An Action Research for Implementing Affective Teaching Strategies for Reducing Anxiety and Increasing Motivation in EFL Beginner Learners at Campus Liberia of Universidad Nacional (UNA) in Guanacaste, Costa Rica

Palabras clave: motivation, effecto pigmaleon, relaxation technique, feedback, teaching strategy


This study explores the impact of teacher feedback and behavior on student motivation and performance in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classrooms. It highlights the negative effects of harsh feedback and emotional abuse, contrasted with the positive outcomes of supportive teacher-student interactions. Using a mixed-methods approach involving surveys and classroom observations of 64 beginner EFL students, the research identifies various self-motivation techniques students use, such as positive self-statements and relaxation methods. The study also evaluates the effectiveness of a pedagogic proposal incorporating five affective teaching strategies, which significantly enhance student engagement and learning. The findings underscore the importance of a positive and empathetic classroom environment, recommending that teachers and educational institutions adopt supportive and innovative teaching methods to improve EFL education outcomes.


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Cómo citar
Ruiz Sequeira, C. G., Montero Cortes, T., Moya Bello, M. F., & Brenes Zúñiga, J. (2024). An Action Research for Implementing Affective Teaching Strategies for Reducing Anxiety and Increasing Motivation in EFL Beginner Learners at Campus Liberia of Universidad Nacional (UNA) in Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Ciencia Latina Revista Científica Multidisciplinar, 8(5), 14027-14049.
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