method is appropriate for two reasons. First, learners will be immersed in a relaxed and natural learning environment in which they will engage in physical activities that will help them learn phrases or words of a foreign language. On the other hand, the lively and playful learning style of this method will immediately capture the students' attention, arousing their interest in learning (Shi, T. 2018).
Having students interested in the subject of the class should be one of the goals of a teacher, as they are willing to learn the process can be carried out more naturally. Fortunately, this can be achieved if we use the right strategy and method. According to researchers, the use of appropriate strategies can keep students' attention in the classroom for a long time. This should be considered especially when teaching very young students (Rokhayati, 2017). A class with disinterested students will not help to meet the objectives so it is important to apply the right topics according to the needs of our students and with fun and dynamic methods such as TPR.
Among the advantages offered by TPR is the fact that it is a method that favors listening. Said by (Asher, 1996), The application of total physical response helps to improve listening and recognize the sounds of the language thanks to its method of application in which the student observes and listens to the tutor or teacher who loudly gives a command, and the student responds with movement.
Motivation is also affected, but in a positive way during TPR implementation. According to (Hounhanou, A. J. V. 2020), the research revealed that during the application of the total physical response method, students learned more easily and quickly. This situation was due to the positive reinforcement they received from their teacher and classmates during the lessons. Thanks to the positive interaction between classmates and teachers, students learned faster. In addition, this method is able to create a better atmosphere in which student feel less stressed and more motivated the opposite to the traditional methods.
Teaching a language can be a fun and enjoyable process or a complicated one if the right strategies, methods and resources are not applied. Many times, it is assumed that teaching children is simple and it is enough to just give them orders and make them repeat over and over again what the teacher explains. This idea could not be further from reality, not using an adequate teaching method is detrimental to children's learning and makes them lose their motivation to learn. Teaching children can be a challenge to create a successful class with this type of students the teacher must know what activities to employ, how to capture the attention of their students, awaken their interest in the class among others. If he or she is not able to do this, the class will be a failure (Ummah, 2017).
Children are capable of learning with great ease if they are motivated with dynamic activities that stimulate their desire to learn, unfortunately children are often subjected to the routine of adult teaching. Doing this is inappropriate because both groups have unique abilities, strengths, weaknesses and needs that cannot be compared.
Children and adults are completely different as learners and this is something that teachers need to be clear about. Adults tend to express themselves only when necessary in a class because they prefer focus on what their teachers explain, children on the other hand tend to be very talkative and active they prefer express themselves in a kinesthetic way. During infancy, children are curious and should learn through activities that foster their cognitive and physical development (Faqihatuddinitah, 2016). Forcing a child to learn through activities that go against his or her active and playful nature is not correct.
The total physical response method is the most appropriate method for teaching children because of its application of physical activities, which breaks the routine of the typical boring classes in which children spend hours listening to their teachers dictate and repeat words and concepts. Research conducted by Mariyam, S. N., & Musfiroh, T. (2019), determines that children working with this method improved retention of foreign language content, especially vocabulary and verbs. In addition to the fact that their enthusiasm for the subject increased during the application of the subject. This result has been repeated in several investigations and all agree that the method has a positive impact on children's cognitive development and their attention to the subject.
The application of the method as TPR in teaching children can help get students' attention, which is impossible to do with traditional methods. During the classes, the students will be focused on the activities in three ways: first, audibly by listening to the words that the teacher says, visually by observing each of the movements that the teacher executes, and bodily by carrying out with their bodies the activities performed by the instructor, Khorasgani (2017), stated that Children could easily become bored and distracted by any situation in ten minutes if the class is not attractive. Teachers sometimes try to force children to pay attention, but unlike adults, they cannot analyse concepts for long periods.
It is determinant that a teacher knows what to apply and what not to apply in his classes that can determine the success of his class, the method of teaching English can be a determining factor in the success of mastering a new language (Uysal & Yavuz, 2018). The method is what will help students keep the knowledge they gain during their class in their long-term memory. Therefore, teachers must choose correctly what to apply with their students considering their strengths, weaknesses, needs and age.
