Revisión bibliográfica de los tipos de Ergonomía estudiadas en las publicaciones científicas localizadas en la Web of Science, 2019-2022
El objetivo de la investigación es llevar a cabo una revisión bibliográfica de los tipos de Ergonomía estudiadas en las publicaciones científicas localizadas en la Web of Science, 2019-2022. Se optó por un enfoque cualitativo con complemento de lo cuantitativo, no experimental, transaccional y descriptivo. Se aplicó el muestreo intencional realizando la búsqueda con dos palabras clave: egonomics y workplace en Web of Science (WOS), enero de 2023. Los criterios de inclusión fueron: publicaciones en journals, acceso abierto, inglés y entre 2019-2022. Los criterios de exclusión fueron: acceso varios (Gold, Gold-Hybrid, Free to Read, Green Published, Green Accepted y Green Submitted), otros idiomas que no sea el inglés, artículos de revisión, resúmenes para conferencias y editorial. Se encontró un total de 77 artículos en la búsqueda y 8 fueron excluídos por no concordancia con el tema. Finalmente, 69 publicaciones sobre la Ergonomía en el lugar de trabajo han sido revisadas y el instrumento de recolección de datos estuvo constituido en 6 ítems (año de publicación, autor/es, título, tipos de ergonomía, revista y DOI). Los resultados más relevantes fueron: existe una mayor concentración de publicaciones en el año 2019 (28%); en las revistas Applied Ergonomics (29%) y Ergonomics (25%) y; la ergonomia Física (55%) es la más estudiada. Se concluye que los factores de riesgo ergonómicos ambientales, físicos, organizacionales y cognitivos de trabajo para cada tipo de trabajo deben tenerse en cuenta sistemáticamente mediante la evaluación regular de los empleados. Un entorno adecuado y amable reduce el impacto negativo sobre la salud del trabajador.
Abdollahpour, N., & Helali, F. (2022). Implementing Practical Ergonomics Knowledge
Transfer Using Ergonomic Checkpoints to Support the Participatory Ergonomics Process in an Industrially Developing Country. IISE Transactions on Occupational Ergonomics & Human Factors, 10(2), 59-70.
Agila-Palacios, Enmanuel, Colunga-Rodríguez, Cecilia, González-Muñoz, Elvia, &
Delgado-García, Diemen. (2014). Síntomas Músculo-Esqueléticos en Trabajadores Operativos del Área de Mantenimiento de una Empresa Petrolera Ecuatoriana. Ciencia & trabajo, 16(51), 198-205.
Antosz, P., Rembiasz, T., & Verhagen, H. (2020). Employee shirking and overworking:
modelling the unintended consequences of work organization. Ergonomics, 63(8), 997-1009.
Asociación Internacional de Ergonomía (2022). ¿Qué es la ergonomía?
Baudendistel, S. T., Grindstaff, T. L., Rosen, A. B., & Yentes, J. M. (2020). Bimanual load
carriage alters sway patterns and step width. Applied Ergonomics, 84.
Bergsten, E. L., Haapakangas, A., Larsson, J., Jahncke, H., & Hallman, D. M. (2021).
Effects of relocation to activity-based workplaces on perceived productivity: Importance of change-oriented leadership. Applied Ergonomics, 93.
Berlin, C., Bligard, L. O., Chafi, M. B., & Eriksson, S. (2022). Development of a
stakeholder identification and analysis method for human factors integration in work system design interventions - Change Agent Infrastructure. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, 32(1), 151-170.
Bergefurt, L., Appel-Meulenbroek, R., Maris, C., Arentze, T., Weijs-Perree, M., & de Kort,
Y. (2022). The influence of distractions of the home-work environment on mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic. Ergonomics.
Beschorner, K. E., Siegel, J. L., Hemler, S. L., Sundaram, V. H., Chanda, A., Iraqi, A.,
Haight, J. M., & Redfern, M. S. (2020). An observational ergonomic tool for assessing the worn condition of slip-resistant shoes. Applied Ergonomics, 88.
