Aproximación a la Intervención de la Demencia desde los Cuidados Paliativos

Palabras clave: cuidados paliativos, paciente, demencia


This research explores dementia and its characteristics, along with an approach from the perspective of palliative care intervention. The theoretical framework is structured from the elements that characterize dementia, the differential diagnosis with respect to dementia whose origin is of another etiology, together with a general vision of palliative care and the intervention models that are developed from this. . The methodology used was a bibliographic review, focused on studies that had a close relationship with the topic under study and that also allowed us to have an updated vision of the topic. Among the discussion elements, the importance of having a holistic perspective in the treatment of the dementia patient is highlighted, which covers the clinical, emotional, social and spiritual aspects. Also, the importance of respect for the patient's autonomy is emphasized, this being a key aspect for the decisions that will be made in the therapeutic process.


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Cómo citar
Cisneros Orozco , J., De La O Diaz, J. R., & Mata Brenes, A. G. (2024). Aproximación a la Intervención de la Demencia desde los Cuidados Paliativos. Ciencia Latina Revista Científica Multidisciplinar, 8(1), 690-708. https://doi.org/10.37811/cl_rcm.v7i6.9364
Ciencias de la Salud