The impact of covid-19 in higher education classes, in the english teaching for I and II cycle mayor at Universidad Hispanoamericana


Karla María Avalos Charpentier

[email protected]


Paula Brenes Ferreto

[email protected]



This project is carried out with the intention of examining the impact that the online classes has had in professors and students during the second semester 2021, in the English Teaching for I and II cycles major, in Universidad Hispanoamericana Costa Rica, due to COVID-19 pandemic.

In addition, this research is based on a study conducted in which five higher education professors, and seven career students participated. Class observations, teacher interviews and a student questionnaire were conducted with the purpose of determining the impact students, and teachers have had with online classes and with their teaching and learning process.

Both teachers and students, determined that the methodology and activities proposed during the online classes were very helpful to make student to focus and motivate themselves during their learning experience; however, the adaptation process was a bit difficult for students, and not so much for teachers. The perceptions of students and professors were considered, and their opinions are varied; therefore, the best strategies applied to virtual classes and the opinion of professors and students regarding this new modality of higher study in the world, are determined in this research.


Keywords: impact; covid-19; lessons; higher education; teaching; english






El impacto del covid-19 en las clases de educación superior, en la enseñanza del inglés para el ciclo I y II alcalde de la Universidad Hispanoamericana



Este proyecto es realizado con la intención de examinar el impacto que las clases en línea del segundo cuatrimestre en la carrera de Enseñanza del inglés para I y II ciclo de Universidad Hispanoamericana, Costa Rica, ha tenido tanto en los estudiantes como en los profesores, debido a la pandemia del COVID-19. 

Además, esta investigación es basada en un estudio realizado en la en donde participaron cinco profesores de educación superior y siete estudiantes de la carrera. Se realizaron observaciones de clases, entrevistas a profesores y cuestionario a estudiantes en donde determinaron el impacto que han tenido con las clases en línea y con sus procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje.  

Tanto los profesores como los estudiantes, determinaron que la metodología y actividades planteadas durante las clases en línea, ayudan al estudiante a enfocarse y motivarse en el aprendizaje, sin embargo, el proceso de adaptación fue un poco difícil para estudiantes y no tanto para profesores.  Las percepciones de estudiantes y profesores fueron tomadas en cuenta y sus opiniones son variadas, por tanto, se determinan cuales son las mejores estrategias aplicadas a clases virtuales y la opinión de profesores y estudiantes ante esta nueva modalidad de estudio superior en el mundo.


Palabras clave: impacto; covid-19; clases; educación superior; enseñanza; inglés



Artículo recibido: 02 Setiembre. 2021

Aceptado para publicación: 30 Setiembre. 2021

Correspondencia: [email protected]

    Conflictos de Interés: Ninguna que declarar






Since 2020, the world is facing a pandemic due to COVID-19, according to the World Health Organization, “Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus” The pandemic caused by the COVID-19 has been a challenge for all the learning process participants of higher education. The students must face the necessity to be though through a screen, and with this new process many challenges have emerged. Also, professors must learn fast how to use technology, applications, etc.

Along the pandemic also students learned that coming back to presential classes is going to be a long process, so that the virtual classes are the new reality for their professional growth. Moreover, professors should have knowledge about what are the necessities the students have in regards of the development of the virtual lessons in order to be effective and attractive.

The main objective of this research is to show the impact of the pandemic due to COVID-19 during 2020 and 2021 in the University students of English Teaching for I and II cycles of the Hispanoamericana University.

The most relevant aspects that has contribute to the virtual learning process of the higher students during this pandemic time are going to be shown and explain through the research.

The instruments that are going to be used during the research have the intention of explaining which is the perspective of the virtual lessons through the eyes of the higher education students.

The final part of the research is to communicate the results in order that those who are going to teach in the future can plan, choose methodologies, and activities that are going to contribute in the correct develop of the future professionals.


The COVID-19 pandemic has caused several situations in regards of the professional development of university students, there have been many challenges that students and professors must cope to accomplish the objectives and goals of the major. There are some research papers that will clarify the challenge that university students have faced during this pandemic time.