Bodin, J., Garlantezec, R., Costet, N., Descatha, A., Viel, J. F., & Roquelaure, Y. (2020).
Shoulder pain among male industrial workers: Validation of a conceptual model in two independent French working populations. Applied Ergonomics, 85.
Bortolini, R., & Forcada, N. (2021) Regular and temporary occupants’ perceptions of
satisfaction in tertiary education buildings, Ergonomics, 64:7, 926-942,
Chanda, A; Reuter, A; Beschorner, KE. (2019). Vinyl Composite Tile Surrogate for
Mechanical Slip Testing. IISE Transactions on Occupational Ergonomics & Human Factors, 7(2), 132-141.
Chafi, MB; Rolfo, L. (2019). Policies in Activity-based Flexible Offices -'I am sloppy with
clean-desking. We don't really know the rules.'. Ergonomics, 62(1), 1-20.
Castellucci, H. I., Viviani, C., Arezes, P., Molenbroek, J. F. M., Martinez, M., & Aparici, V.
(2021). Application of mismatch equations in dynamic seating designs. Applied Ergonomics, 90.
Castellucci, H., Viviani, C., Arezes, P., Molenbroek, J. F. M., Martinez, M., Aparici, V., &
Dianat, I. (2020). Applied anthropometry for common industrial settings design: Working and ideal manual handling heights. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 78.
Carter, S., Field, E., Oppermann, E., & Brearley, M. (2020). The impact of perceived heat
stress symptoms on work-related tasks and social factors: A cross-sectional survey of Australia's Monsoonal North. Applied Ergonomics, 82.
de Vries, A., Murphy, M., Konemann, R., Kingma, I., & de Looze, M. (2019). The Amount
of Support Provided by a Passive Arm Support Exoskeleton in a Range of Elevated Arm Postures. IISE Transactions on Occupational Ergonomics & Human Factors.
Dennerlein, J. T., Burke, L., Sabbath, E. L., Williams, J. A.R., Peters, S. E., Wallace, L.,
Karapanos, M., &; Sorensen, G. (2020). An Integrative Total Worker Health Framework for Keeping Workers Safe and Healthy During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Human Factors, 62(5), 689-696.
Durniat, K. (2020). Development and psychometric properties of the Polish basic version
of the SDM questionnaire for measuring bullying. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 26(3), 603-616.
Fuentes, A. G., Serrano, N. M. B., Lasheras, F. S., Valverde, G. F., & Sanchez, A. S. (2022).
Work-related overexertion injuries in cleaning occupations: An exploration of the factors to predict the days of absence by means of machine learning methodologies. Applied Ergonomics, 105.
Galey, L., Audignon, S., Witschger, O., Bau, S., Judon, N., Lacourt, A., & Garrigou, A.
(2020). What does ergonomics have to do with nanotechnologies? A case study
Applied Ergonomics, 87.
Goggins, KA; Tetzlaff, EJ; Young, WW; Godwin, AA (2022). SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19)
workplace temperature screening: Seasonal concerns for thermal detection in northern regions. Applied Ergonomics, 98.
Greenlee, E. T., Funke, G. J., Hess, L. J., & Vidulich, M. A. (2022). Optimizing aid
activation in adaptive and non-adaptive aiding systems: A framework for design and validation. Applied Ergonomics, 101.
Greig, M. A., Village, J., Dixon, S. M.; Salustri, F. A., & Neumann, W. P. (2019). Assessing
human factors and ergonomics capability in organisations – the Human Factors Integration Toolset, Ergonomics, 62(10), 1254-1272.
Gyi, D., Masson, A., & Hignett, S. (2019). Plus size and obese workers: anthropometry
estimates to promote inclusive design. Ergonomics, 62(9), 1234-1242.
Haapakangas, A., Sirola, P. & Ruohomäki, V. (2022. Understanding user
behaviour in activity-based offices, Ergonomics.
