Community-Based Pedagogies: An approach to Reconceptualize Education in Rural Areas

Palabras clave: community-based pedagogies, english language teaching, rural education


This study analyzes national and international research related to Community-Based Pedagogies (CBP), its implications, and contributions to rural education. These pedagogies do not see learners as isolated individuals, but their experiences and realities are taken as a starting point for both the educational process and the creation of a curriculum linked with outside school practices. The type of research used was the qualitative approach to analyze 69 papers found through electronic research. The results show that CBP are not only suitable to break down educational paradigms regarding English teaching and learning, but also to value the local knowledge and make connections between teachers, students, and curriculum. The research concluded that CBP in schools can bring many benefits since it leads educators to enrich their teaching practice and design curricula connected with social issues embedded in the community.


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Cómo citar
Artunduaga Garzón , A. E., & Palomino Herrera, C. C. (2023). Community-Based Pedagogies: An approach to Reconceptualize Education in Rural Areas. Ciencia Latina Revista Científica Multidisciplinar, 7(4), 9603-9624.