Mortality in Patients with Intertrochanteric Fracture Operated Between 2019-2021 in a High Complexity Institution
Objective: It was defined to determine mortality in adult patients with this type of fracture who underwent surgery between 2019 and 2021 in a first-level complexity institution. Method: An analytical, cross-sectional, retrospective study was carried out. Results: Finding a significant association between the origin, the classification of the fracture, and the associated injuries concerning mortality, but these variables did not behave as predictors of it. The Kaplan-Meier analysis showed that survival decreases concerning the time of the intervention from 20 hours post-surgery, with an average of 44.3 hours (95% CI: 736-909), but with no statistically significant difference (p=0.388). Conclusion: Mortality in adult patients with intertrochanteric fractures taken to surgical management may be associated with age, gender, delay in the time of care, delay in the time of surgical intervention, and ethnicity. However, a greater number of studies are required to assess with higher accuracy the behaviour of mortality in adult patients with intertrochanteric fractures taken to surgical management. Consequently, acquiring an enrich understanding in terms of evidence and favouring even deeper data of the outcome of surgical management in these cases.
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Derechos de autor 2024 Hanna Maria Arévalo Vallejo, David Cantalicio Cárdenas Gasca, Ana Maria Paredes Bravo, María Alejandra Suárez, Nicolás Blanco Rivas, Natalia C Lafaurie Bayter, Jineth Valentina Saez Vargas

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