TPR is undoubtedly an excellent method for teaching children, but like any other method, it has its disadvantages. Using it for an extended period of time without combining it with other pedagogical techniques or strategies can make it repetitive and ineffective, reducing the students' interest in learning. Another negative point for this method is that it cannot be used to teach everything related to English, e.g. some grammatical structures or more complex vocabulary could not be explained through the physical activities that TPR requires. Therefore, it is necessary to combine it with other methods to achieve maximum effectiveness (Hounhanou, A. J. V. 2020).
Due to their combination of speech and physical responses, their writing ability is not properly enhanced. In fact, in TPR writing is minimal or non-existent. This situation could lead to problems because the students do not know the basics of writing.
This method can be easily adapted to teach a wide range of words (vocabulary) One of the main elements to master English. The activities that the teacher can apply with this method are limited only by his or her creativity or the difficulty of the subject matter. A wide variety of resources can be used, such as songs, boards, images, videos, among others.
The application of this method improves the working environment for the classroom team (teachers and student). The application of the total physical response method makes the teaching and learning process enjoyable for both the teacher and the student. Memorizing the vocabulary taught is easier and students show a predisposition to learn when this method is applied (Bahtiar, Y. 2017).
The physical activities of TPR help not only the cognitive improvement of the students but also the physical improvement. Nowadays, exercise is seen as a healthy habit but not everyone adopts it, especially children. The application of this method is a smart option to apply some exercise and movement in the students' routine. Exercise brings with it several benefits such as stress reduction and mood enhancement. A cheerful person will be willing to work and learn faster than a discouraged and sad person.
The use of this method considerably improves the students' listening compared to other methods.
This happens because students are constantly listening the commands given by his instructors. Through this process kids familiarize with different sounds of the English language and after some practice they will be able to imitate them.
In educational institutions, the teaching standard often proposes that teachers are the ones who have the active role in the classroom. They are the ones who explain and talk about the topics of the class while the children are limited to listening, repeating and memorizing what their teachers teach them. At the time of assessment, written tests or quizzes are used. This type of teaching is known as passive teaching and sadly it is the most used around the world. No physical activities, no motivation to learn about the subject matter, only content dictated by the teacher; however, there is a counterpart called active teaching. (Rasulova, Z. K. 2021).
In the active teaching method students have the opportunity to be more active and interact with the teacher and their peers. The traditional paper and pencil activities are replaced by partner work, mini class projects, role plays, presentations and other interactive activities. When introducing a new topic, it is not necessary to explain everything, we give an example of what to do and the students develop their theories, obviously the teachers supervise the whole process and in case of needing more explicit indications the teachers will give them. (Rasulova, Z. K. 2021).
It is important to teach with methods and techniques that allow students to develop their own knowledge. Most strategies today focus on the teacher providing and explaining all the material without giving students the opportunity to experience what they are learning.
According to (The United Nations Children's Fund [UNICEF] 2018), children should learn through play and recreational activities for the following reasons: learning is not a static process and in order to learn children must put knowledge into practice, explore possibilities and discover challenges.
Activities with this interactive character allow them to develop their social skills and build strong relationships with their peers. Students who learn through this format broaden their interpretation of their experiences and are able to express themselves with greater confidence
In addition to this information issued by UNICEF, we can understand that children should learn in a fun way; learning does not have to be rigid and severe. Unlike adults who can learn through complex concepts and repetition, children should learn in a simple way in a low-stress environment that allows them to develop their senses and experiences.
It is necessary to pint that this method is based on imitating the natural process of mother tongue acquisition for this reason in the lessons, teachers and students adopt roles similar to those of parent and child. In this process it is the teacher who plays an active role and guides the learning process, is in charge of selecting the materials and resources needed for the classes. On the other hand, the students' job during the application of TPR is to listen attentively to the teacher and respond through actions to the indications he or she gives.
One of the most common ways of working with this method is when the teacher instructs the student on the vocabulary and pronounces the word then proceeds to perform a key gesture that will be imitated by the students.
