Attitudes of Teacher Training Students of the Pilar Regional Education Center about the exercise of the profession

  • Fulvia Karina Gamarra de Velazco Universidad Nacional de Pilar
Keywords: Attitudes, Students, Teacher training


This work is based on the investigation of the topic called "Attitudes of teacher training students of the Regional Center of Education of Pilar on the exercise of the profession". The general objective of this study was to know the vocational orientation of the Teacher Training students of the Regional Center of Education of Pilar on the profession through the exhaustive analysis of the cognitive, affective and behavioral dimension, on the students in the context of the mentioned institution. The work was carried out at the Pilar Regional Education Center (CREP) Mariscal Francisco Solano López, in the city of Pilar- Ñeembucú, in 2019, specifically at the Teacher Training Level, with enrolled students. The quantitative and qualitative approach were the methodological orientation defined for this research work, of explanatory scope. In order to collect the necessary information, semi-structured interviews and questionnaires were used, from whose application the information obtained arises, subsequently subjected to a process of coding, tabulation and statistical analysis. Through the applied research techniques (questionnaires and interviews), it is mentioned that both in the cognitive and behavioral dimension, favorable results are reflected, the more detailed the knowledge and assimilation, the more favorable the attitude towards the profession. While in the affective dimension, it is identified that this is the dimension that requires more attention, since in more than one item of the questionnaire it has been indicated as indifferent or to disagree, while it is recognized that the affective aspect is a Preponderant value, which includes feelings and feelings expressed towards the profession, has to do with open communication between students and with teachers, promoting social and professional coexistence, activating an emotional interdependence in human relationships to strengthen professional training.


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How to Cite
Gamarra de Velazco, F. K. (2021). Attitudes of Teacher Training Students of the Pilar Regional Education Center about the exercise of the profession. Ciencia Latina Revista Científica Multidisciplinar, 5(3), 2778-2792.