According to Gajardo et al., 2020, universities around the globe since March 2020 have to close their doors and the universities have to migrate from a presential class to a virtual class. The professor’s work has been incremented due to the research of best ways to teach students and bring to the virtual class the best way to teach.

Another important aspect presented in Gajardo et al., 2020 in their article is that the pandemic situation in universities has shown the social gap in regards of technologies, this means that some students have all the technological devices to learn, but there is the other reality in which some students are struggling because they do not the technological devices to learn appropriately. Also, the pandemic situation has shown that Latin America has an enormous technological gap, due that internet is not available for everyone, and this makes difficult for students to connect freely at home. Most of the students must connect with their own internet data at home or pay lots of money to have Wi-Fi at home.

Moreover, the pandemic has been the thermometer to show that professors are important in the leaning process for university students, the professor has become into the moderator and facilitator in this virtualize process.

Additionally, Chanto and Loiasiga, 2020, explained in their article some of the perception the students have towards the virtual classes and the changes in the methodologies the professors should make to improve the quality of the virtual classes. Here are some of most important opinions in regards the virtual classes:

§  Virtual classes are stressful.

§  Has been very difficult the change.

§  Professors required more preparation.

§  Bad connectivity and internet.

§  The courses have been boring, and the learning has been poor.

§  Taking through a cellphone is very difficult.

Moreover, according to Chanto and Loiasiga, 2020 the are many factors that have affected the virtual classes at university level such as: the digital gab, technological resources, and connectivity. They explained in their article that many of the students do not have Wi-Fi at home, usually they use the data from their cellphones and have been very complicated to connect to the virtual lessons. On the other hand, the technological resources has been another factor that makes difficult the learning process usually what they can use is their cellphones most of the them do not have computers or laptops.

According to Chanto and Loiaziga. 2020 the classes should have the following aspects in order to make better virtual classes in order to keep the students engage in the learning process: more support from the professors, keep the online classes short, provide workshops for professors in order to improve in their online lessons.

Based on these antecedents previous research it is seen that is very important to know what the conditions towards virtual lessons from the students for I and II cycles of English Teaching from the Hispanoamericana University in order is to provide better conditions for them in this new reality that students have in the learning process.


Due to the pandemic for COVID-19 which causes around the world a drastic change in the Education system that not only affects the elementary and secondary system but also the University system of lessons and methodological approaches.

Moreover, nobody was prepared for this change un teaching modality, so professors must learn fast how to use technological devices and apps to teach online lessons. Also, the students must learn how to learn trough a technological device and solve practices and tasks through technological devices that in many cases is only their cellphones.

Also, it is important to research about the emotional implications of virtual and online to university students these aspects it is important, due to motivation is one of the most relevant aspects in the learning process.

On the other hand it is important to research about didactics and methodologies for online classes in order to improve the online lessons for the students of I and II cycles of English Teaching.


 In Costa Rica, according to the Ministerio de Salud, the first case detected of COVID-19 was on March 6th, 2020. Due to this first case and some other people detected along the weeks, the Ministry of Education and Higher Education Authorities (CONESUP), decided to implement Online classes in public and private institutions across the country.

This coronavirus pandemic has certainly changed the education not only in Costa Rica, but worldwide. Most students and professors were not ready to face this change due to lack of technology, resources, or skills. However, students had to adapt to this new reality and continue with their higher education though online classes, or what is called e-learning.

The Universidad Hispanoamericana, with more than 30 mayors, has offered the students the option to continue studying through synchronic or asynchrony classes. In the English teaching for elementary mayor, professors develop classes online with the objective of making students acquire the learning in a meaningful way.

4.1 Technology

The Universidad Hispanoamericana, UH, when changing to online classes, decided to implement the classes through different platforms that will help students to continue studying and learning. Some of the most used platforms were TEAMS and Zoom. Students have to connect through these platforms and participate in classes, make tests, assignments and use the technology to accomplish the educational goals.