In practice, the teacher gives a command to his students, and then executes the mentioned activities immediately; his students will do the movement shown by their teacher.
For example
Teacher says: jump to the right! and he does it.
Students: follow the order and jump
For this exercise to be effective, it must be repeated several times with the teacher's guidance until the students can do it independently without the teacher doing the movements. At this point, the teacher can give the commands and stand still while the students perform the actions because they have memorized the words. (Hounhanou, A. J. V. 2020)
An important characteristic of TPR is that it motivates students to learn and generates trust between the students and the teacher. As it is a method in which the activities consist of moving, imitating and singing among other actions, students are motivated to participate, thanks to this, there comes a time when the student is so immersed in the activity that he/she will forget that it is a class, but will continue learning. When children work on physical activities that relate to the vocabulary they are learning, they will be able to memorize and understand it unconsciously (Mariyam, S. & Musfiroh, T 2019).
Unlike traditional classes in which the teacher was the only one who spoke and students just repeated words and grammatical structures, in TPR students have the opportunity to express themselves physically under the supervision of their teacher. During classes, the teacher should look for activities that are entertaining and at the same time meet the class objectives.
Using activities that go on for too long can be counterproductive as they will end up boring the students according to (Nuraeni, 2019), teaching children can be a challenge to create a successful class with this type of students the teacher must know what activities to employ, how to capture the attention of their students, awaken their interest in the class among others. If he or she is not able to do this, the class will be a failure.
Teaching through this method can be a lot of fun thanks to its dynamic approach, however, it should not be believed that it is something easy, it requires work and a well-prepared planning. If only activities are carried out without considering the objective of the class, time and resources will be wasted in the inadequate application of the method.
In education there are a variety of tools and instruments that facilitate the work of teachers when it comes to instructing their teachers videos, books, instructional documentaries and didactic guides are some of these tools. Among all these, didactic guides are the ones that allow the addition of a large number of playful activities such as games and dynamics.
For Mediano M. (1998), a didactic guide it is an elementary teaching tool that integrates the didactic components necessary for students to master the essential knowledge of the subject. A similar concept expressed by Aretio (2002), a document that contains the necessary material to simplify the study process for students so that they can develop autonomously.
According with the concepts of both authors we can say that a didactic guide is a digital or printed resource that supports the learning process. This material complements the teacher’s action and its main function is to guide the student and lead him/her through the learning process.
Didactic guides are not limited to words or instructions, but can contain images, puzzles, dynamics, song lyrics, among other elements. This material can even be coupled with certain learning methods, thus facilitating the acquisition of knowledge corresponding to a subject. Due to their characteristics and form of application, didactic guides can be a great support for teachers during the teaching process.
The correct selection of the research methodology helps the researcher know the possible causes and solutions to the problem being studied. An adequate method allows collecting information precisely and orderly, resulting in a study with reliable data and results. The results obtained will be possible to determine how relevant the total physical response method application can be for teaching English at an A1 level.
The quantitative method has been used to obtain the results with more excellent reliability and speeds up the data collection process. Likewise, the techniques and instruments to be used will be focused on this method, which will allow the researcher to determine the impact that TPR can have on the teaching of A1 vocabulary in English.
This method is characterized by using statistics and numbers to accurately quantify the data obtained during the collection of information from people immersed in the context to be studied, in this case, the population belonging to the Escuela de Educación ing. Basica Sixto Chang. A technical method that considers statistics in its application allows obtaining results quickly and accurately; according to (Disman, D & Barliana, M. S. 2017), the quantitative approach aims to show the information collected clearly and understandably.
In the following study, I have chosen to apply descriptive research, which can be applied during the collection of quantifiable data. Moreover, due to its characteristics, which consist of ordering, counting and dividing data, it is appropriate for the type of research that has been carried out.
The questionnaire is an instrument that allows the collection of data in an investigation; it is made up of a determined number of questions that will vary depending on the research. Due to its ease of application, it is one of the most widely used instruments for collecting and analyzing information.
