Using Online Tools in Teaching English as a Foreign Language
Reaching the mastery of a foreign language is vital in this globalized world; therefore, the aim of this study is to provide important data that can help teachers choose the most productive online tools to help their students learn English using technology in a dynamic manner. This article presents a literature review that utilizes a qualitative method about the use of online tools for the EFL classroom. To locate the publications that met the researcher's criteria, a search of articles was conducted in the Google Scholar database, with an emphasis on the abstract, results, and conclusions. One of the biggest benefits of using Internet resources for teaching and studying English is their flexibility. The analysis of online resources reveals that they have contributed to the development of supportive and competitive environments that have improved speaking abilities, pronunciation, and fluency. They have also helped people find ideas for sentences more quickly when speaking, increase motivation, encourage peer learning, broaden their vocabulary knowledge through reading, engage in conversation, and lessen their fear. Besides, they demonstrate that using the tools effectively has presented some barriers for students, but practice and instruction have helped them get past these obstacles and achieve learning.
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Derechos de autor 2023 Karina Fernanda Sotomayor Cantos , María Belén Baños Coello , Jorge Andrés Córdova Pintado

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