According to (Coman, Tiru, Mesesan-Schmitz, Stanciu, & Bularca, 2020),  universities have made efforts regarding technology and providing students opportunities to continue working and studying through online classes, however, there are some technical problems such as poor internet connections, signal loss, lack of adequate digital devices, that make the process difficult, especially for students in rural areas or with low incomes.

4.2 Benefits and weaknesses of online classes.

When thinking of online classes, many benefits can come across. For example, availability, security of being at home, more opportunities for those who live far from the university campuses, the use of technology that is used daily, among others. According to (Coman, Tiru, Mesesan-Schmitz, Stanciu, & Bularca, 2020), this new modality, e-learning, has many benefit as more flexibility and provide students with different ways of getting the students approach their goals. Also, students can use many tools such as e-mails, forums, chats, videos, etc.

However, there are some other factors that may affect students in this process such as the use of technology, the access to internet of technological devices or lack of motivation when receiving online classes. Also, student and teacher interaction is different. Some students may feel more secure when having the teacher face to face. Through online classes, students may feel the professors do not have the same patience or time when students need it.   

According to (Pokhrel & Chhetr, 2021), “Online face-to-face classes (video) is encouraged by most; however, some students (economically disadvantaged) have expressed that the face-to-face online class consumes more data packages” This is a situation that is affecting many students in CR. Not all the students have the economical resources or access to internet connection and technological devices. Students have done many efforts in looking for what is needed to a e-learning process.

As stated by (Coman, Tiru, Mesesan-Schmitz, Stanciu, & Bularca, 2020), “ when using E-learning platforms there are also some elements that might be considered obstacles, such as decreased motivation in students, delayed feedback or help due to the fact that teachers are not always available at the time students may need help while learning, or feelings of isolation due to lack of physical presence of classmates”. These factors can be overcome with motivation, training, and good communication.

4.3 Quality in Higher Education online classes

Both, professors and students have faced this new reality; the e-learning. Most professors from the mayor Teaching of English for I & II cycle are young teachers, but with many experiences in the field. These professors had to adapt and look for strategies and methodologies that will help them develop a class and motivate students. These strategies and skills needed are not all the times welcome for teachers, but it is a must when having or expecting good quality education.  

According to a research done by  (Coman, Tiru, Mesesan-Schmitz, Stanciu, & Bularca, 2020), “Universities, teachers and students were not prepared for the sudden shift to exclusively online learning and teaching, but they tried to find strategies to adapt and meet the new challenges”. Professors have ton look for the best ways of making students be interested in class, participate and learn in a meaningful way. However, there are some important aspects to mention that online classes, teachers and students may face; for example, connecting, signal loss, microphone, or sound atmosphere. For this reason, teachers should have a plan B as recording classes, looking for videos, providing extra materials, among others. According to (Pokhrel & Chhetr, 2021), teachers have to be creative and overcome difficulties to improve online teaching methods required for this new reality. 

All these efforts of looking for the best methodologies, practices and be ready for some difficulties when having an online class, are important, but the attitude of the professors and the necessary skills are the most important. Some professors may look for training and improve their technological skills. 

On the other hand, students’ attitude and motivation to learn are important in this process. Students must feel ready and motivated to continue with online classes. When registering an online class, students must consider the access to technology, time, and motivation, to start this process and conclude it in a meaningful way. 


Since 2020, the world is facing a pandemic due to COVID-12, Costa Rica had to adapt many aspects and one huge change was education and the way of learning in Higher Education with online classes; therefore, the question for this research is: what has been the impact online classes have had, in the English Teaching for I and II cycle mayor, in Universidad Hispanoamericana, Costa Rica.


6.1 General Objective

§  Examine the impact online classes have had in the English Teaching for I and II cycle mayor, in Universidad Hispanoamericana, Costa Rica.

6.2 Specific Objectives

§  Identify the most common methodologies and activities Higher Education professors use in online classes.

§  Recognize methods and strategies that help students of the English Teaching for I and II cycle mayor, acquire the knowledge in online classes.

§  Identify the role of Technology in the learning and teaching process in Higher Education quality.


