El Uso de la Gamificación para Mejorar el Idioma Inglés en un Proceso de Enseñanza – Aprendizaje en una Escuela de Chone

Palabras clave: learning, gamification, strategies, recreational activities


The objective of the research was: Analyze how to improve English language learning through gamification at a school in Chone. Updated investigative information was examined that allowed us to identify reasons that limit students learning and that teachers face, which is why the use of recreational activities is considered important to use for a better teaching process, the literary review indicates that songs help students learn faster, enjoy classes, the gamification strategy, which is a technique that uses the game as a mechanism for non-playful contexts, which aims to optimize the stimulation and collaboration of students, to make music learning fun and interactive. The affirmation of the positive of the use of music is because the student becomes emotionally involved and facilitates a notable and explanatory argument for learning. The approach and type of research was quantitative and qualitative, the methodological process was a bibliographic review of specialists on the subject, scientific journals on the Internet, among others, in addition, and the results achieved indicate that 100% of those surveyed consider the use of gamification to be transcendental for the teaching-learning process of English as a second language, which will give students the opportunity to insert themselves into the current interconnected global world, which will be of pedagogical benefit, formative, social and economic.


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Cómo citar
Zambrano Alcívar , F. I. (2024). El Uso de la Gamificación para Mejorar el Idioma Inglés en un Proceso de Enseñanza – Aprendizaje en una Escuela de Chone. Ciencia Latina Revista Científica Multidisciplinar, 8(5), 5331-5352. https://doi.org/10.37811/cl_rcm.v8i5.13975
Ciencias de la Educación