Political Communication, Neuroscience and Ethics: Challenges for the power of managing and predicting political consumer behaviors

Palabras clave: political communication, political neuromarketing, political consumer, ethics in neuroscience


In the field of Political Communication, one of the most important tasks is the management of information, it is known that information is power and more so if it is about transmitting information for the creation of messages that may be able to identify with an electoral public, which then leads this to the decision of the voters. Hence, political campaigns seek to invest in the creation of more effective messages for the expected return of a winning candidate. Faced with these new challenges and trends in predicting the behavior of the electorate, a multidisciplinary science called political neuromarketing emerges that, based on specific techniques, messages and stimuli conquer the emotions of its audiences. It is for the above that this research presents a state of the art on the challenges of the power of management and the prediction of electoral consumer behavior under the multidisciplinary approach of Political Communication, Neuroscience and Ethics. Among the most important findings of this new paradigm of political neuromarketing is the presence of technical and ethical dilemmas in practice that must be considered for a framework of action that does not disrupt values ​​and health in the mind of the future electoral consumer.


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Cómo citar
Torres Hidalgo, M. S., & Mendieta Ramírez, A. (2024). Political Communication, Neuroscience and Ethics: Challenges for the power of managing and predicting political consumer behaviors. Ciencia Latina Revista Científica Multidisciplinar, 8(1), 12185-12195. https://doi.org/10.37811/cl_rcm.v8i6.14978
Ciencias Sociales y Humanas