The type of research is a qualitative research. This research is based on students' perceptions and experience based on the online classes taken due to COVID-19 and the health dispositions of the country.

Qualitative researchers study things in their natural settings, attempting to make sense of, or to interpret, phenomena in terms of the meanings people bring to them (Denzin, 1994). This qualitative research was done considering different classes implemented at Universidad Hispanoamericana, specially in those classes where students from the major of English Teaching for I and II classes were taking classes.  

This qualitative study was based on the five quarters students have taken online and through the TEAMS or Zoom platform. Students had to move from face-to-face classes to Online classes since the first quarter, 2020.


The research will be conducted with the students of Teaching of English for I and II cycles in the Hispanoamericana University. This University is a private institution located in in San José and in Heredia provinces in Costa Rica.  This institution has the three English Teaching majors accredited by SINAES which means that the students from these majors have demanding requirements in order to graduate. Also, the University due to COVID-19 pandemic had taken the decision to virtualize the learning process due to the pandemic.

The participants of the research are the students of the English teaching for I and II cycle students, that since the last weeks of the first quarter of 2020 have virtualized classes through different platforms such as TEAMS and Zoom. The research will consider the students who have taken virtual lessons since 2020 school year up to the present quarter 2021.


The instruments that are going to be used are observation to virtual classes, interview with professors, and questionnaires to students. The reason of using these three instruments is in order to make a triangulation of data in order to provide results that demonstrate the impact of pandemic in the learning process of the students.

The first instrument, the observations, help the researcher know how online classes are developed, the activities and students' participation in class since these classes are in a natural setting and in a synchronic way.  The researchers will observe four different classes with different groups to get the information required. The four classes were developed in a synchronic way by the TEAMS platform.

The second instrument is a interview for English Professors of Universidad Hispanoamericana, to know their strategies and classroom activities. Also, this interview will help the researchers to identify what are some strengths and weaknesses professors have identified during this time, teaching online classes and with the use of technology.

The third instrument is a questionnaire to students of the Teaching of English for I and II cycles mayor at Hispanoamericana University. In this questionnaire, students will indicate how they feel about online classes, the activities and methodologies students identify more effective, and some strengths and weaknesses students have identified during this time, taking online classes and with the use of technology.


The following information represents the information gotten in the three different instruments for this research. The first chart represents all the information gotten during the four visits to the synchronic classes.

10.1Class observations.

Table 1.

Date of the class observed

Activities developed.



Observation 1



The professor started the class greeting the students. She used a power point observation to explain the topic. The professor was asking the students some questions and students were also participating as volunteers.

The professor seems to handle the class well. Some of the students were participating during the class.

The professor used power point as a tool for teaching.



Observation 2



The professor started the class passing the attendance list. Then, she shared a power point presentation. During the presentation, the professor shared a video to complement the lesson. The professor was always making the students participate with questions or comments.


The professor seems to handle TEAMS platform well.


The professor made sure all the students were paying attention and participating in class.


The professor used power point, and a video as a tool for teaching.



Observation 3



The professor started the class with the attendance list. Students had to present a topic related to special needs. The students used a power point presentation, and in all the presentation, the rest of the class just payed attention. The professor gave comments and the perception at the end of all the presentations.

The professor gave the students the chance to use technology and all the tools they needed to present the topics.

Only the students presenting in class were participating during the class.


The students used power point as a tool to present the topic.




Observation 4



The professor started the class with a review from previous class. Then, students played Kahoot to review some terms the students learned the previous class. After that, the professor shared a word document and started to plan in a collaborative way; students were saying activities and elements for the planning. During the elaboration of the plan, students were participating actively asking questions or proposing activities. At the end of the class, students did a plan.


The class was dynamic.


The students´ participation was great. All the students seemed to be enjoying and learning in the class.


The professor handles teams very well.




