Analysis of the effectiveness of the Action Oriented Approach in the New English Program proposed by the Ministry of Public Education in the year 2018

  • Daniel Cadenas Bogantes Facultad de Educación Universidad Hispanoamericana
  • Julio César Castro Miranda Facultad de Educación Universidad Hispanoamericana
Keywords: M.E.P, , T.O.E.I.C, English curriculum, proficiency, approach


The use and understanding of the English language, more than an option, is a necessity. Developing a good proficiency in the English Language is needed since communication is a basic need to express any point of view, to build relationships, to understand ideas, and to convey messages using the language as a means for interaction. English is considered a Lingua Franca, which means that it is the language used for common understanding of international communication. It is also the language for transmission of scientific and academic knowledge, and the main door to cutting- age technology. By giving students this opportunity to learn English opens doors that sooner than later will allow them to speak to other people worldwide. It is for this reason; this new English Program has incorporated the proficiency scale the TOEIC exam uses in order to level and grade students based upon the Common European Framework of Reference for languages (CEFR).

Thus, the view of integrating a globalized world is important, but learners must have to understand that maintaining their identity is key to be part of a global society. It is important to prepare students to be part of a society where respect and tolerance function as its basis. Educating students to be aware of their cultural belonging, who defend principles such as freedom of expression and being against of all forms of discrimination, reflect behaviors that allow Costa Ricans to be part of a globalized society.


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How to Cite
Cadenas Bogantes, D., & Castro Miranda, J. C. (2021). Analysis of the effectiveness of the Action Oriented Approach in the New English Program proposed by the Ministry of Public Education in the year 2018. Ciencia Latina Revista Científica Multidisciplinar, 5(3), 2387-2402.