Haslam, C., Kazi, A., Duncan, M., Clemes, S., & Twumasi, R. (2019). Walking Works
Wonders: a tailored workplace intervention evaluated over 24 months. Ergonomics, 62(1), 31-41.
Haslam, C., Kazi, A., & Duncan, M. (2020). Process evaluation of a tailored workplace
intervention designed to promote sustainable working in a rapidly changing world. Ergonomics, 63(3), 253-262.
Hartwig, M; Wirth, M; Bonin, D. (2020). Insights about mental health aspects at
intralogistics workplaces - A field study. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 76,
Hawley, S. J., Hamilton-Wright, A., & Fischer, S. L. (2022). Detecting subject-specific
fatigue-related changes in lifting kinematics using a machine learning approach. Ergonomics.
Heidarimoghadam, R., Mohammadfam, I., Babamiri, M., Soltanian, A. R., Khotanlou, H.,
& Sohrabi, M. S. (2020). Study protocol and baseline results for a quasi-randomized control trial: An investigation on the effects of ergonomic interventions on work-related musculoskeletal disorders, quality of work-life and productivity in knowledge-based companies. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 80.
Heiden, M., Zetterberg, C., Lindberg, P., Nylen, P., & Hemphala, H. (2019). Validity of a
computer-based risk assessment method for visual ergonomics. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics. 72.
Hellig, T., Johnen, L., Mertens, A., Nitsch, V., &; Brandl, C. (2020). Prediction model of
the effect of postural interactions on muscular activity and perceived exertion. Ergonomics, 63(5), 593-606.
Hensel, R., & Keil, M. (2019). Subjective Evaluation of a Passive Industrial Exoskeleton
for Lower-back Support: A Field Study in the Automotive Sector. IISE Transactions on Occupational Ergonomics & Human Factors, 7(3-4), 213-221.
Hernández, C. O. (1996). La ergonomía como ámbito de aplicación desde la psicología.
Papeles del Psicólogo, (65).
Hoffmann, N., Prokop, G., & Weidner, R. (2022). Methodologies for evaluating
exoskeletons with industrial applications. Ergonomics, 65(2), 276-295.
Ipsen, C., Poulsen, S., Gish, L., & Kirkegaard, M. L. (2020). Continuous evaluation of
participants' perceptions of impact: Applying a boundary object in organizational-level interventions. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, 30(3), 149-164.
Jachowicz, M., & Owczarek, G. (2020). Analysis of selected mechanical parameters for
foamed materials with non-Newtonian liquid characteristics in terms of their use in aspects of protective helmets. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 26(3), 617-623.
Jacobs, J. V., Hettinger, L. J., Huang, Y. H., Jeffries, S., Lesch, M. F., Simmons, L. A.,
Verma, S. K.,& Willetts, J. L. (2019). Employee acceptance of wearable technology in the workplace. Applied Ergonomics, 78, 148-156.
Johnen, L., Schaub, M., Mertens, A., Nitsch, V., & Brandl, C. (2022). Can cumulative
loading estimates be used to assess the collective occupational risk of MSD? Evaluation of calculation methods for spinal cumulative loading. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 92.
Jun, D., Johnston, V., McPhail, S. M., & O'Leary, S. (2019). Are Measures of Postural
Behavior Using Motion Sensors in Seated Office Workers Reliable?. Human Factors, 61(7), 1141-1161.
Katarzyna Durniat (2020) Development and psychometric properties of the
Polish basic version of the SDM questionnaire for measuring bullying, International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 26:3, 603-616.
Kazi, A; Haslam, C; Duncan, M; Clemes, S; Twumasi, R. (2019). Sedentary behaviour and
health at work: an investigation of industrial sector, job role, gender and geographical differences. Ergonomics, 62(1), 21-30.
Kekkonen, P., Reiman, A., Vayrynen, S., & Rajala, H. K. (2021). Occupational safety and
health in shared workplaces according to workplace inspection reports. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 27(2), 504-516.
