E-books vs. paper books: comparison of children’s reading comprehension and Behavior
People of the current generation, those born after the 1990s, are sometimes referred to as "Millennials" because of their familiarity to and comfort with technological advancements. They grow up in a world where everyone carries a minicomputer in their pocket (Zainuddin et al., 2020), and they utilize digital tools as an integral part of almost every aspect of their lives. However, studies on how digital technologies affect pupils' academic performance and motivation are still in their infancy. The purpose of this research is to explore how sixth graders' perceptions of their e-reading experiences are influenced by their use of personalized/gamified/PDF electronic reading practices at school and how that, in turn, affects their reading comprehension and motivation levels while studying English as a foreign language (EFL). Using a quasi-experimental design, this research surveys 80 Greek sixth graders from public schools on their experiences with online gaming. The study's subjects are divided into three experimental and one control groups. Each exploratory group received a prescribed reading schedule for one of the three electronic reading formats (PDF, gamified, or customized) during therapy. Contrarily, the control group was given a written guided reading schedule to adhere to. However, there was no discernible difference in the reading comprehension levels of the four groups, despite the fact that the experimental group read from a different medium than the control group did. The findings suggest that EFL students' usage of screen reading may boost their drive to read, which is promising.
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Derechos de autor 2023 Jorge Alberto Esponda Pérez;Reyna Esperanza Zea Gordillo ;Julia María Marroquín Figueroa
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