Enhancing Speaking Proficiency: Innovative Pedagogical Approaches for Third-Year Bachillerato Students at Bicentenario 'D7' High School

Palabras clave: EFL speaking skills, communicative language teaching, task-based learning, oral proficiency assessment, technology integration in language learning


This study investigates the effectiveness of innovative teaching strategies in enhancing the speaking skills of third-year Bachillerato students at Bicentenario "D7" High School in Ecuador. Employing a mixed-methods approach, the research combines quantitative assessments of oral proficiency with qualitative insights from students and teachers. The intervention incorporates a range of speaking-focused activities based on Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) and Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) principles, including role-plays, discussions, and technology-integrated exercises. Pre- and post-intervention speaking assessments, classroom observations, surveys, and interviews are utilized to evaluate the impact of these strategies. The study aims to address the challenges EFL learners face in developing fluent and accurate oral communication skills. Findings reveal significant improvements in students' interaction and pronunciation fluency, with modest gains in vocabulary and grammar skills. The research highlights the potential of targeted speaking activities and technology integration in enhancing oral proficiency. Recommendations include expanding successful interventions, refining assessment methods, and incorporating more grammar-focused exercises. This study contributes valuable insights to EFL pedagogy, particularly in the Ecuadorian context, offering practical strategies for improving students' speaking skills.



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Cómo citar
Nieto Herrera, D. J., Palacios Quinto, R., Rosado Castro, M. del C., Almeida Peñafiel, C. G., & Gavilanes Moposita, V. M. (2024). Enhancing Speaking Proficiency: Innovative Pedagogical Approaches for Third-Year Bachillerato Students at Bicentenario ’D7’ High School. Ciencia Latina Revista Científica Multidisciplinar, 8(3), 10315-10337. https://doi.org/10.37811/cl_rcm.v8i4.12184
Ciencias de la Educación