Cooperative, Collaborative Learning Enhances Students’ Ability to Improve Their Oral Communication in an English Classroom
This study examines the effectiveness of cooperative and collaborative learning methodologies in enhancing oral English communication skills, particularly in real-life situations within the classroom. It focuses on the practical benefits of these approaches in developing L2 learners' oral proficiency through mutual support and interaction. Conducted with 49 11th-grade students from a public high school, the research involved an educational intervention that applied cooperative and collaborative strategies, such as role-plays, discussions, debates, and group projects. These activities provided students with diverse language inputs and communicative strategies suited to their English level. Besides, data collection included an observation checklist before and after the intervention, as well as a survey that analyzed students’ collaborative experiences, the challenges they faced, and strategies to overcome language-speaking barriers. The study found that both cooperative and collaborative learning fostered active participation, peer interaction, and authentic communication, which are vital for improving L2 oral proficiency. In conclusion, the research highlights the value of these methodologies in creating opportunities for students to engage in real-life communication, strengthening their oral skills, and empowering them to communicate more effectively in English.
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Derechos de autor 2024 Karen Virginia Alcivar Loor, Javier Antonio Zambrano Mero, Andrea Monserrate Muñoz Rodríguez, Claudia Katiuska Loor Caicedo

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