Self-regulation in learning English as a foreign language in students of Upper Basic in a Fiscomisional School of Manta

Palabras clave: self-regulation, english language, metacognition, self-assessment, development of language skills


Self-regulation refers to students' ability to autonomously manage their own learning process, involves setting goals, monitoring progress, and consciously regulating effort, which promotes metacognitive and self-assessment skills essential for academic success. Objective was to diagnose the level of self-regulation in learning English as a foreign language in students of Upper Basic in a Fiscomisional School of Manta. The methodology was a qualitative-quantitative research using the inductive-deductive-analytical and synthetic methods, to collect the data, interviews were conducted with 5 teachers who teach the English subject, and a structured survey was applied to 39 students of Higher Basic Education. Among the most relevant results, it was possible to establish that students plan their time studying the language, seek help and additional resources when they encounter difficulties, and are motivated by setting clear goals. However, it is worrying to observe that a considerable group of students do not dedicate time to autonomous learning, which poses a challenge for teachers, who must consider the different learning styles of each student. Concluding that self-regulation in English language learning plays a fundamental role in the development of effective language skills.


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Cómo citar
Bazurto Alcívar, S. N., Bazurto Alcívar, G. J., Kaicer Pinargote, Ángela M., Chavarría Mendoza, L. A., & Intriago Cobeña, M. C. (2024). Self-regulation in learning English as a foreign language in students of Upper Basic in a Fiscomisional School of Manta. Ciencia Latina Revista Científica Multidisciplinar, 8(4), 1552-1572.
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