Innovative Technological Didactic Resources to Develop Writing Skills in the English Language
This article delves into the use of technological resources to improve writing skills in the English language. It presents findings from observations carried out at the Eloy Alfaro University in the city of Chone, which reveal knowledge about technological integration, online learning platforms, and interaction with writing. The results indicate different levels of adoption and effectiveness in the incorporation of technology in the teaching of writing in English. Notably, there is a strong emphasis on adapting to technological changes and integrating online platforms to motivate students and facilitate learning outside the classroom. The document also highlights the importance of providing feedback to students using technological tools to improve their writing development. Furthermore, the study emphasizes the positive impact of technology on students' engagement and performance in writing tasks. Overall, the research highlights the importance of integrating innovative technological resources into language education to improve students' writing skills and the overall learning experience.
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Derechos de autor 2024 José Carlos Zambrano Santana, Melany Jael Vizcaino Anangono, Víctor Efrén Alcívar Calderón
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