The Use of Short Stories to Improve Vocabulary: Understanding the Perceptions of EFL Students
The integration of technologies, such as virtual learning environments, web-based collaborative setups, and gamified applications, tend to promote the positive effects of short stories on vocabulary learning in a foreign language. This study investigates the effectiveness of using short stories as a pedagogical tool for enhancing vocabulary acquisition in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students. Two cohorts of participants took part simultaneously in a course to improve vocabulary through short stories graded according to their level of proficiency. The highly validated tool MSLQ was applied to gather perceptions of motivation and learning strategies throughout the course. Correlational analyses suggest that short stories, combined with appropriate technological and pedagogical strategies, offer a powerful approach to vocabulary learning in diverse educational contexts. The study also emphasizes the importance of self-regulated learning mechanisms, which promote learner autonomy and self-efficacy, leading to better vocabulary outcomes. This research contributes to the understanding of effective vocabulary learning and provides practical insights for educators seeking to enhance EFL students' language mastery.
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Derechos de autor 2024 Alan García-Cañarte, Mauro Ocaña

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