Behavioral and Cognitive Differences between Gifted Individuals and Those with Extremely High IQ - People at 2SD and 3SD
Gifted individuals, with IQs 2 standard deviations above the mean, exhibit behaviors more closely associated with the frontal region of the brain, which may be imbalanced with other areas responsible for different types of intelligence. This imbalance contributes to a tendency towards maladaptive perfectionism. Despite demonstrating above-average intelligence, these individuals often show low creativity in terms of innovations and unconventional thinking. Behaviorally, there is a greater similarity with the autism spectrum, manifesting through compensatory behaviors. Conversely, individuals with extremely high IQs, 3 standard deviations above the mean, exhibit more uniform cognitive characteristics, tending to explore a broader range of actions and showing less rigidity and specificity in their choices. This plurality is associated with greater creativity based on emotional foundations. They demonstrate less interest in determinism and a reduced need for competition. Additionally, they possess a more developed instinctive system and a perception of existence that is less literal and more differentiated. This contrast suggests that while gifted individuals may excel in specific areas due to their intense focus and specialized skills, those with extremely high IQs benefit from a more holistic and integrated approach, facilitating creativity and emotional adaptability.
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Derechos de autor 2024 Fabiano de Abreu Agrela Rodrigues, Francis Moreira da Silveira, Elodia Avila , Sophia Iris Moreira Utnick Brennan

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