According to the information gotten in the four obsrvations, all the professors observed use Microsoft as a way of teaching the students. Most of the professors used power point to teach the students and develop the classes. Also, Students´ participation is in most cases because professors ask them and not because they want to participate. In some cases, students were really interested in the class, therefore, they asked questions or gave comments regarding the topics seen in class. Some of the most frequent activities professors use in the online classes are videos, games, and power point presentations. All the professors seemed to handle TEAMS platform very well, and they do not have technical problems during the online classes. In general, students seemed to be learning and the classes are well organized.

10.2 Analysis of interview done to professors of the Faculty of Education:

Question #1 Age.

According to the age, 2 of the 5 professors are among 35-50 years old (40%) and 3 of professors are among 25-35 years old (60%). It can be concluded that professors developing classes online, are less than 50 years old. Table 3 Amount of online quarters.


Question #2. Amount of online quarters teaching in the University.

The 60% of the professors have from5-8 quarters online and a 40% of the professors have 1-4 quarters teaching online. Therefore, the majority of professors have already had experience teaching in the online mode.

Question # 3 What is your satisfaction towards Methods that you use in the Online lessons?

The score for the following question is 4.40 most of the professors have excellent perspective towards the methods used in the online classes.

Question #4. What is your perception towards the activities performed by the students in the Online lessons?

The score for this question is a 3.00 most of the professors considered that the perception of the activities performed in the online classes is good. Therefore, professors have found activities that help students develop well in class.

Question #5. How has been the teaching process during online classes?

According to the professors ‘answers, two of the answers provided by the professors indicated that the teaching process has been good (40%), one of the answers indicates that the teaching process has been excellent (20%) , and 2 answers indicated that the teaching process has been very good (40%). Therefore, professors express that the teaching process has been fine during online classes.

Question #6. Please justify your answer in question #6

According to most of the professors, they consider that the students have a lack of commitment and participation. Also, professors have said that it has been a tough process. Only one answer considers that the students are happy with the process and enjoy the methodology used in the online lessons.

Question # 7. How difficult was to adapt to use technology in the online lessons?

In relation to question #7, one professors indicates that the process to adapt to use technology in the online classes has been easy (20%), one professors considers that the adaptation process has been difficult (20%), and three professors considers that adaption process has been not difficult (60%). Therefore, most of the professors consider that adapting to online classes was not so difficult.

Question #8. What are the most successful activities applied in the online classes?

The answers vary from professor to professors, some of them consider that portfolios, online games, and mentimeter has been successful, professor # 2 considers that recordings, only web pages have been successful in his classes, professor #3 considers that group work has been really successful, professor # 4 group discussions have been successful, and finally professor #5 considers that the use of an app has been successful.

Question #9. Which activities do you use the most in online classes?

According to the professors, five of the them use Power Point presentations, four of the professors use videos, three of the professors use online practice, one professor uses Kahoot, one of the professors uses movies, and one of the professors uses other activities. As a conclusion, most of the professors have found in power points and online practices, activities they can use to transmit knowledge to students.

Question #10. What is your satisfaction regarding the participation of the students in online classes?

.According to professors, the satisfaction towards the student´ participation in online classes is 60% bad and 40% very good. It means that, professors believe students need to practice more in online classes.

            Question #11. What activities do you consider necessary in online classes?

According to the answers gotten, professor #1 considers that activities in which the students are engaged the whole class, professor # 2 considers that oral activities, professor #3 group work and class participation, professor # 4 debates, Power Point presentations, live questions, and professor # 5 students keep their cameras on and good internet access. As expressed by the professors, activities in class can be different in online classes.

Question #12.  What has been the biggest challenge in this Virtual teaching process?

Professor # 1 motivate students, professor # 2 internet access and discipline, professors # 3 cope with adapting to work in the computer for many hours, professor # 4 to make students participate, and professor # 5 Students’ commitment.


Question #13.  Which of the following type of lessons do you prefer the most to teach?

The 80%  (4 answers) of the professors answered that they prefer presential classes and 20% (1 answer) of the professor answered that they prefer virtual lessons. It is concluded that the professors prefer to teach in a presential class rather than online.

