Methodological strategies to extend the attention of the students of the sixth year EGB of the Educational Center "5 de mayo" in the teaching-learning process of the English language

Palabras clave: methodological strategies, learning-teaching process, attention, english learning


This investigation delves into the efficacy of various methodological strategies in sustaining student attention within a sixth-grade English classroom in Chone City. With a class size of 62, maintaining student engagement presents a significant challenge. To address this, the study employed a bibliometric analysis to inform the research framework. A convenience sample of five English teachers with varying levels of experience was selected for in-depth interviews. Additionally, classroom observations were conducted to gather comprehensive data. The research findings illuminate the correlation between specific methodological approaches and their impact on student attention levels. By examining the perspectives of experienced educators and observing classroom dynamics, this study offers valuable insights into effective strategies for optimizing student engagement in large-scale classroom settings. The study also explores the role of interactive and participatory teaching methods, such as group discussions, multimedia presentations, and hands-on activities, in fostering a more engaging learning environment. By integrating these approaches, teachers can create a more dynamic and stimulating classroom atmosphere that caters to diverse learning styles and keeps students actively involved. Furthermore, the research highlights the importance of continuous professional development for teachers, enabling them to stay updated with the latest educational trends and techniques. This ongoing learning process empowers educators to implement innovative strategies that can effectively capture and maintain student interest. Ultimately, the findings of this study aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of the factors that contribute to student engagement and offer practical recommendations for educators seeking to enhance the learning experience in large classroom settings.


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Cómo citar
Molina Andrade, S. S., Zambrano Ocampo , M., & Alcivar Calderón, V. E. (2024). Methodological strategies to extend the attention of the students of the sixth year EGB of the Educational Center "5 de mayo" in the teaching-learning process of the English language. Ciencia Latina Revista Científica Multidisciplinar, 8(4), 8525-8546.
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