Gender equality to achieve the sustainable development goals through the implementation of an innovative strategy

Palabras clave: english learning, teaching process, sdg, gender quality, innovative stategy


The objective of this research was to encourage the management and knowledge of gender equality through the reality that family conflicts involve in the teaching process of students, in order to transform and improve the English level of the boys and girls of Gimnasio Bilingue Moderno; which are located throughout the Colombian territory and all efforts were focused on designing didactic and methodological strategies for the use of English as a foreign language, using the competencies for life and the Sustainable Development Goals SDG, which recognize the social, economic, political, and demographic needs as a reference for the educator, who acknowledges that persons involved in the educational process are more than the two main actors (students and teachers); taking into account parents, tutors and communities surrounding the institution. Thus, a qualitative approach was using in this study. Among the results, it was possible to observe an appropriation of the proposed topic and also a clear sign of acceptance of the topic of women shown as equal to men demonstrating the importance of gender based.


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Cómo citar
García Guerra, A. C., Martínez Bula, L. R., Restrepo Ruíz, M., González , L. E., Herrera, J. A., & Gándara Molina, M. (2022). Gender equality to achieve the sustainable development goals through the implementation of an innovative strategy. Ciencia Latina Revista Científica Multidisciplinar, 6(6), 8516-8530.

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