            Question #14.  Justify you answer in question #13

According to the reasons why professors prefer presential or online classes, professor # 1 you create rapport and can see the students’ reactions, professor # 2 for some courses nature, professor # 3 training for a bachelor degree should be situ, for licentiate or a master’s program is fine but it does not work very good for younger students, professor # 4 It is a very technological and related to our daily reality, and professor # 5 in her case it would be both, the course can be taught using both methodologies.

10.2Analysis of Students about their experience of online classes

Question #1. Age

From the 7 seven students surveyed,  the 29% (2 students) percent (orange) are among 25-50 years old, the 71% (5 students)  of the students are among 18-25 years old, and any of the students belong to the group from 50-or more years old. The majority of students in this research, are from 18 to 25 years old.

            Question #2, How many quarters have you already complete in your major.

From the seven students surveyed, 2 students (29%) have from 1-4 complete quarters (blue) and 5 students (71%) have completed 5-8 quarters. Therefore, students in this research are advanced or almost finishing the major.

            Question #3 Amount of online quarters taken in an online mode.

From the amount of students surveyed, 5 students (71%) have taken 4 quarters online (red), 1 student has taken (14%) 2 quarters online, 1 students (14%) has taken 2 quarters online, and none of the students have taken 3 quarters online. Therefore, most of the students have much experience in online classes.

Question #4. What is your satisfaction towards Methods in the Online lessons?

The average satisfaction of the 7 students surveyed is 4.57 towards the methods used in online lessons. Therefore, most of the students agree that the method professors use in online lessons is good, and they are really satisfied with it.

Question #5. What is your perception towards the activities performed by the professors in the Online lessons?

The perception of the students surveyed towards the activities performed by professors in online classes is 4.29, which means that most of the students feel satisfy with the worked performed by professors during this online lesson time.

            Question #6 How has been your learning process during online classes?

From the seven students surveyed 4 of them (57%) consider that the learning process online has been very good, 2 of the students consider that the process has been excellent (29%), 1 student considers that the process has been good (14%), and 0 students consider that the process has been poor.

            Question #7. Please justify your answer in question #6

According to the students ´answers, student # 1 wrote I think I am learning even when we have virtual classes. Teachers are well prepared and try to use different materials to provide a significant learning in us. Student # 2  did not provide an answer, student #3 wrote I need face to face interaction, student # 4 wrote Teachers are great, student # 5 wrote I have had very good teachers, I have loved most of my classes and I have managed to accommodate myself with all the courses, I have had a very good experience with online classes. student # 6 the professors that I had have been very dynamic, and student # 7 wrote It IS BETTER for me. Based on the information provided by the students most of them are pleased with the process of the online lessons.

Question #8. How difficult was to adapt to use technology in the online lessons?

From the seven students surveyed 3 of them (43%) said that the adaptation to the technology use in the online classes have been easy, 3 of the students ( 43%) said technology use in the online classes have been not so difficult, 1 students (14%) considers technology use in the online classes has been difficult, and o students consider that the technology use in the online classes have not been very difficult.

Question #9. What are the most successful activities applied in the online classes?

Student # 1 considers that the most successful activities are: games, collaborative activities, student # 2 considers that the most successful activities are: the power point presentations, student # 3 considers that the most successful activities are: online activities, student # 4 considers that the most successful activities are: presentations and movies to watch, student # 5 considers that the most successful activity is: Kahoot! student # 6 considers that the most successful activities are: the ones that you have to move and do, not only write and read, student # 3 considers that the most successful activities are: interactive activities. Based on the variety of answer it is possible to see that the classes have had a diversity of the activities that have been important for the development of the online classes.

            Question #10. Which activities do professors use the most in online classes?

From the seven students surveyed 6 of them answer that professors uses videos in most of the lessons, another 6 students consider that professors used power point presentations, 4 of the students consider that professors used online practice, 3 of the students consider that professors used movies, 3 students consider that professors used Kahoot, 2 students consider that professors used online games, and o students answered other activities.

Question #11. What is your satisfaction regarding the professors in online classes?

