Exploring the Effect of ChatGPT as an Educational Tool to Improve Vocabulary Acquisition in the English Language

Palabras clave: chatgpt, english language learning, vocabulary, perceptions


The present study aims to explore the effect of using ChatGPT as an educational tool to improve the acquisition of English vocabulary in first-year students of an educational institution in Lago Agrio. A mixed methodology was used with instruments such as pre-test, post-test and a questionnaire. The instruments were applied to 60 high school students who were divided into two groups: experimental group and control group. The control group received traditional teaching in the classroom while the experimental group received teaching using Chat GPT as the main instrument in the computer center. For 4 weeks, evaluations were carried out before and after the intervention to measure the effectiveness of Chat GPT in the acquisition of vocabulary in students. Statistical analysis, including paired t-tests, mean and standard deviation, revealed significant improvements in the experimental group, with an increase in scores from 7.52 to 8.83 in pre-test and post-test. Additionally, students' perception of the use of ChatGPT is, in general, positive and they consider that this tool has been very beneficial in motivating them to learn the language and use it appropriately for learning English. However, it is important to emphasize that the proper use of this tool requires that students have clear learning objectives.


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Cómo citar
Durazno Abril, B. V., Díaz Carlosama, K. M., & Zambrano Pachay, J. F. (2025). Exploring the Effect of ChatGPT as an Educational Tool to Improve Vocabulary Acquisition in the English Language. Ciencia Latina Revista Científica Multidisciplinar, 9(1), 4874-4886. https://doi.org/10.37811/cl_rcm.v9i1.16190
Ciencias de la Educación