Motivation and job performance of the workers of the Alto Amazonas sub-regional management

  • Gloria Dolores Odicio Manrique Escuela de post grado Universidad César Vallejo.
  • Carlos Miguel Aguilar Saldaña Escuela de post grado Universidad César Vallejo.
  • Sandra Ruiz Correa Escuela de post grado Universidad César Vallejo.
  • Hugo Olivas Salazar Escuela de post grado Universidad César Vallejo.
  • Julio Iván Torres Manrique Escuela de post grado Universidad César Vallejo.
  • Roberto Alonso Enríquez Calderón Escuela de post grado Universidad César Vallejo.
  • Ana Elizabeth Rojas Rivera Escuela de post grado Universidad César Vallejo.
Keywords: motivation, performance, work


The research is fundamentally based on the relationship that exists between Motivation and Labor Performance of the workers of the Sub regional Management of Alto Amazonas. It is justified because it provides reliable and valid information on the needs of workers in the Administration and Human Resources departments, as well as perceiving what drives an employee to "feel good" within their organization. The objective is to determine the relationship between Motivation and Labor Performance of the workers of the Sub regional Management of Alto Amazonas-Loreto. The research presents a cross-sectional correlational design, the data is collected in a single space and time; then, describe, analyze the variables based on the results and establish the relationship of the variables. As data collection techniques, the technique of the cabinet has been established and the survey as an instrument of recruitment. It was concluded that job performance depends significantly on motivation; which indicates, if a collaborator feels like doing a good job, their performance will be optimal; However, if you are unmotivated and reluctant, your performance at work will not be productive.


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How to Cite
Odicio Manrique, G. D., Aguilar Saldaña, C. M., Ruiz Correa, S., Olivas Salazar, H., Torres Manrique, J. I., Enríquez Calderón, R. A., & Rojas Rivera, A. E. (2021). Motivation and job performance of the workers of the Alto Amazonas sub-regional management. Ciencia Latina Revista Científica Multidisciplinar, 5(5), 6790-6808.

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