From the seven surveyed students 5 answered (71%) answered that the satisfaction regarding the professors in the online classes is very good, 2 students (29%) answered that the satisfaction regarding the professors in online classes is excellent,  0 students answered that the satisfaction towards the professors in online classes is good, and 0 students answered that the satisfaction towards the professors in online classes is bad.

            Question #12. What activities do you consider necessary in online classes?

Student # 1 answered that the necessary activities online classes are: videos, music, games, and guests, student # 2 answered that the necessary activities online classes are: practices and presentations, student # 3 answered that the necessary activities online classes are: activities where we can talk, practice, debates, online games, student # 4 answered that the necessary activities online classes are: extra Practices online, student # 5 answered that the necessary activities online classes are: presentations Kahoot! Videos, and movies, student # 6 answered that the necessary activities online classes are: practices, moving, creating, researching, student # 7 answered that the necessary activities online classes are: Interaction and communication.


Question #13. What is your biggest challenge in this Virtual learning process?

According to the students ‘answer, student # 1 answered my biggest challenge is to balance between university and work, student #2 answered to spend a lot of time in front of the computer, student #3 answered I can’t concentrate, students #4 answered to learn how to share materials by teams, student #5 answered I live in San Jose de la Montaña and I have a good internet, but it goes away sometimes, that would be my only problem, student # 6 answered time, because the time we have being virtually is not the same, we have many different situations happening in the house or the place we are, student # 7 answered good internet access. It is possible to see in the different answers that the common denominators s are technology, work, and connectivity.

Question #14. Which of the following type of lessons do you prefer the most?

According to the students ´answer, the majority of them prefer online classes, and just a few prefer presential classes. Some of the students expressed that online classes are better because they do not have to travel, and they feel safer at home.

Question #15. Which of the following type of lessons do you prefer the most?

From the seven students surveyed 5 (71%, orange) of them chose online lessons better than presential lessons and 2 of the students prefer presential lessons better that the online lessons (29%, blue)

            Question #16. Justify you answer in question #14

Student # 1 answered I prefer online classes 100% because I live far from the university, so for me online environment is the best because I save money, it is not dangerous because I do not have to take 3 buses, and I set my own schedule. Student # 2 answered I like presential class. Student # 3 answered it is very difficult for me to concentrate during my online classes, everything is the same. Is boring. Student #4 answered because of the pandemic and also, I can take lessons in Puntarenas. Student # 5 answered for time, comfort, and transportation. Student #6 due to covid I prefer online classes, but maybe with a little more space or time to do things let’s say. Student # 7answered it is safer for me to be at my home, I focus, and I t is a good option for me. Due to the answers of the students, it is possible to understand that they prefer online lessons better that presential lessons.



According to the information gotten during the research, it was possible to identify due to COVID-19, the impact online classes have had in the students and professors of the English teaching for I and II major, from Universidad Hispanoamericana, Costa Rica.

It was proved that professors have done their best and put so much effort in online classes. Even though professors prefer pregenital classes, the strategies they use in online classes are very appropriate for the teaching process they are developing online: students feel good with the methodology and activities professors are using online. Also, students mention they prefer online classes because of money, traveling, and other reasons that benefit them from not going to the University Campuses.

There are some strategies that professors still need to look for or to implement better, however, the classes have been developed and students are learning from this new reality. Sometimes what teachers believe is that students do not participate in classes, and it may affect the learning process because students need to show interest and that they are really understanding, and learning.

Also, the pandemic became to teachers as something they would never expect and did not give the professors the chance to prepare themselves into technology and virtual classes; however, it was not so difficult for professors to adapt to this new way of working.  For students, on the other hand, the biggest challenge was to use the platform to have classes and to organize themselves into having classes online.

The researchers realized that most of the strategies teachers develop in online classes really help the student acquiring the knowledge expected. Students feel very comfortable in online classes and it has not been a hard process for them.  All the objectives proposed by the researcher were reached and successfully developed in this project. The student and the professors are facing a new reality, and they are doing their best to have meaningful results.


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