Innovative technological teaching resources to develop English speaking skills

Palabras clave: speaking ability, innovative resources, technology integration


This study focuses on researching the use of innovative technological teaching resources to improve the development of English speaking skills, recognizing that traditional methods have shown limitations in fully involving students in the learning process. This can result in sub-optimal levels of participation and achievement, indicating the importance of exploring and developing technological tools that address these challenges and encourage more effective and attractive learning. In this context, a mixed methodology was implemented that combined qualitative and quantitative approaches, allowing a thorough analysis of the situation. The results revealed a widespread interest in the use of technology for learning English, although differences were observed in the availability of technological resources among educational institutions. In addition, the need for student-centred pedagogy and the importance of adequate training for teachers in the effective use of technology were highlighted.


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Cómo citar
Olivo Camacho , P. M., Palacio Intriago, J. E., & Andrade Torres, M. V. (2024). Innovative technological teaching resources to develop English speaking skills. Ciencia Latina Revista Científica Multidisciplinar, 8(1), 12185-12200.
Ciencias de la Educación