A case of non-mosaic 47, XXX presenting as placental site trophoblastic, tumor secondary to partial mola
Background: Placental trophoblastic tumor is a very rare form of gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD). There are some case reports in which some tumors have been associated with Trisomy X. Objective: is to inform and suggest a possible management for similar cases in a future. Material and methods: A systematic search was carried out in the bibliography and subsequent surgery. Case: Patient with karyotype 47, XXX and ETG. The associated phenotype consisted of a prominent forehead, epicanthal fold in both eyes, micrognathia with dental crowding. The biomarkers CKAE1/AE3, Ki75 were positive. The pathology report suggests an incomplete atypical mole. The final diagnosis was trophoblastic tumor of the placental site. Conclusion: We recommend hysterectomy with preservation of the ovaries if they are not involved.
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Derechos de autor 2023 Marcos Ivan Tienda-Pimentel;Sofía Estrada-García;Liam Eduardo Tienda Pimentel;Enrique Sánchez-Valdivieso
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