The survey is a data collection instrument used with teachers to learn about the methodology they apply during their classes. This survey consisted of ten questions, which emphasized aspects such as the resources and activities they used for teaching English vocabulary. The survey allowed quantitative data collection that the researcher would later interpret to determine the possible solution to the problem identified in the research.
Question 1: Do you agree that the application of an English teaching method benefits student learning?
Table 1
Benefits of teaching methods
Alternative |
Frequency |
Percentage |
Strongly agree |
5 |
33% |
Agree |
10 |
67% |
Disagree |
0 |
0% |
Strongly disagree |
0 |
0% |
Total |
15 |
100% |
Note. 67% percent of the teachers responded that they agree that teaching methods can benefit the learning process, while 33% strongly agree that teaching methods can benefit the learning process. Most teachers agree that English language teaching methods can benefit the learning process, none of the teachers disagreed with teaching methods.
Question 2: What method do you consider appropriate for teaching vocabulary? (Choose at least one)
Appropriate method
Alternative |
Frequency |
Percentage |
The Direct Method |
2 |
13% |
The Grammar Translation Method |
4 |
27% |
Total Physical Response |
0 |
0% |
The Audio-Lingual Method |
9 |
60% |
Total |
15 |
100% |
Note. 60% of the teachers chose the audio-lingual method as the most appropriate method for teaching vocabulary, 27% chose the grammar-translation method, and the remaining 13% chose the direct method. Most teachers consider the audio-linguistic method the most suitable for teaching vocabulary.
Question 3: The use of physical activities influences in a better way the learning process
Table 3
Influence of physical activities
Alternative |
Frequency |
Percentage |
Very often |
9 |
60% |
Often |
4 |
27% |
Sometimes |
2 |
13% |
Hardly ever |
0 |
0% |
Total |
15 |
100% |
Note. 60% of teachers believe that very often physical activities influence the learning process 27% believe that often physical activities influence the learning process while 13% say only sometimes. A large percentage of respondents believe that physical activities influence the improvement of the learning process.
Question 4: How often do you use physical activities and dynamics in your classes?
Table 4
The use of physical activities and dynamics
Alternative |
Frequency |
Percentage |
Very often |
7 |
47% |
Often |
6 |
40% |
Sometimes |
2 |
13% |
Hardly ever |
0 |
0% |
Total |
15 |
100% |
Note. 47% of teachers use physical activities very often, 40% use them often, and 13% use them only sometimes. Hardly ever was the option that no teacher chose, which suggests that all teachers at some point use physical activities during their teaching day.
The total response method has been widely studied and applied in different research and its benefits are visible. Its ease of application together with the physical-auditory approach that characterizes it allows students to learn in a relaxed environment that reduces negative emotions such as stress, nerves, and anxiety, but increases children's enthusiasm and attention during class.
· The application of a teaching guide focused on the total physical response method improves students' vocabulary learning because they acquire information through listening and physical movement.
· Total physical response activities capture children's attention because at their age, play is essential for their cognitive development, unlike traditional activities that are based on static and teacher-centered activities, in TPR activities they will feel motivated to participate because they can express themselves spontaneously.
· The activities used in class should focus on the learning needs of the students and should consider factors such as their age and level of English and should be simple to understand and apply.
The present research was focused on the field of education, therefore its results and the information gathered can be used in educational projects that focus on the teaching of the English language and especially on the application of English language learning methods.
· Educational institutions and especially their directors should be more concerned about the implementation of resources, strategies and methods that help students to reach the level of English according to their age and grade. Sometimes students do not reach the necessary level because of the little importance given to the subject of English.
· It is recommended that teachers research and apply English teaching methods to facilitate the learning process for their students.
· It is recommended to apply an interactive and dynamic teaching method such as TPR in classrooms for vocabulary acquisition, especially in children.
· It is advisable to use didactic resources to facilitate learning, especially when teaching a foreign language.
· It is highly recommended that teachers implement teaching guides that employ the TPR method to help their students learn from fun and low-stress activities.
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