Methodological Strategy for the Development of Speaking Skills in the English Language

Palabras clave: english teaching-learning process, methodological strategies, develop speaking


The present research study examines the crucial role of methodological strategies in English language teaching to develop speaking skills. It focuses on a sample of students from the elementary basic level of two public educational institutions and Uleam University in the city of Chone. A descriptive approach was employed, centering on scientific tasks and utilizing convenience sampling method. Data collection was conducted through five interviews with elementary basic level teachers, three interviews with university English teachers, and observation of five English class sessions. The results highlight the importance of applying strategies to motivate students to speak during the English teaching-learning process, emphasizing the need to balance both in order to maximize the use of available techniques, methodologies, and resources. The study particularly emphasizes the importance of the communicative approach, underscoring how this method influences the development of students' communicative competence. Additionally, internal factors such as self-will, enthusiasm, enjoyment, satisfaction, and autonomy, as well as external factors such as rewards and recognition, were identified as having an impact on students' learning. These findings underscore the importance of considering both methodological and motivational elements when creating effective strategies to improve oral expression in English. This study contributes to the field of research and education by providing important insights into the significance of planning and balancing methodological and motivational strategies in the development of English language proficiency.


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Cómo citar
Mendoza Rodríguez, M. S., Molina Vera, D. M., & Alcívar Calderón , V. E. (2024). Methodological Strategy for the Development of Speaking Skills in the English Language. Ciencia Latina Revista Científica Multidisciplinar, 8(4), 8505-8524.
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