Enhancing Argumentative Writing Skills via the Process-Genre based Approach: A Quasi-Experimental Study among University Students in Ecuador

Palabras clave: English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners, Process-Genre based Approach, Writing Instruction Scaffolding, Argumentative Writing Skills


This research project sought to examine the influence of the process-genre based approach on the enhancement of argumentative writing skills among B2 level English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners at the Language Center of UNIANDES-CTT de los Andes University. Through a quasi-experimental design, a population of 45 participants was separated into two groups: the experimental group comprising 23 students and the control group consisting of 22 students. Pre and post-tests, modeled after the essay writing section of the FCE standardized Cambridge Exam, were administered and assessed based on four criteria (Content, Communicative achievement, Organization, and Language) in alignment with the B2 level rubric. By employing a mixed research methodology, this study integrated quantitative analysis of test outcomes with qualitative inquiry to derive insights from result interpretation, culminating in conclusions drawn from a comprehensive understanding of the broader context and participants' experiences. Statistical analysis through paired t-tests substantiated that the experimental group demonstrated notably superior progress in argumentative written expression, thereby corroborating the alternative hypothesis. The results underscored the efficacy of the process-genre based approach in improving students' proficiency in argumentative writing. Significantly, this approach furnished scaffolding for writing instruction, facilitating the formulation and execution of coherent and cohesive argumentative essays. It boosted learners' confidence and self-esteem, while also refining strategic planning, organizational, and meticulous editing skills. In conclusion, the integration of the process-genre based approach positively influenced students' writing capabilities, underscoring its pivotal role in skill cultivation and fostering an enriching environment for refining argumentative writing competencies.


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Cómo citar
Gordón Fiallos , B. A. (2024). Enhancing Argumentative Writing Skills via the Process-Genre based Approach: A Quasi-Experimental Study among University Students in Ecuador. Ciencia Latina Revista Científica Multidisciplinar, 8(4), 89-111. https://doi.org/10.37811/cl_rcm.v8i4.12150
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