Khattak, S. A. (2021). Role of ergonomics in re-designing job design in call centres,
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 27:3, 784-793,
Koma, B. S., Bergh, A. M., & Costa-Black, K. M. (2019). Barriers to and facilitators for
implementing an office ergonomics programme in a South African research organisation. Applied Ergonomics, 75, 83-90.
Kombeiz, O., & Dietl, E. (2019). Light as a positive situational cue at work: Satisfaction
with light relates to judgements of other's warmth and competence. Ergonomics, 62(8), 995-1007.
Kox, J., Runhaar, J., Bierma-Zeinstra, S., Groenewoud, H., Bakker, E., Miedema, H., &
Roelofs, P. (2022). What sociodemographic and work characteristics are associated with musculoskeletal complaints in nursing students? A cross-sectional analysis of repeated measurements. Applied Ergonomics, 101.
Kropidlowska, P; Irzmanska, E; Zgorniak, P; Byczkowska, P. (2021). Evaluation of the
mechanical strength and protective properties of polycarbonate toecaps subjected to repeated impacts simulating workplace conditions. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 27(3), 698-707.
Lastowiecka-Moras, E. (2021). Standing and sitting postures at work and symptoms of
venous insufficiency - results from questionnaires and a Doppler ultrasound study. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 27(4), 963-969.
Macdonald, W., & Oakman, J. (2022). The problem with ergonomics injuries: What can
ergonomists do?. Applied Ergonomics, 103.
Malinska, M., Bugajska, J., & Bartuzi, P. (2021). Occupational and non-occupational risk
factors for neck and lower back pain among computer workers: a cross-sectional study. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 27(4), 1108-1115.
Malinska, M., & Bugajska, J. (2021). Assessment of the impact of lifestyle and
psychosocial working conditions on older employees' work ability. International Journal of Occupational Safety And Ergonomics, 27(3), 946-955.
Martinez, K. B., Nazarahari, M., & Rouhani, H. (2022). K-score: A novel scoring system to
quantify fatigue-related ergonomic risk based on joint angle measurements via wearable inertial measurement units. Applied Ergonomics, 102.
Meyers, A. R., Wurzelbacher, S. J., Krieg, E. F., Ramsey, J. G., Crombie, K., Christianson,
A. L., Luo, L., & Burt, S. (2021). Work-Related Risk Factors for Rotator Cuff Syndrome in a Prospective Study of Manufacturing and Healthcare Workers. Human Factors.
Naweed, A; Bowditch, L; Trigg, J; Unsworth, C. (2022). Injury by design: A thematic
networks and system dynamics analysis of work-related musculoskeletal disorders in tram drivers. Applied Ergonomics, 100.
Nayak, G. K., & Kim, E. (2021). Development of a fully automated RULA assessment
system based on computer vision. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 86.
Neumann, W. P., Dixon, S. M. y Ekman, M. (2012). Ergonomía investigación-acción I:
pasar de la prueba de hipótesis al aprendizaje experiencial. Ergonomía, 55(10), 1127-1139.
Pacheco, P. O., Coello-Montecel, D., & Andrei, D. M. (2022). Validation of the Spanish
version of the Neal, Griffin and Hart safety behavior scale. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics.
Pleban, D., Radosz, J., Kryst, L., & Surgiewicz, J. (2021). Assessment of working
conditions in medical facilities due to noise. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 27(4), 1199-1206.
Putz, S., Rick, V., Mertens, A., & Nitsch, V. (2022). Using IoT devices for sensor-based
monitoring of employees' mental workload: Investigating managers' expectations and concerns. Applied Ergonomics, 102(11).
Richter, H. O., Sundin, S., & Long, J. (2019). Visually deficient working conditions and
reduced work performance in office workers: Is it mediated by visual discomfort?. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 72, 128-136.
