Emotional intelligence in basic school education students in the city of Pilar, in the development of their skills in the educational context

  • Vicente Ferrer González Rodríguez Universidad Nacional de Pilar Pilar – Paraguay
Keywords: emotional intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence, academic performance


In the city of Pilar, Department of Ñeembucú, the present research work is carried out, whose objective is to know the emotional intelligence in students of basic school education in the city of Pilar, in the development of their skills in the educational field . The students and teachers of the subsidized public urban schools of the city linked to the Redemptorist Foundation of Social and Educational Works of Pilar (FROSEP) are taken as the object of study. To achieve the objectives and taking into account the relevance of the topic, it seeks to measure the importance of intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligence and its influence on the academic performance of students from the aforementioned educational institutions. For this purpose, methods and techniques that correspond to the nature of the study are used, adjusting to the parameters of a mixed research approach, with a concurrent triangulation design (DITRIAC). In this regard, the work responds to a descriptive study, resorting to quantitative and qualitative method techniques, which ensures a more reliable way of data collection. It stands out as an important finding that there is correspondence in those students who achieve high levels of emotional intelligence and high grades. The same situation occurs with respect to those students who present average levels of emotional intelligence and average grades. In addition, the personal perceptions that children present about themselves, as well as their self-esteem, are high, with effective and quality social skills


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How to Cite
González Rodríguez , V. F. (2022). Emotional intelligence in basic school education students in the city of Pilar, in the development of their skills in the educational context. Ciencia Latina Revista Científica Multidisciplinar, 5(6), 15008-15023. https://doi.org/10.37811/cl_rcm.v5i6.1452