Conocimientos, Creencias y Actitudes de Adultos Jóvenes sobre el Uso del Preservativo Masculino: Revisión Sistemática
Se llevó a cabo una revisión sistemática en la base de datos de PubMed con el propósito de sintetizar la evidencia científica publicada de 2017 a 2023 sobre la relación de los conocimientos, creencias y actitudes de adultos jóvenes sobre el uso del condón masculino. El análisis abarcó 10 artículos que evidencian que la relación entre conocimientos, creencias, actitudes y la conducta de usar preservativo es tanto interactiva como compleja. Se destaca que un conocimiento adecuado puede ejercer influencia sobre las creencias, las cuales, a su vez, pueden incidir en las actitudes hacia el preservativo. Estas actitudes, conjuntamente con otros factores, finalmente contribuyen a la decisión y acción de utilizar o no el preservativo.
Ballester-Arnal, R., Ruiz-Palomino, E., & Gil-Llario, M. D. (2017). Structural Equation Modeling Test of an Integrated Model of Spanish Youth's Condom Use. AIDS and behavior, 21(5), 1407–1416.
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Ellis, E. M., Rajagopal, R., & Kiviniemi, M. T. (2018). The interplay between feelings and beliefs about condoms as predictors of their use. Psychology & health, 33(2), 176–192.
Elshiekh, H. F., Hoving, C., & de Vries, H. (2023). Psychosocial determinants of consistent condom use among university students in Sudan: findings from a study using the Integrated Change Model. BMC public health, 23(1), 578.
Giménez-García, C., Ruiz-Palomino, E., Gil-Llario, M. D., Ballester-Arnal, R., & Castañeiras, C. (2018). Why Do Young Hispanic Women Take Sexual Risks? Psychological and Cultural Factors for HIV Prevention. The Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care: JANAC, 29(5), 762–769.
Huang, Y., Yu, B., Jia, P., Wang, Z., Yang, S., Tian, C., Lai, W., & Yang, S. (2020). Association between Psychological Factors and Condom Use with Regular and Nonregular Male Sexual Partners among Chinese MSM: A Quantitative Study Based on the Health Belief Model. BioMed research international,2020, 5807162.
Khumsaen, N., & Stephenson, R. (2017). Beliefs and Perception About HIV/AIDS, Self-Efficacy, and HIV Sexual Risk Behaviors Among Young Thai Men Who Have Sex With Men. AIDS education and prevention: Official publication of the International Society for AIDS Education, 29(2), 175–190.
Lalo, R., Theodhosi, G., & Breshanaj, A. (2020). Health beliefs and barriers related to HIV prevention and screening among students of the University of Vlora: a cross-sectional study. BMC public health, 20(1), 1302.
Mirzaee, M., Jahani, Y., & Sharifi, H. (2017). Reasons for Inconsistent Condom Use Found as Answers to a Multiple Response Question: A National Survey of Iranian Adults, 2013. Journal of research in health sciences, 17(3), e00389.
Ngoc Do, H., Ngoc Nguyen, D., Quynh Thi Nguyen, H., Tuan Nguyen, A., Duy Nguyen, H., Phuong Bui, T., Bich Thi Vu, T., Thanh Le, K., Tuan Nguyen, D., Tat Nguyen, C., Gia Vu, L., Thu Vu, G., Xuan Tran, B., Latkin, C. A., Ho, R. C. M., & Ho, C. S. H. (2020). Patterns of Risky Sexual Behaviors and Associated Factors among Youths and Adolescents in Vietnam. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(6), 1903.
Page, M. J., Moher, D., Bossuyt, P. M., Boutron, I., Hoffmann, T. C., Mulrow, C. D., Shamseer, L., Tetzlaff, J. M., Akl, E. A., Brennan, S. E., Chou, R., Glanville, J., Grimshaw, J. M., Hróbjartsson, A., Lalu, M. M., Li, T., Loder, E. W., Mayo-Wilson, E., McDonald, S., McGuinness, L. A., Stewart, L. A., Thomas, J., Tricco, A. C.,Welch, V., Whiting, P., & McKenzie, J. E. (2021). PRISMA 2020 explanation and elaboration: updated guidance and exemplars for reporting systematic reviews. BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 372(160), 1-36.
Pérez-Jiménez, D., Acosta-Pérez, E., Ortega-Guzmán, J. M., & Maldonado-Martínez, J. A. (2021). Internet Study about Risk Factors Associated with HIV among Heterosexuals in Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico health sciences journal, 40(1), 26–32.
Derechos de autor 2024 Yeniffer Gomez Delgado , Georgina Contreras Landgrave, Cristiane Costa da Cunha Oliveira, Manuel Leonardo Ibarra Espinosa
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