Roossien, C. C., Krops, L. A., Wempe, J. B., Verkerke, G. J., & Reneman, M. F. (2021). Can
breathing gases be analyzed without a mouth mask? Proof-of-concept and concurrent validity of a newly developed design with a mask-less headset. Applied Ergonomics, 90.
Roveda, L., Savani, L., Arlati, S., Dinon, T., Legnani, G., & Tosatti, L .M. (2020). Design
methodology of an active back-support exoskeleton with adaptable backbone-based kinematics. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 79.
Schmidt, K. G., Holtermann, A., Jorgensen, M. B., Svendsen, M. J., & Rasmussen, C. D. N.
(2021). Developing a practice and evidence-based guideline for occupational health and safety professionals to prevent and handle musculoskeletal pain in workplaces. Applied Ergonomics, 97.
Schwartz, B., Kapellusch, J. M., Baca, A., Wessner, B. (2019). Medium-term effects of a
two-desk sit/stand workstation on cognitive performance and workload for healthy people performing sedentary work: a secondary analysis of a randomised controlled trial. Ergonomics, 62(6), 794-810.
Sharma, P. P., Mehta, R. K., Pickens, A., Han, G., & Benden, M. (2019). Sit-Stand Desk
Software Can Now Monitor and Prompt Office Workers to Change Health Behaviors. Human Factors, 61(5).
Steinhilber, B., Luger, T., Schwenkreis, P., Middeldorf, S., Bork, H., Mann, B., Von Glinski,
A., Schildhauer, T. A., Weiler, S., Schmauder, M., Heinrich, K., Winter, G., Schnalke, G., Frener, P., Schick, R., Wischniewski, S., & Jager, M. (2020). The use of exoskeletons in the occupational context for primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention of work-related musculoskeletal complaints. IISE Transactions on Occupational Ergonomics & Human Factors, 8(3), 132-144.
Tjosvoll, S. O., Seeberg, T. M., Fimland, M. S., Wiggen, O., & Jahren, S. E. (2022).
Classification of kneeling and squatting in workers wearing protective equipment: development and validation of a rule-based model using wireless triaxial accelerometers. Ergonomics, 65(10), 1410-1420.
Torres, Y., & Rodríguez, Y. (2021). Surgimiento y evolución de la ergonomía
como disciplina: reflexiones sobre la escuela de los factores humanos y la escuela de la ergonomía de la actividad. Revista Facultad Nacional de Salud Pública, 39 (2).
Van Acker, B. B., Bombeke, K., Durnez, W., Parmentier, D. D., Mateus, J. C., Biondi, A.,
Saldien, J., & Vlerick, P. (2020). Mobile pupillometry in manual assembly: A pilot study exploring the wearability and external validity of a renowned mental workload lab measure. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 75.
Wascher, E; Reiser, J; Rinkenauer, G; Larra, M; Dreger, FA; Schneider, D; Karthaus, M;
Getzmann, S; Gutberlet, M; Arnau, S. (2021). Neuroergonomics on the Go: An Evaluation of the Potential of Mobile EEG for Workplace Assessment and Design. Human Factors .
Weijs-Perree, M., Buck, L., Appel-Meulenbroek, R., & Arentze, T. (2019). Location
choices of face-to-face interactions in academic buildings: an experience sampling approach. Ergonomics, 62(12), 1499-1514.
Womack, D. M., Vuckovic, N. N., Steege, L. M., Eldredge, D. H., Hribar, M. R., & Gorman,
P. N. (2019). Subtle cues: Qualitative elicitation of signs of capacity strain in the hospital workplace. Applied Ergonomics, 81.
Zetterberg, C., Heiden, M., Lindberg, P., Nylen, P., & Hemphala, H. (2019). Reliability of a
new risk assessment method for visual ergonomics. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 72, 71-79.
Derechos de autor 2023 Chap Kau Kwan Chung;Juan Antonio Moreno Mareco;Myrna Ruiz Díaz Vega;Miguel Ángel Alegre Brítez;Jesús Antonio González Caballero
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